


Voyah, the premium marque of Chinese State-owned automaker Dongfeng Motor, launched the brand in Denmark and opened its first showroom in the country on Oct 26. Voyah’s Dream MPV model is now available for sale in European countries.


Lu Fang, CEO of Voyah, said: “As a member of the national team in the new energy vehicle sector, Voyah is dedicated to introducing products that combine driving performance and smart technology to the global market. We aim to lead technological advancements in the global auto industry through self-developed technology while creating a new calling card for Chinese foreign trade.”


The showroom in Denmark’s capital city blends modern simplicity with Voyah's “Chinese elegance”, incorporating elements from Nordic nature and the European nation’s fairytale culture while providing a comprehensive car-purchasing experience for customers, including test drives, customization, delivery and maintenance services.



The Dream MPV offers advantages in terms of spaciousness and comfort, making it suitable for Europeans' personalized use, such as outdoor activities and camping.


The export version has been optimized for European drivers with specific enhancements in handling and infotainment. Extensive testing was conducted over various terrains and environments in countries like Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark.


The infotainment system was developed with a simplified, user-friendly interface and local applications to align with user preferences.


Voyah exhibited the luxury electric MPV along with the Free SUV and Passion sedan at the 2023 eCarExpo in Copenhagen from Oct 27-29. As Europe's largest electric vehicle fair, the 2023 eCarExpo broke all previous records with 150 EV models from 25 vehicle brands attracting 21,600 visitors.

岚图丹麦的产品主管Alexander Bachmann在活动上表示:“岚图的产品十分具有竞争力,我们相信它们在丹麦高端市场是一个强大的存在。高质量、先进技术、出色续航里程、高舒适度和优秀设计的结合,使得这些汽车在市场上竞争力十足,”同时他还补充道,岚图的经销商网络已遍布丹麦全国。

Alexander Bachmann, head of product at Voyah in Denmark, said: “Voyah products are competitive, and we believe they are a strong value option in the Danish premium market,” Bachmann said at the expo. “The combination of high quality, technology, electric range, high level of comfort and the design make the cars a strong and complete offer in the market and our dealer network covers the entire country.”


Voyah  announced its entry into the European market in February 2022, with the brand officially launching in Norway in June. In the second half of 2023, Voyah entered several European countries, including Finland and Denmark in October and will enter the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Poland in November. In the future, Voyah will continue to expand its global reach to European markets such as Germany, France and Italy.

从岚图FREE 去年12月开启海外交付至今,岚图在海外售出近5000辆,在欧洲已经获得不错的口碑。           

Since delivery of the Free model in December, Voyah has sold more than 5,000 units overseas.


Voyah's achievements can be attributed to its strong focus on technology and unwavering commitment to product development. The brand has amassed a significant number of patents, with 2,503 filings accepted, averaging more than 800 per year, and leading the way in NEV patent growth. It has introduced cutting-edge technology, including the ESSA and SOA intelligent electric drive system, and has taken the lead in areas such as new energy vehicle platforms, powertrains, electronic architecture, batteries, body and chassis.


Voyah's international expansion is a microcosm of the growth of the Chinese automotive industry. China has replaced Japan as the No 1 vehicle exporter since the first quarter of this year, and according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the country’s vehicle exports totaled 3.39 million units in the first three quarters, up 60 percent year-on-year. Of them, NEV exports reached 825,000 units, up 110 percent year-on-year. 


When talking about the advantages of Chinese NEV exporting overseas, Voyah CEO Lu Fang said: “China has the first-mover advantage to export overseas, whether in electric technology or smart technology, we are relatively ahead. Secondly, there's an advantage in the industrial chain. We have a complete new energy industrial chain, from chips and electronic controls to motors, making China a comprehensive hub. This is also why Tesla chose to establish a factory in China. 


After decades of development, China's auto industry has formed a solid understanding of traditional auto technology. For example, Voyah, when competing with luxury brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi, demonstrates strong competitiveness in terms of handling, safety, smoothness and comfort.


According to statistics released by Voyah on Nov 1, the marque delivered 6,067 vehicles in October, soaring 138 percent year-on-year and 21 percent month-on-month. During the January-October period, its sales jumped 107 percent compared to same period last year. 


The launch of the 2024 Dream resulted in 10,507 orders on the first day and surpassed a cumulative total of 18,000 units after just 18 days on the market.


Lu said that Voyah has entered a new phase of raid development after achieving its goal of launching products covering three segments (MPV, SUV and sedan) within three years. Voyah is making efforts to expand production capacity and shorten delivery time. With the plug-in Passion to be launched in November, the brand is expected to see further sales growth.



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