#关爱心理健康# 关注校园心理健康系列讲座第三讲,3月11日 星期六 9:30-11:30

#关爱心理健康# 关注校园心理健康系列讲座第三讲,3月11日 星期六 9:30-11:30


3月11日 星期六 9:30-11:30 #关爱心理健康 # 关注校园心理健康系列讲座第三讲         

感谢广大英语教师长期以来对美国驻华大使馆地区英语项目办公室(RELO)的支持。新年伊始,RELO与EducationUSA、Exchange Alumni联合推出#关爱心理健康 #关注校园心理健康系列讲座。主讲人L. Erika Saito 博士,是美国贝塔斯曼教育集团旗下公司Versidi Inc. 的Teach Us课程与教学执行总裁。她将从社交与情感技能学习与心理健康的角度为大家带来六期讲座。主题包括:1) 展望后疫情时代:从教师身份与反思实践开始;2) 探索基于循证的社交与情感学习策略;3) 培养积极向上的班风;4) 建立归属感的日常实践;5) 代际沟通:解决学生能动性问题以及 6) 社交与情感技能学习中的真实评估实践。讲座具体安排见后文。 

第三次讲座定于北京时间3月11日早9:30至11:30。讲座题目为:Cultivating a Positive Class Climate培养积极向上的班风。详情见下文。                       


本期话题将从您的自我评估和您的学生对班风的评估开始展开。我们热情地邀请您加入讨论,并对培养积极的班风的重要性进行了解!  班级氛围包括教室的物理空间,以及您为学生创造的情感和心理环境。拥有一个积极的班风意味着您为学生们提供了一个公平的学习空间,使他们能够获得知识的同时也在他们的学习环境中体验到了身体和情感的安全。如何实现这一点呢? 


  • 自我评估各自目前所在的班级氛围 

  • 反思班级需求 

  • 探索改善班风的做法 

  • 制定可操作的步骤以创造更积极的氛围。 


L. Erika Saito博士是贝塔斯曼教育集团旗下公司Teach Us, Versidi Inc. 的课程与教学执行总监。她曾担任加州最大的教育硕士和教师资格认证项目之一的项目主任,她还是美国国立大学教育工作者社交与情感学习重点项目的带头人。她是一名加州认证教师,拥有超过15年在K-12公私立学校的任教经验。Saito博士最近与人合作发表了一份针对亚裔美国人教师的在线研究,并继续为美国各地的在职和执业教师开发项目。Saito博士担任亚裔美国人教育项目的顾问,直接与西海岸的K-12家长、教师、地区、县办公室和组织合作。 

她的研究重点是亚裔美国人的历史、社区、种族认同、英语学习者、社交与情感技能学习以及社会接受。她的作品已发表在Teachers College Record, School Community Journal, The Family Journal, and Berkeley Review of Education 。她积极参与专业组织活动,包括American Educational Research Association’s Social and Emotional Learning SIG 和Comparative International Education Society’s Study Abroad and International Students SIG 。她连任California Association for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) K-12阶段助理主席和California Association of Asian Pacific Americans in Education (CAAPAE)的联席副主席。此外,她还在Issues in Teacher Education 和Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education 担任编辑职务。 

请于讲座开始前10分钟登录Zoom电脑或手机客户端,输入会议号:876 3265 3981和会议密码:RELO或扫描上图二维码参与。或者复制以下链接到浏览器,并点击从浏览器加入



Dear English teachers,  

Thank you for your continued support to Regional English Language Office (RELO) at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. RELO, in collaboration with EducationUSA and Exchange Alumni, is launching a series of webinars on the topic of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health on campus. This series will consist of six 90-minute live webinars taking place from February 11 to April 29, 2023. 

Please see below for the schedule for these six interactive webinars:  


The third session will be held at 9:30-11:30 am Beijing time on March 11, 2023. Please see details below for more information about the topic and the presenter. 

Webinar 3: Cultivating a Positive Class Climate 

How would you gauge your current class climate? Is it warm and inviting? Do all of your students feel seen and heard? 

As we engage in this topic, we warmly invite you to understand the importance of cultivating a positive class climate, beginning with your own self-assessment, and considering an assessment by your students! Class climate includes the physical space of the classroom as well as the emotional and psychological environment you create for your students. Having a positive class climate means that you are providing an equitable learning space for your students to access academic content, while also experiencing the physical and emotional safety in their environment. How is this accomplished?  

In this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  • Self-evaluate their current class climate

  • Reflect on classroom needs

  • Explore practices to improve class climate

  • Create actionable steps to create a more positive climate. 

Speaker Bio: 

L. Erika Saito, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction at Teach Us, Versidi Inc., a Bertelsmann Education Group Company. She is a former Assistant Professor & Program Director in one of the largest Masters in Education and teacher credentialing programs in California and led in the social and emotional learning emphasis for educators at National University, U.S.A. She is a California credentialed teacher with over 15 years of experience in K-12 public and private schools. Dr. Saito recently co-authored an online K-12 certificate in Asian American Studies for US teachers and continues to develop programs for in-service and practicing teachers across the US. Dr. Saito serves as a consultant for The Asian American Education Project, working directly with K-12 parents, teachers, districts, county offices, and organizations across the west coast. 

Her research centers on Asian American history, communities, ethnic identity, English learners, social and emotional learning, and societal reception. Erika’s works have been published in Teachers College Record, School Community Journal, The Family Journal, and Berkeley Review of Education. She is actively engaged in professional organizations which include Secretary for both American Educational Research Association’s Social and Emotional Learning SIG and Comparative International Education Society’s Study Abroad and International Students SIG, re-elected as K-12 Level Assistant Chair for the California Association for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL), and co-Vice President of  the California Association of Asian Pacific Americans in Education (CAAPAE). Further, she holds editorial roles for Issues in Teacher Education, and Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education. 



The Regional English Language Office works through the Public Affairs Sections of the US Embassy and US Consulates to create and implement projects and programs related to English language teaching methodology by providing training opportunities, expertise, and materials. The RELO Office in Beijing is one of 26 such offices around the world and is coordinated by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. For more information, see:


Follow us on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina. 


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