Knowing the temperature at which a fat or oil will start to smoke indicates how much heat you can subject it to without affecting the flavor of the oil, and whether it will work for a high-heat application such as frying.
For extra-virgin olive oil, it's somewhere between 180-200℃. When roasting or frying above 180℃, it is recommended to use organic coconut or rapeseed oil instead.
Other factors which influence smoke point include the volume of oil used, the surface area of your pan, whether the oil is in contact with a food, the degree of exposure to air and light and the speed of temperature increase.
花生油可以说是我们日常生活中最常使用的食用油之一。一般情况下,各种类型的菜肴都可以使用花生油,花生油中富含的单不饱和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fat)也对健康有益。但是,花生油中也含有容易在高温下分解的多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fat),所以最好避免高温油炸。
Peanut oil is a popular vegetable oil commonly used around the world. The considerable amount of monounsaturated fat found in this oil makes it a go-to for methods of high-heat cooking. However, it does contain a good amount of polyunsaturated fat, which is less stable at high temperatures.
Rapeseed oil is an unsaturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat making it a healthier type of oil. It's also great for frying fish, because it yields a crispy skin.
When selecting rapeseed oil choose a cold-pressed version because it has a superior fatty acid profile and a higher level of polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin E.
Use coconut oil in baking for a light, sweet, "coconutty" flavor. It substitutes well for butter and shortening, and it is suitable for vegan recipes. Store coconut oil in a cool, dark place. Like other saturated fats, it is solid when at room temperature and liquefies when heated.
Olive oil has long been the gold standard for cooking oils in kitchens across the globe. This is largely because it's versatile. It has a subtle peppery or grassy flavor, and you can use it for baking, sautéing, or cold dressings.
This is a blend of different oils and has a neutral flavor, so you can taste the deep-fried ingredients. It has a high smoke point, can be used multiple times and is good value.
Butter, cream and ghee are high in Vitamin A and B12 and should be a part of one's total fat intake, but since they are saturated fats, they can be used in limited quantities.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating 1–2 portions of fish per week. This is because the omega-3 fatty acids in fish provide many health benefits. However, if you don’t eat 1–2 servings of fish per week, fish oil supplements can help you get enough omega-3s.
Avocado oil is the natural oil pressed from the pulp of an avocado. Almost 70 percent of avocado oil consists of heart-healthy oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid.
You can consume it cold, but it’s also a safe and healthy cooking oil because its fatty acids are stable at high heat (up to about 271°C)
爆炒或油炸时用:牛油果油(不过减脂期最好不要吃太多油炸食物嗷) When stir-frying or deep frying: avocado oil 正常炒菜或凉拌时用:初榨橄榄油 When frying, sautéing, or cold dressings: virgin olive oil 直接吃也没问题:鱼肝油(如果不爱吃鱼的话) Without cooking: cod fish oil
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