【美坛综艺秀假日篇】What a charming morning it was! 多么美好的早晨!

【美坛综艺秀假日篇】What a charming morning it was! 多么美好的早晨!


It was the first morning of 2024. I got up late in the morning and felt great when I opened the curtains to the bright sunshine. I uncovered my birdcage to let my budgies know it was time to start the day. Then, I refreshed their water and food as part of my daily routine. Once my budgies had finished eating, they flew around and chirped. I heard my budgies chirping and went online and ordered a skirt, sweater, and T-shirt from one of my favorite stores. After placing my order, I decided to play some New Year songs on my iPad. To my surprise, my budgies became silent upon hearing the song. They closed their eyes and enjoyed the warm and calm atmosphere brought by the singing. I quickly grabbed my camera to capture the moment and posted it on YouTube. It was a wonderful and cheerful morning!

这是2024 年的第一个早晨。我起床比较晚,起床后打开窗帘,看见了明媚的阳光,感觉棒极了。 我打开鸟笼,告诉我的小鹦鹉,新的一天开始了。 然后,我为他们换水和食物,作为我日常生活的一部分。 我的小鹦鹉吃完饭后,它们就飞来飞去,叽叽喳喳地叫着。 我听着小鹦鹉叽叽喳喳地叫声,就上网从我最喜欢的一家商店订购了一条裙子、毛衣和 T 恤。 下单后,我决定在我的 iPad 上播放一些新年歌曲。 令我惊讶的是,我的小鹦鹉听到这首歌后变得安静了。 他们闭上眼睛,享受着歌声带来的温馨和祥和的气氛。我迅速拿起了相机,记录下这一刻,并将其发布到 YouTube 上。 这是一个美好而愉快的早晨!

Since I couldn't recall the song's name, I had to upload the video of my budgies on YouTube.





Happy New Year !

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来源: 文学城-康赛欧
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