MIT JAMES WOODS | 184 IQ higher than Albert Einstein

MIT JAMES WOODS | 184 IQ higher than Albert Einstein




Here’s an actor with an IQ higher than Albert Einstein. If you’re curious what his score is, it’s an incredible 184 points. It’s almost unbelievable, but actor and producer James Woods has so much more to offer than what we can imagine! He began his career as a theater actor but later transitioned to a wide range of different projects, including starring in successful films such as The Onion Field, Salvador, and Ghosts of Mississippi.




Woods pursued an undergraduate degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a scholarship and had near-perfect SAT scores. However, after joining a student theatre group, he quickly fell in love with acting. So, instead of earning his political science degree, he dropped out of school to pursue a career in acting. He has appeared in more than 130 movies and TV series and has garnered a reputation as a prominent Hollywood character actor.

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