



最近经历了 YQ 的冲击,各地的街面又开始恢复生机。尤其是元旦假期过后,🐑康大军们又重回办公阵地。当然,人是回来了,心态却未必。毕竟过去这半个月,乃至整个过去 3 年,我们经历了太多,甚至某种程度上都已经习惯了在家办公,以及空荡的街面和楼宇。


最近我看外国一家网站上给到 6 点建议,很是简单实用,拿来与各位共勉。



How to Prepare Yourself to Return to Work after WFH


WFH (work from home) 居家办公,在家工作

○People are already moving out of cities, in part because of COVID but in part because they think that in the future they're going to work from home. 人们已经搬离城市,一部分是因为疫情,另一部分是因为他们认为将来他们会在家工作。

1. Acknowledge Negative Thoughts


In this uncertain moment of history, many of us would have conflicting thoughts about stepping out once again to restore normalcy in our lives. It's absolutely fine to have such thoughts after what we all have experienced in 2020. However, it's important that you try to control any negativity or anxiety that you are feeling.

在当下不确定的历史时刻,我们很多人,对于再次踏出家门、重返生活正轨都会怀有思想斗争。在我们都经历了 2020 年(文章写于 2021 年) 之后,有这样的想法实在是再正常不过了。但是控制你的负面情绪或者焦虑情绪非常重要。

conflicting /kənˈflɪktɪŋ/  adj. 相矛盾的,冲突的

○ conflicting thoughts 相互斗争的思想

normalcy /ˈnɔ(r)məlsi/ n. 正常状态,常态

○He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections. 他说政府会致力于恢复正常秩序,并进行选举。

From being over-concerned about the sanitization of the office space, constant policing to use sanitizers, or over cautiousness in talking to office colleagues, there can be a lot of things on your mind that makes it hard for you to resume normal day office.


sanitization /ˌsænɪtaɪ'zeɪʃən/ n. 消毒,清洁

○ For more thorough sanitization, put the feeding tray in the dishwasher after use.使用完毕后,请将餐盘放入洗碗机内,以便进行更彻底的清洁。

sanitizer /sænɪtaɪzə(r)/ n. 消毒剂

police /pəˈliːs/ v. 管理,监督

○ Policing of business courses varies widely. 对商业行为的监管差别很大。

The first step to overcome these fears is to acknowledge them. Acknowledge these thoughts and find the right people to talk to. Talk to someone around whom you feel comfortable. They can be your colleagues, friends, or your HR. Ignoring such thoughts or mismanaged fears can lead to serious health troubles.

克服这些恐惧的第一步就是要承认这些恐惧的存在。要承认自己确实有担心有顾虑,继而去找到合适的人来交流。跟你周围能让自己感觉舒服的人交谈。这些人可以是你的同事、朋友,也可以是公司的 HR(人事)。如果你对自己内心的这种担忧视而不见,或者错误地管理自己内心的恐惧情绪,实际上会导致严重的健康问题。

acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ v. 接受,承认

○ The family acknowledge the need for change. 这个家族承认了改变的重要性。

2. Be Open to Change


Remember the last time you walked out of your office before the lockdown started? Well, be assured, when you return to the office, your workplace would also not be the same. The Covid-19 Pandemic has forced everyone including the whole workplace ecosystem to undergo drastic transitions to survive.

还记得在 F 控开始前,你上一次走出办公室的情形吗?放心,当你回到办公室的时候,这些办公场所也会变得不一样了。这场疫情迫使每个人,也包括整个办公生态,都经历了巨大转变,以求存活。

undergo /ˌʌndəˈɡəʊ/ v. 经受,遭受

○ She will have to undergo an operation. 她将要经受一场手术。

transition /trænˈzɪʃn/ n. 转变,过渡期

○ students in transition from one programme to another 由一课程向另一课程过渡的学生

Rather than being critical about these changes, be a part of the transition process. Be open to changes which your employer might find necessary to apply. Be positive about any such transitions and have faith. Looking at the brighter side of things always helps.


Take an example of your everyday cup of coffee at work. Maybe your company decides to cut down on costs by removing coffee machines from their office cafeteria. Rather than being upset about your coffee routine, think about the so many such decision every employer had to take to survive in this economy. Try to be a part of the solution and not the problem.


cut down 削减,减少

○ He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet. 他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。

3. Be Compassionate


Every person who walks into that office has survived in his/her way during the previous year. The memory of this pandemic is fresh in everyone's mind. Some may have lost their loved ones, someone may have had financial troubles, while some may be nervous or anxious. Everyone has fought their own battles in 2020. We need to be much more compassionate towards each other, especially when everyone went through a lot in all these months.

每一个走进那间办公室的人,在过去这一年,都从自己的不幸当中得以幸存下来。这场疫情在每个人的脑海中都还记忆犹新。有些人在这场疫情中失去了挚爱,有些人可能已经遇到了经济问题,还有一些人正感到紧张或焦虑。每个人都在 2020 年(文章写于 2021 年 )各自战斗。我们应该对彼此怀有更多的怜悯同情,尤其是这几个月,当每个人都走过了如此多的经历以后。

compassionate /kəmˈpæʃənət/ adj. 有同情心的

○ a caring compassionate man 有同情心并关爱他人的人

A kind word may help someone get over their nervousness, a patient ear may help someone find relief. Be patient with your office colleagues, after all the vibe of any workplace depends on how the employees feel.


vibe /vaɪb/ n. 气氛,氛围

○ The music has a soothing vibe. 这种音乐能让人放松。

4. Spread Joy 


As rightly said, be the change that you want to see in the world. Lead from the front and make people comfortable around you at your workplace. Have light-hearted conversations with your office colleagues, tell them things that may lighten up the mood.


Do your bit to bring some joy to the people around you. Find innovative ways to replace the usual handshake. Let it be the source of a smile for everyone who is a part of it.


5. Share WFH Experiences


One of the best ways to make the transition easy is to share your personal experiences with your office colleagues. WFH had made all of us convert our living rooms into makeshift offices, there must be so many experiences worth sharing. Gather around your office mates during lunch breaks or small coffee breaks and share each other's good and bad experiences while WFH.


convert /kənˈvɜːt/ v. 改变,转换

○Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom? 我们能把这间小卧室改建成第二间浴室吗?

makeshift /ˈmeɪkʃɪft/ adj. 临时的,简易的

○ The refugees slept in makeshift tents. 难民睡在临时搭建的帐篷中。

6. Focus on Productivity


Companies are now focusing on productivity to ensure a positive rate of growth. The main focus point has mostly shifted to the productivity of every individual working in an organization. The most important thing which should focus upon in times like these is being on top of your game. Any kind of carelessness towards your work may end up having serious consequences. 


Most of us are all set to get back to work, however, the transition from WFH to returning to the office won't be that easy. Although we are gradually turning a page of history, one thing is certain: humanity shall triumph.


humanity /hjuːˈmænəti/ n. 人类;人性

○ crimes against humanity 反人类罪

triumph /ˈtraɪʌmf/ v. 获胜

○ Argentina triumphed 7–5 in the final. 阿根廷队在决赛中以 7:5 获胜。


阳康之后,想减肥但不敢运动,高效又安全的方法找到了!聊一聊:阳康之后,你最想干点啥?搬家,却不入住阳康之后,你想去博物馆吗?小区里的“狼嚎”隆基、中环硅片价格战打响?光伏产业的投资策略该如何调整?限时领丨每个孩子都需要有一套书的DK大百科图书,宇宙大百科、微观世界大百科阳康之后,急需一口甜甜的流心柿饼来唤醒味觉阳康之后,生活仍未恢复正常|征集留学小百科|留学目的国工作许可规定及其他政策指南“阳康、阳过”们何时可以返岗?家里该如何消杀?国家地理和大英百科“强强联手”,这套少儿科普百科太值得入手!退休老人的福利还是梦魇阳康之后就不用打加强针了?阳康之后容易心慌啊,动不动心脏就咚咚咚的,怎么办?阳康之后,迅速囤一批好物,安心过节!看完这本书,更不想返工了美国女子加入ISIS,扬言“血洗美国”,被吊销公民身份,如今后悔想返回美国,最高法院都不想理阳康之后,下一针的新冠疫苗等多久打虎说百科丨双十一劝退大法:你每买一件衬衫,等于耗费 6000 瓶农夫山泉!阳康之后心肺问题突显,常喝这个茶饮,养肝保心护肺阳康之后,这对假面夫妻终于离婚了【打工人必看】堪培拉假期打工攻略来了!如何找到高薪工作?注意事项、信息网站和打工必备证书获得指南统统都有。国家地理和大英百科“强强联手”,这套少儿科普百科太值得入手了!热搜第一!浙江单日新增突破100万:阳康之后,新的风险悄悄袭来…阳康之后觉得外面的世界太可怕了转阴后就能放飞自我了吗?人民日报紧急提醒,请收好这份《阳康返岗指南》阳康之后,你的身体会面临多少种后遗症?交易看视频涨知识|阳转阴的6个误区,一定要了解!讀李敖《北京法源寺》图说丨“阳康”们陆续返岗上班,请收好这份防护指南虎说百科 | 不吃早饭不会让人变胖,甚至可以减肥?杨康之后消毒剂应该怎么选?阳康之后,养狗家庭应如何选择消毒液?