



1975年6月,绿色和平(GreenPeace)组织的几位成员在一次反捕鲸行动中表示,一个180米的浮动屠宰场能够在不到半小时内处理一整头鲸鱼,还打出了著名的口号:“拯救鲸鱼(Save the Whales)。”

绿色和平组织不断曝光和阻止商业捕鲸的行为最终发挥了作用。国际捕鲸委员会(International Whaling Commission)在1985年颁布了暂停捕鲸的规定。数量一度减少超过95%的座头鲸,开始恢复繁荣。



比较解剖学家乔伊·赖登伯格(Joy Reidenberg)说:“最近所发生的是所谓的异常死亡事件。这是一个官方名称,指的是某一特定鲸鱼物种被冲上岸的尸体数量不同寻常。”赖登伯格同时也是一位从事鲸鱼尸体解剖的科学家,“所以,当一只动物尸体被冲上岸,我们做的第一件事就是检查尸体的外部。这只动物为什么会死?我们能从它的身体上了解到什么?”











Do We Need To Save the Whales Again?

[Clip of Greenpeace Activist] This is a 600-foot floating slaughterhouse capable of processing an entire whale in less than half an hour.

Tulika Bose: In June of 1975, several GreenPeace activists set sail under a banner which would become a famous slogan.

[Clip of Greenpeace Activist] We were left with no alternative but to carry out our pledge  to use our bodies as shields.

Bose: Save the Whales.

[Clip of Greenpeace Activist] We stopped one chaser boat already and saved one plot of whales. Not bad for a morning’s work.

Bose: Greenpeace’s constant campaigning against commercial whaling worked.

Bose: The international whaling commission issued a moratorium on whale hunting in 1985. Humpback whales — a population once decimated by more than 95% — started making a comeback.

[Whale Sounds]

Bose: But — something’s recently happened.

[NEWS CLIP] Concern at the Jersey Shore after yet another whale washed up on an Atlantic City beach.

Bose: Dead whales have started washing up on shores again — many over the last winter.

[NEWS CLIP] More whales are washing up on the East Coast this weekend and now marine conservation groups are trying to figure out why it’s happening.

Bose: It all begs the question — do we need to save the whales again?

Joy Reidenberg: What's happening right now is what's called an unusual mortality event. That is the official name for an unusual number of dead animals washing up of a particular species.

Bose: That’s Joy Reidenberg. She’s a comparative anatomist and a scientist that also does whale necropsies — or in layman’s terms, whale autopsies.

Reidenberg: So when an animal washes ashore dead, the first thing we do is we examine the outside of the body. Why did the animal die, and what can we learn from its body?

Bose: Though scientists can’t confirm what’s causing this unusual mortality event — there’s something that Joy can tell us about the dead whales.

Reidenberg: Many of them seem to have some kind of indication that they’ve been killed through an interaction with humans. And that interaction is actually mostly ship strikes.

Bose: And to really verify what’s killed the whale, Joy and a team have to dig inside the body of the whale itself.

Reidenberg: What we look for is, is there any evidence that there was bleeding at the site of the injury.

Bose: This by the way — isn’t easy.  A fully grown humpback whale, for example, can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and be as long as a schoolbus.

Reidenberg: So when the whale is in the path of a ship, it can actually bend the whale completely in half and break its spine, it can crush its ribcage and crush the vital organs inside, and then it can have slices through its body and those slices can be fatal if they slice through deep enough.

Bose: But ship strikes don’t always tell the whole story.

Reidenberg: If we look at the tissues and we don’t see evidence of bleeding, or bruising which is of course caused by blood vessels rupturing and causing this bloody stain inside the tissue, then the animal was hit after it was already dead — because a dead animal doesn’t bleed. It could be that the animal was already dead and it just got run over by a ship. In which case those slice marks might have not happened to a live animal.

Bose: And that’s because there are also other human interactions with whales that kill them besides ship strikes alone.

Reidenberg: Such as they could get tangled up in fishing gear. They often can't swim very well, they can't feed very well, especially if the lines wrap around the mouth, and the animal could actually die of starvation.

Bose: Not to mention — whales also get sick from viruses and bacterial infections.

Reidenberg: So — sometimes figuring out what the cause of death is can be extremely hard.

Bose: But — there’s something that Joy wants to clarify, as a scientist. Wind farms have been getting a lot of attention lately for allegedly playing a role in the recent spate of whale deaths.

[NEWS CLIP] Too many dead whales are washing ashore, and that has activists calling on President Biden to offshore — to do something about offshore wind energy activity.

Reidenberg: That’s because things that generate sound in the water can interfere with a whale’s ability to hear and can even affect their ability to communicate with other whales.

Bose: However — Joy says that something doesn’t add up.

Reidenberg: Right now there is no data to support that the wind farm industries, whether it's the wind farms themselves, or the seismic surveys that are done to determine where to place a wind farm have any effect on these whales.

Bose: Here’s why.

Reidenberg: Those sounds are not in the frequency range that these whales hear. So it's unlikely that that's causing their deafness.

Bose: In fact  — Joy has another explanation for what could be causing the sudden increase in whale deaths. It’s not what you might think...[full transcript]



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