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The School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB) invites applications for the position of Senior Research Fellow. 

Key Responsibilities: 

The Senior Research Fellow will design and synthesize new antibacterial drugs. He/she will also work with Post-doctoral fellows to achieve the project goals.

Will develop and execute experiments aimed at the design and synthesis of small and oligomeric antibacterial drugs which may include heterocyclic compounds, azole compounds, etc. He / she will also do the structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies of the drug activities and toxicity.  This includes:

  • Prepare technical reports for the program PIs and present data at regular group meetings.

  • Draft research publications/proposals.

  • Supervise PHD students.

  • Assist with organization and management of the research team, such as upkeeping of laboratory safety, procurement, Goods Receive, lab safety, report, and proposal preparation, etc.

Job Requirements: 

  • PHD degree in organic chemistry, chemistry, materials science or related fields.

  • Capacity to develop and interpret small molecule drug structure-activity relationship, antimicrobial activity.

  • Expertise in multi-step organic synthetic chemistry and knowledge in carbene chemistry will be advantages.

  • Expertise in developing and interpreting experiments SAR for drug design will be advantageous.

  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team

  • Good interpersonal and communication skills, oral and written, as well as organizational 

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.



The School of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE)  invites applications for the position of Research Fellow. 

Key Responsibilities: 

  • Support leading-edge research in the fields of oxides and small molecule electrocatalysis.

  • Provide day-to-day support for the research team

  • Undertake open ended research projects under the research team supervision.

Job Requirements: 

  • A PhD degree in Physics, Solid-state physics, electrochemistry, Materials Science, or Materials Physics 

  • A strong background in electrochemistry, physics, solid state physics, materials science, and materials physics

  • Strong analytical and conceptual abilities

  • Ability to work independently or in a team in the realization of the R&D work

  • Ability to publish conference/journal papers

  • Ability and willingness to train and advice graduate on relevant procedures

  • Regular reports and good documentation of work are expected

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English

  • Strong research experience in materials chemistry. 

  • Strong ability to work as team member in supporting experimental research

  • Strong independent research ability    

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Hiring Institution: NTU



School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS) are seeking a highly motivated Senior Research Fellow to lead experimental efforts on scanning tunnelling spectroscopy of topological materials, heterostructures and devices, at cryogenic temperatures, harnessing the interplay of topology, superconductivity and magnetism.

Demonstrated capability, creativity and high-impact outcomes in low temperature experimental condensed matter physics will be a key requirement. The senior research fellow will be working in a newly developed ultra-low vibration laboratory facility equipped with a dilution refrigerator-coupled scanning tunnelling microscope operating at milliKelvin temperatures in vectorized magnetic fields (Unisoku, Japan). Other facility developed include a low-temperature (4.2K) STM system (Omicron, Germany), with UHV-MBE for crystal growth, and a dilution cryostat for transport spectroscopy measurement of quantum materials. 

Facilities and protocols for material growth, device nanofabrication are in place to further support the experimental work of the Senior Research Fellow in terms of measurement.

Job Responsibilities

  • Lead and contribute to experimental work on local probe spectroscopy at mK-temperatures in a newly developed research lab

  • Help with procuring equipment and consumables

  • Design and outfit of a new mK-STM lab

  • Guidance / Co-supervision of research students

  • Writing of research publications

Job Requirements

Detailed Technical Requirements:

  • Demonstrated track record in local probe spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures
    (T = 4.2K and below), including cryogenics handling and UHV

  • Experience with scanning probe systems at T<500mK is preferred

  • Experience with Unisoku low-temperature STMs will be an advantage

Further Job Requirements:

  • At least 5 years after PhD in experimental condensed matter physics

  • Demonstrated track record of high-impact research achievements

  • Demonstrated ability to publish high-tier research publications

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills (including scientific writing)

  • Ability to work independently but also as part of a team

The duration of the initial contract is 1-2 years, with option for renewal on a yearly basis, based on performance. Candidates are expected to assume duty any time from their hire

Expiry: The position will remain open until filled. Interested applicants to send their details (including CV, list of publications) via NTU’s recruitment portal WorkDay from which the Programme team will be notified. We regret to inform that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Hiring Institution: NTU



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