,为什么对自己unconditional love?所以自己可以为所欲为?可以自暴自弃?
RockyRocky 发表于 2023-06-04 19:46
先学习一下什么是unconditional self love, 就是自爱: 1.Do away with the self-criticism: I don’t like how I look”, “I shouldn’t have eaten so much”, “I look horrible in that dress
2. Take care of your body: Exercising and eating healthy won’t just give you a fit body, it can even give you a sound mind. 3.Counter your fear: If you do not feel confident in a certain dress, stand in front of the mirror, stare into your eyes, and tell yourself that you’re going to rock it. And once you do step out wearing it, your fears will vanish and you’ll be proud of yourself for overcoming your fear and reluctance. 4.Forgive yourself: We’re all human beings, completely capable of making mistakes and doing some very selfish things. You’re not alone in this. But you can definitely feel like you are if you continue to punish yourself for your humanly misgivings and are always too harsh on yourself.
5. Surround yourself with positive people Pleasing people has got to stop if you want to love yourself—no matter what. Choose your friends wisely and surround yourself only with those people, who motivate you, make you feel happy and light, and have a positive influence on you
6. Indulge in activities that spark joy Follow your passion, take it up as a hobby, or your profession. Or simply stick to an activity that you really enjoy doing. Art, craft, swimming, dancing, reading—do whatever makes you happier to feel more fulfilled and more in love with yourself.
7. Stand up for yourself It’s NOT okay for someone to illtreat you and walk away freely. You’ve got to set your standards high and make sure you maintain them by taking a stand for yourself every time anyone tries to undermine, criticise, or illtreat you—all this for the sake of your self-esteem.