【美国驻广州总领事馆活动】解读六月节:与历史学家Calinda Lee博士的对话, 6月6日,星期二,晚7:30

【美国驻广州总领事馆活动】解读六月节:与历史学家Calinda Lee博士的对话, 6月6日,星期二,晚7:30


U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou Presents  

主题:解读六月节:与历史学家Calinda Lee博士的对话 
Topic: Interpreting Juneteenth: In Conversation with Historian Dr. Calinda Lee  

时间/日期:2023年 6月6日,星期二,晚7:30 (7:00开始入场) 
Time/Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 7:30pm (Doors open at 7:00pm)  

Location: U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou, Pacific Conference Center 

2021年,美国正式将六月节列为联邦假日。六月节庆祝什么、它是如何与美国历史交织在一起的?欢迎来参加与历史学家Calinda Lee 博士的对话!Lee博士从美国前来参加这次特别活动,她将与大家分享六月节是如何由地方活动发展为联邦假日,并与观众互动讨论。 

In 2021, the United States formally recognized Juneteenth as a federal holiday.  What does Juneteenth celebrate, and how it is interwoven with the history of the United States?  Join us for an interactive evening with scholar and historian Dr. Calinda Lee, visiting from the United States for this special event.   Dr. Lee will share more on how Juneteenth has progressed from a localized event to a federal holiday, and engage in discussion with the audience.  

About the guest speaker: 

Calinda Lee博士是一位杰出的历史学家、策展人和教育家。她是 Sources Cultural Resources Management, LLC 的创始人,该公司为展览、项目及媒体提供包容性解释。她曾在多所大学担任教学和行政职务,并与世界各地的教育机构合作。她在斯佩尔曼学院获得文学士学位,在纽约大学和埃默里大学分别获得硕士和博士学位。 
Dr. Calinda Lee is a distinguished historian, curator, and educator.  She is the founder of Sources Cultural Resources Management, LLC, which offers inclusive interpretation in exhibitions, programs, and media.  She has held teaching and administrative positions at several universities and has worked with educational institutions worldwide.  She received her Bachelor of Arts from Spelman College and her Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy from New York University and Emory University, respectively. 

本次活动将以英语进行,中文交传。会议中心可容纳 50 名观众,坐席先到先得,额满即止,预订不代表预留坐席,请尽早入场。感谢您的理解。 
This event will be conducted in English with consecutive interpretation.   The Pacific Conference Center will only seat 50 visitors for this event.   The event is first come, first served, and will close when the event is full.   Reservation does not guarantee entry.   Thank you for your understanding.  

请扫码预约。Please scan the QR code to register.  


Additional Special Notices:   

Attendees will need to show their physical ID or passport to be admitted into the Consulate.   We do not provide safekeeping services for cameras and laptops, please do not bring them with you.  Other belongings will be temporarily stored at the gate, including mobile phones and bags. 

可根据请求为希望参加此次活动的残障人士提供合理的便利安排。请提前或尽快发电子邮件给[email protected]提交请求。Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to attend this event are available upon request.   Please submit a request for accommodations in advance or as soon as possible via email to [email protected] 

If you have any symptoms of physical discomfort, please do not attend.  We will take all possible measures to maintain a safe environment for public events.  Our facilities have state-of-the-art air filtration systems specifically designed to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses in the building.   Strict sanitary measures will be taken at the venue, and hand sanitizer and face masks will be provided.  The number of attendees at each event will be limited per current public health guidelines.  

Please note that the U.S. Consulate may record photographs and video during the event.  While photos and video may be released in future online and printed publications, all efforts are made to not include recognizable images of event attendees without their explicit consent.  Content (image, audio, or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes.  Thank you for your cooperation. 


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