






On March 3, 1991, African American motorist Rodney King, who was intoxicated, had been caught speeding. Taken by bystander George Holliday, the footage shows four police officers reportedly striking King 56 times with their batons while he lay face down. King wasn't the first black man, or the last, to be beaten by police, but it was the first time it was caught on camera and shown to the world.


On April 29, 1992, a jury acquitted four white police officers accused of beating King. Following the initial uproar on April 29, the city plunged into five days of looting, assault, arson and murder in one of the worst episodes of civil unrest in US history. More than 60 people were killed, 2,300 injured and more than $1 billion in property was damaged. 


当晚,当地居民杰基·瑞恩(Jackie Ryan)下班开车回家时,感到空气中弥漫着紧张气氛。“我心想,这是要动真格儿的了,人们都很愤怒。”瑞恩告诉中国日报记者。

"And I'm going, this is something really real here. People are angry," Ryan, 85, a longtime resident of South Los Angeles, where the LA riots sprang up, told China Daily.


与此同时,该市最古老的黑人教堂第一非洲卫理公会主教教堂(First African Methodist Episcopal Church)的纳朱玛·史密斯-波拉德(Najuma Smith-Pollard)牧师质疑了这一判决。“这个判决是毁灭性的,非常伤人。”

"It was devastating; it was very hurtful," she told China Daily.

当天有许多牧师、公民领袖、官员、媒体和社区成员聚集在教堂,在教会主任牧师塞西尔·默里(Cecil L. Murray)的指导下进行服务和调解。那天晚上,20岁史密斯-波拉横穿南洛杉矶,她亲身体验了在不可调和的种族矛盾下的“彻底混乱”。“我只是不知道,我们的城市将如何恢复,它又将走向何方。”

"It wasn't that I was afraid of the people, I was just afraid of like, how does our city recover, where do we go from here," said Smith-Pollard, who serves as the assistant director of community and public engagement at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture.

自罗德尼·金事件以来,我们目睹了更多针对黑人的暴力行为。备受瞩目的案件包括2014年迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown)的致命枪击案、2015年弗雷迪·格雷的死亡(Freddie Gray),以及2020年布雷娜·泰勒(Breonna Taylor)和乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的谋杀。

一名韩裔美国杂货商指控黑人少年拉塔莎·哈林斯(Latasha Harlins)偷橙汁并导致了致命枪击事件。这位杂货商被判犯有故意杀人罪但却获得了缓刑,黑人社区许多人认为法院是轻罚了。



Most of the violence was concentrated in South LA, a predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhood, as well as Koreatown, where resentment had grown between Korean and African Americans. In all, more than 60 people died, most were black and brown, thousands were injured and nearly $1 billion in property was damaged, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Critics blamed the city's lack of a detailed plan for the crisis and the police department's slow response to stopping the violence that spread throughout the city. Some witnesses also accused the police of leaving the poor communities of color to fend for themselves while directing armed personnel to affluent areas like Beverly Hills.

'Too disrespectful'


现任南加州大学宗教与公民文化中心(USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture)社区与公众助理主任的史密斯-波拉德说:“现在,我们不仅对罗德尼·金感到愤怒;人们对其他所有有罗德尼·金经历的黑人和拉丁裔男人都感到愤怒,我们对此无能为力。” 人们无法相信即使有如此确凿的证据,裁决也没有任何变化,“这实在是太无礼了”。

That's why the ensuing verdict was so painful because people couldn't believe that even with sound and images, nothing changes, "that is just too disrespectful", said Smith-Pollard, who serves as the assistant director of community and public engagement at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture.

1992年4月30日,美国洛杉矶发生暴乱的第二天,一名警察举枪瞄准了一名抢劫者。JOHN GAPS III/AP

洛杉矶城市联盟(Los Angeles Urban League)总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·劳森(Michael Lawson)在接受中国日报采访时说:“‘一记耳光’这个词还无法形容他的社区在看到警察和韩国杂货店员被无罪释放后的感受”。他的组织致力于帮助非裔美国人和社区中的弱势群体。30 年前陪审团做出裁决时,劳森正在车里听收音机,他说:“我们刚开始对此有怀疑,但也抱有希望,但这一判决使我们的希望破灭。”

"A slap to the face" was too soft a term to describe how his community had felt in the wake of the acquittal of the officers and the Korean grocer, Michael Lawson, president and CEO of the Los Angeles Urban League, told China Daily.

"We were skeptical but hopeful at the same time; that verdict dashed our hopes," said Lawson, who was listening to the radio in his car when the jury's verdicts came 30 years ago.

罗德尼·金到乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd),30年过去了,美国警察仍然在做同样的事情。他们仍然认为没有摄像头,就可以侥幸逃脱。但2020年的弗洛伊德谋杀案有所不同,涉案警察终于在次年被定罪了。

"When you compare Rodney King and George Floyd, it's 30 years apart, and the police departments across the country are doing the same thing they were doing without cameras and thinking that they can get away with it," Lawson said. The difference with Floyd's murder is that it resulted in a conviction, in 2021, he added.

弗洛伊德于2020年5月25日在明尼阿波利斯被警察逮捕。他被戴上手铐并按在地上时,白人警察德里克·肖文(Derek Chauvin)骑在他脖子上超过9分钟,使得弗洛伊德大喊“我不能呼吸”并最终死亡。一名旁观者用手机拍到了全过程发到网上,由此引发了世界各地反对种族不公的抗议活动。


"Those of us who are old enough to remember held our breath, when the murderer of George Floyd was sentenced because we knew that time after time after time, the officers get acquitted, and finally, we have a situation where the officer was convicted," he said.

据洛杉矶警察局消息,在2021年发生了37起警察枪击事件,1992年为108起。30年前,60%的警察是白人。去年,白人警察只占总人数的28%;而西班牙裔占52%、亚太裔占11%、黑人占 9%。

The Los Angeles Police Department had 37 instances of shootings by police in 2021, compared with 108 in 1992. Thirty years ago, 60 percent of the officers were white. Last year, white officers made up 28 percent of the force; Hispanics, 52 percent; Asians and Pacific Islanders, 11 percent; and blacks, 9 percent, according to the department's year-end review.


Lawson acknowledged that progress has been made in relations between communities of color and law enforcement over the years, but "there's a lot of work to be done. It's not just LA, it's across the country now," he said.

赋权大会西区社区发展委员会(Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council)主席吉娜·菲尔兹(Gina Fields)说:“当你在20年后看到同样的挣扎时,很难不感到沮丧,这让我们更难释怀过去发生的事情,很难原谅和忘记这些遭遇。”

“It’s hard to not be disheartened when you see the same struggle 20 years later,” said Gina Fields, Chair of Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council. “It makes it a lot harder for us to just let go [of] what happened in the past, and forgive and forget.”


"There was a lot of anger in the community, and people didn't really have a place to put that anger," said Fields.


High unemployment


牛津大学历史学教授布伦达·史蒂文森(Brenda Stevenson)接受采访时表示,该社区的失业率很高,居民也难以获得负担得起的住房以及足够的教育和医疗资源。这与非裔美国人和西班牙裔的高监禁率一起导致了暴乱。

Brenda Stevenson, an Oxford University history professor, told China Daily that swathes of the neighborhood were plagued by high unemployment. Residents also had trouble getting affordable housing and adequate education and health resources. That, along with the high incarceration rate of African Americans and Hispanics, contributed to the unrest, she said.


The socioeconomic injustice that existed in 1992 is still present today, she said. In addition, the homeless population, made up mostly of brown and black people, has grown tremendously. The underlying racial disparities were further exposed during COVID-19, when ethnic minorities had limited access to treatment and testing, she said.


"There are so many things that are going on today that are both similar to and in some cases worse than it was in 1992," Stevenson said.

根据加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)研究人员的一项名为“六十年代以来的南洛杉矶”("South LA since the Sixties")的研究,在1960年至2016年间,在收入、住房、交通和教育等指标上,洛杉矶南部居民仍然远远落后于洛杉矶县的其他居民。2016年,一名有全职工作的南洛杉矶居民的收入是洛杉矶县其他地区全职员工的60%。

Between 1960 and 2016, in metrics such as income, housing, transportation and education, residents in South LA still lagged far behind others in Los Angeles County, according to a study by researchers from UCLA called "South LA since the Sixties". In 2016, a full-time employee in South LA made an average of 60 cents for every dollar earned by a county resident.


"Fighting for our rights still doesn't necessarily get us what we need in our community," she said.

尽管少数群体之间的种族关系有所改善,但洛杉矶仍然是一个深受种族隔离困扰的城市。“在洛杉矶,一个种族住在西区的圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica);另一个则住在威尔希尔地区(Wilshire area);还有住在南洛杉矶和东洛杉矶的群体,”菲尔兹说。


"We are so segregated that you can literally live your life not interacting with people of another ethnicity if you don't want to," Fields said.



当暴动发生时,洛杉矶亚裔美国人推进正义组织(Asian Americans Advancing Justice-LA)的首席执行官康尼·钟·乔(Connie Chung Joe)还在上高中。她回忆道,朋友的父母和自己的亲戚为了保护他们的企业不受抢劫者的侵害,还带着枪到了屋顶。




"I think what needs to be done to address racial disparities is to really think about how communities of color must work together to fight racial oppression instead of allowing ourselves to be pitted against one another for scraps of attention and resources," Joe said.

乔认为,我们需要更多的努力来解决“长期以来的种族紧张局势”,而且,近年来所谓“一些非裔美国人犯下反亚裔仇恨罪属于事实不准确”("factually incorrect")
4月16日,美国密歇根州的大急流城,民众走上街头抗议种族歧视。DANIEL SHULAR/THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS/AP

洛杉矶南部一个致力于改善该地区生活条件的社区联合组织(Community Coalition)的传播总监玛莎·米切尔(Marsha Mitchell)对此表示赞同。“目前有一种说法试图挑拨黑人与亚太裔(AAPI)群体的关系。但对亚太裔人群的攻击是完全源于美国根生蒂固的白人至上主义。”

"There is a current narrative trying to pit black and AAPI communities against each other. But the attacks and targeting of AAPI people are squarely rooted in white supremacy, which is embedded in American racism," she told China Daily.

Fair treatment demanded



Many interviewed for this article preferred to use the word uprising, instead of riots. It was "a demanding of equal and fair treatment", Fields pointed out.



"We also understand why people do it because a riot is the voice of the unheard," she said.

Compared with 30 years ago, ethnic groups are engaging each other more, there is also more accountability because of activism and technological advances, but activists and experts said more is needed to overturn "a system of racism".


"Until you've lived it, and walk in the shoes of racism, until you've been followed around in a store when you are just trying to shop; until you try to return an item of clothing into a store and they accuse you of stealing it; until you stood at a counter, and have someone white just walk in front of you like you are invisible, which happens day after day after day with me. Until you've lived that life, you don't really understand how it makes your heart feel," Fields said.


翻译:Kayla Ma

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