Timeout post to Melon-Melon

Timeout post to Melon-Melon

I did a timeout and some JMs here said I was too harsh. Anyway, I only did timeout twice for the food throwing behavior and it corrected the problem.

I did all the persuasion with reasoning but it did not work. Finally I decided to give timeout a try. I gave out warning 3 times before telling him not to throw food out or he would have to go to timeout.

It is good that if you can explain what is timeout to your kid when he was calm and in a normal mood. I did not have a chance to do that because he was timeout at daycare before I have ever given him timeout.

Explain to him what is timeout, and how would you do timeout and also what is the purpose of the timeout. That is what the book said.
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来源: 文学城-秋月冬雪