最近一批迷信女孩,纷纷换上了最新、最火的锦鲤头像:刘亦菲捧花。据说“神仙姐姐”的头像能旺财运、旺事业,C姐可不是个迷信的人,给小号换头像纯粹是因为 beautiful,刘亦菲的笑容杀治愈又甜蜜。
那宝子们平时夸人表示赞美的时候都用哪些呢?如果你还在用“you are so beautiful”,那就属实有点词穷了,今天我们就一起学习一下更加高级的夸法吧~
如果某人 drawing your attention,最常用的形容词是 attractive,这个词即可以形容TA的外表漂亮迷人,也可以形容TA的气质或品质充满魅力。I find him very attractive (= he attracts me sexually).如果TA某一点特别有感染力,有令人感兴趣的特质,你可以用 appealing 这个词。He had a nice smile and an appealing personality.She has an appealing sense of humour.如果TA的谈吐、言行更吸引你,当TA在说活或表达自己时,能让人想要去倾听和关注TA,你就可以形容TA engaging。He is a very engaging conversationalist.She has an engaging personality and puts people at ease.adorable,lovely,sweet 和 endearing 都主要用来形容孩子可爱、好看、甜美,不过也可以用来形容某人在无意中流露出的、带着无辜感的吸引力。其中 endearing 也可以用来形容人的性格品质。She has an adorable little sister.He smiled with an endearing boyish charm.She laughs at herself a lot, which is always endearing.如果一个人让你惊喜,让你小鹿乱撞,让你不确定该如何反应,不妨用 disarming 这个词。毕竟 disarm 的意思是“缴械投降”和“(尤指出乎意料地)使产生好感”。With a disarming smile, O'Reilly tried to put her at ease.
你可以形容某人有 a winning smile 或 winning charm,尤其是当这种魅力和吸引力能够带给TA某种优势和好处。With his chiseled jaw and winning smile, he has already won a modelling contract.
凭借棱角分明的下巴和迷人的笑容,他赢得了一份模特合同。He has a winning charm that means he usually gets his own way.
一个充满个人魅力,能够通过自己的个性吸引,甚至影响他人的人,可以被描述为 charismatic,alluring 或 magnetic(有磁性的),magnet 可是“磁体;磁铁”的意思是哦。There's something charismatic about him that people are just drawn to.An alluring intelligence underlies his floppy-haired nonchalance.
I found his personality irresistibly magnetic.如果某人是 mesmerizing,entrancing,bewitching,那意味着TA的魅力让你无法停止看TA或听TA说话。I've seen most of his movies, and he is just mesmerizing.She moves with an entrancing grace.He said she was the most bewitching creature he had ever met.一个 charming 的人形容的是通过亲切友好、礼貌、赞美他人等等人格魅力来吸引人的。He is both charming and witty.如果你发现某人 irresistible,TA对你的吸引力让你很难对他们说不。She gave me one of those irresistible smiles and I just had to agree.以上就是今天的内容啦,全篇可都是重点,你都记住了吗?