【天玉之原创英文诗歌习作集】(2015-2023) ( 11-20)

【天玉之原创英文诗歌习作集】(2015-2023) ( 11-20)



                       【天玉之原创英文诗歌习作集】(2015-2023)  (11-20)



             【A Windstorm】

A windstorm swept across the city
Shook dead branches from many trees
Down to the ground
The tree trunk of my heart
Also dangles some branches, hard to part
External forces, such as a windstorm
Just what it needs ——
The final blow





The sun finally came out and 
melted the snow
water flowing around 
wet the streets and grass
water puddles shine like mirrors 
I ran out, opened my arms, and 
faced up to the sun
not sure why, tears dripping down 
from the corners of my eyes
it must have been the snow, that
piled up in my heart 
during the whole winter







         【Love and Scars】

Before medical tubes
choke us,like snakes 
in the dark lurking

 Before bottles of chemicals
injected into our body 
for a few more breaths taken in

 Let's break those chains and
run freely,like happy animals
in prehistoric times

 Drink rain water for thirst
give hugs for warmth
eat berries for hunger, herbs to ease pain

 We will go out to the green fields 
make love and scars, 
collect them as tickets to Heaven




        【If You Feel Lonely】     

If you feel lonely
make a tree pose
imagine yourself a rainbow tree 
in a beautiful forest

Raise your hands high
so the tree touches the sky
feel energy flow to your feet
fill in any emptiness you experience

Leaves chant in the wind 
a thousand eyes wide open
taste raindrops from orchids
hear flowers blooming in the mist

The sun glides over dark shadow
shows the world a hundred miles grin
breathe the life around you
who will never be a lonely tree





        【Floating Clouds & May Storms】


A floating cloud (as you called it) drifted back. Again.
It has been lurking somewhere, 
The same one that you blew away, several times,
Euphemistically but firmly, with your magic wand

Suddenly,I realize the reason for
The lightness of a floathing cloud ——
It has no face, or form, nor a heart, heavy enough
To anchor self pity or love

A cloud carries little weight,
Moves in and out in the sky full of sunshine,
Not knowing which sphere it belongs to, 
Nor where it goes from here

Nevertheless, it was the cause and the epicenter of
Recent May storms, just as upsetting and 
Detrimental as last May's, only that 
This time,

We experienced it together, tacitly from afar
Hand in hand, with smiles and inner peace
"Sweetheart, how many storms
have we weathered together by now?"

"May showers bring June flowers..."





       【Fireside Chat at Year End】

 I knit my inner joy and loneliness together
tie them into knots with words 
with your knots connected with mine, we then 
have the sun and the moon, latitude and longitude
we have a city of hearts, with wind and rain
day and night, inside live you and me
more truthful than reality 

Similar soul and energy
in this vast world
as if two molecules drifting in the sea
such an encounter is a ten-millionth probability 
however, we hit the jackpot 
feeling thankful and lucky 
how could we expect anything else?

Some people communicate everyday
but couldn’t hear the voice from one’s heart
we may only talk in words
but every word taps on the keyboard of a soul
Yes, you could not touch my face and my hand
your tenderness between the lines 
touches my heart






【Come back to me when you are free】

When your thoughts of me 
float in sips of your morning coffee
you see my smile in rose petals 
and the music you play
come back to me

When your hands are free to hug
your heart filled with joy, not guilt
when you can reach for all of me 
in the morning breeze 
come back to me

Even if I have to wait for years 
when your hair turns grey,and
your wrinkles of missing me 
written all over your face
I don’t mind, my love

I will be your coffee, your music
your rose petals,and
your love will feed mine
come back to me, my love
come back when you are free





    【Rose on Top of a Mountain】

 How would I expect you
to nourish my soul, with sunshine and rain 
the soul of a rose on top of a mountain 
when you bear the hunger of your own soul
looking for berries and firewood 
for a mountain hut down below?

I will not descend, just to be with you
do you have the courage and strength 
to climb to the top, with your bare hands and feet?
If I didn’t choose me at this time
you would not have looked up to me
in the first place

I am not the wild daisy, embellishing your journey
nor am I the snow lotus,
secretly blooming in an imaginary cave
treat me as the rose on top of a mountain
when you touch my petals 
with genuine sunshine from your heart
I will return with my sweetest smiles





           【Moonlit Night in Maui】


That night, the Moon glided on
Blue sky water, the wind wandered between 
Coconut trees and phoenix trees
I lay on the lounge chair, half awake and half asleep
All the reasons for being in this world faded away 
With the sound of waves, left only bare existence
The fine sand underneath my  feet, the island in the distance
I myself,  between Heaven and Earth, 
Breathed together with the ocean 

I would like to take someone, in my remaining years
Return to the moonlit night of Maui,
Listen to the wave sound of two souls
Ease into peaceful tranquillity of existence
It would be a holy night,
More meaningful than any wedding or funeral
At last, we, two human beings
No longer lonely, in the universe

Who will return with me after all?
That face of clarity and a blur at times 
Recently appear in my dreams again,
Wafting me off in the fragrance of plumeria flowers, 
Pineapple smelled breeze 




请欣赏朗诵大师欢灵儿朗诵这首诗,她的嗓音有些像丁建华,很好听 ~~


               【The Oaks at Salem】


We've gotten used to masks, zoom meetings
Canceled plans, trips, graduation parties
Home cooked meals, and TV's daily bad news

But today, I took out that floral qipao dress
A pair of glittering high heeled shoes
Flew to Salem, North Carolina, the Oaks 

The roses in the north are about to wither
The blossom season of southern roses just begins
Roses will bloom, in time, even in a world full of viruses 

The sky bestows ocean wave blue, the clouds hover sheep suet white 
The lovers'walk in the sunset towards the altar
Could have happened ten years back

The vows, the kisses, the dance
The sparkles in the eyes, the teardrops on the face
Sweet love, I was in your arms 





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来源: 文学城-天玉之
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