I used to have this appetite for food, for my life and it is just gone. I wanna go someplace where I can marvel at something. Language, gelato, spaghetti, something.我过去有美食的欲望,生活的欲望,可现在什么都没了。我想去一个能让我感到惊奇的地方:语言,意式冰淇淋,意大利面,等等。appetite 胃口wanna=want to 想要marvel 惊叹gelato=ice cream 冰淇淋spaghetti 意大利面
I used to have this appetite for food, for my life and^it^is just gone. I wanna(want to) go someplace where I can marvel atsomething.Language, gelato, spaghetti, something.
^ 连读
— 吞音
“日常口语”高频表达1. used to do sth 过去经常干什么I used to enjoy French food.我过去很喜欢法餐。2. marvel v. 惊讶/惊叹marvel at 惊叹于I marvel at this building.这座建筑让我感到惊叹。marvelous adj. 极好的/棒极了This is a marvelous idea.这个主意也太棒了。You look marvelous.你太惊艳了。3. spaghetti n. 意面I had spaghetti for dinner.晚餐我吃意大利面。Spaghetti is the most iconic food in Italy.意面是意大利最具标志性的美食。