time does not dye,如何贴切优美地翻译?
time does not dye
time does not dye
The phrase "Time does not dye. Memories do not light" is a poetic expression that has been translated from Chinese to English. It means that time cannot be stained or colored, and memories cannot be illuminated or brightened
1 3 4. The phrase suggests that time and memories are immutable and unchanging, and that they remain constant regardless of external circumstances. It can be interpreted as a reminder to cherish the present moment and to hold onto memories that are important to us, as they will remain with us forever
2 5那么: time does not stain 比 time does not dye 更好
Time does not age, we do not disperse, time does not stain, memories do not fade. Youth is immortal, friendship lasts forever! We should live as brilliant as summer flowers, and die as peacefully beautiful as autumn leaves.