
Fall harvest

楼主 (文学城)

The garden is in zone 6.

From: https://www.brecks.com/zone_finder


Tomato, cucumber, pepper:

A. Seeding in room:

On March 18, put seeds of tomato, pepper, cucumbers in dirt.


In paper cups, fill the bottom half of the paper cup with garden soil, then fill the middle 1/4 cup with a seeding starter (mixture of soil and fertilizer) and fill the top 1/4 cup with garden soil again.

Mix  the top two soils and bury the seeds in around 0.5-1 cm in depth. Usually 2-3 seeds in a cup.


Tomato, pepper seeds are from fresh vegetables bought from Aldi, including medley cherry tomato, rainbow pepper, Beefsteak tomato.

Yellow cherry tomato seeds are from last year's tomato seeds.

Cucumber seeds are bought from Dollar tree or Home depot.


Water immediately after seeding, then once a day.


Buy a LED light bulb with 5000-6000K on ebay, amazon or aliexpress. I bought  this on ebay:

The bottom one is an COB (chip on board) LED 50 W with AC 110 V input (be careful with 110 V AC!),

Alternatively, you could also use COB LED with DC:

1. 12 V DC, 70W.

2. 12-14 V DC, 10 W,6500 K.

3.  32-34 V DC,100 W, 4000-10000 K.

4. Power supply from HP, 100 - 120 V AC input and 12 V DC, 900 W MAX output. By using this one's output, you could power item 1 and/or item 2.

5. Power supply, 110/220 V AC input and 36 V DC, 400 W output.

6. DC to DC constant current and constant voltage converter, (input 0-40 V, output 0-38 V). Use item 5 to power this converter, the output of this converter could power item 3.

Turn on the light during the day if there is no sun light available.

Tomato racks and cones, bought from Home depot or local stores:

I  moved plants out on May 4, here are some spacing information:

B. For beans, Snow red (雪里红,雪里蕻) , Chinese cabbage, you don't need to seed them indoors. I planted them on April 28 (check your local weather news before planting. Most seeds will gerninate in 10 days).


You need to loose your soil with your spade.


Black-eyed pea (豇豆),broad bean (蚕豆) seeds are bought from ebay.

Some bean seeds are from last year's beans which I planted using Walmart's soup beans as seeds.

I did not save the package bag, so I downloaded it from Walmart.com:

Snow red (雪里红,雪里蕻) seeds are from a friend.

Chinese cabbage seeds are from a local Chinese supermarket.

I seed bean seeds in 1/2 to 1 inch in depth in soil for beans, with a space.of 6 inches ( read a commercial package for instruction)..

For snow red and Chine cabbage seeds, I made a ditch with 0.5 to 1 cm in depth on the loose ground. Drop the seeds in the ditch with a spacing of 2-3 cm. and then cover the seeds with  a mixture of seedling starter and garden soil.

Spacing information could be found in the picture above (I could not find Chinses cabbage package).


Water them when finishing your seeding. You may or may not need to water them daily if soil is wet enough.

For beans, I use nylon garden trellis net.  

C. Butternut squash was not planted, just grows from kitchen wastes.

D. Use fertilizer once  a week or once for two week according to the instruction on the package.

Briefly, one table spoon of fertilizer in one gallon water, for 10 square feet on plants' leaves and stems. Once in two weeks.

E.  Solar animal repeller (using passive infrared to detect animals or people. When detected, red light is on, flash light is on and also it makes some noise).

F. Ultrasonic (not real ultrasonic, since you could not hear ultrasonic or it might make but we could not hear it) repellent for mouse, mole..., just make some noise every half minute:

G. Electric fence suggested by 位酷哥, installed earlier this year and removed later since no animal was found:



H. Hunting camera (bought last year, because of mouse), not used this year:

I. WIFI camera (bought last year, because of mouse), not usied this year:

J. The garden is 4.5 by 5.5 meter.


Summary for this year:

Graph below, is date versus daily collection in gram for bean and tomato.

The first day to collect a bean was on June 17.

The first day to collect a tomato was on August 1.

There are two peaks for both bean and tomato,

bean 630 g in August 14,  and 1472 g in September 11;

tomato 805 g in August 11,  and 775 g in September 3.


Butternut squashes, peppers, beans collected on October 31 and November 1:

Rainbow pepper:

Pepper dish (olive oil):


Medley cherry tomato:

Cherry tomato:


Yellow cherry tomato:

Beefsteak tomato {not ripe yet):

Tomato dish (olive oil):

Black-eyed pea (豇豆):


Black-eyed pea dish (olive oil):


Bean dish (olive oil):


Broad bean (蚕豆):

Peaches were collected from 7/29-8/13. This is the 5th year since I bought. Peaches collected in 5 sequential years are 0, 4, 20, 0 (stolen by birds or squirrels) and 32 peaches.

Toon (香椿):


Chrysanthemum (菊花):


1. Tomato and pepper seeds could be used directly from fresh vegetables.

2. Walmart' soup beans could be used as bean seeds.

3. It is very hard to harvest large amount of broad bean (蚕豆) (I planted 20 seeds, only 11 seeds survived and I got only 25 bean pods for 150 grams) and sugar snap peas (I planted 5 seeds, got only 17 pea pods for 60 grams).

4. A new peach tree could produce peaches the following year.

5. Electric fence, ultrasonic repellent and solar animal repeller might be good, since this year I haven't gotten harassment from animals.

6. A net for a peach tree is effective for protecting peaches.



2 楼
WOW! 叹为观止。这帖子既接地气,又高级~~
3 楼
Wow. A modern meticulous farmer. Great harvest!
4 楼
The yellow cherry tomatoes look similar to San Marzano.
5 楼
All from your garden? Amazing !
6 楼
Thank you. Yes, all in my garden. Size: 4.5 by 5.5 m only.
7 楼
Some yellow cherry tomatoes look like Bosc pears

8 楼
9 楼
Wow you put your heart into everything you do, gardening, or

writing post. A big applause for your efforts.

10 楼
First time saw that shape in a tomato. Good for canning :-)
11 楼
Very impressive!
12 楼
WOW! Lots of detail information. Good harvest! Thanks
13 楼
14 楼
Thank you all!
15 楼
Thank you. It took me a day to look for pictures and to
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