5 分支机构管理委员会(LBMC)
虽然2010 年没有新的地方小组成立,但是许多地方小组组织了聚会和一些大型的宣传及募捐活动,并且尝试了新的方式,比如讲座,拍卖等。这些活动不但扩大了OCEF 在当地的知名和可信度,而且团结和调动了当地义工的积极性,增强了义工之间的互动,扩大了义工的队伍。以下列举了部分地方小组的活动:
5. Local Branch Management Committee (LBMC)
Although there was no new local group, many local groups organized parties and some large-scale publicity and fund-raising activities. They also had tried new ways, such as lectures, auctions, etc. These activities not only expanded OCEF's reputation and credibility among the locals, but also united and mobilized the enthusiasm of local volunteers, enhanced the interaction between volunteers, and expanded the volunteer team. Some activities of local groups are listed as follows:
纽约小组于十二月十六日和中国乡村教育促进会(www.ruralchina.org)联合举办2010 年节日中国教育筹款活动。通过各种宣传渠道,包括电子邮件、脸书Facebook 和媒体,邀请了130 多名嘉宾参与了这次活动,他们大部分是纽约/新泽西地区的金融专业人员。这次活动通过现场拍卖和捐款方式为OCEF 筹到大约3600 美元。
New York
On Dec 12th, New York team jointly organized 2010 holiday China Education fund-raising activities with Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF, www.ruralchina.org). Through various communication channels, including emails, Facebook and media, the team invited more than 130 guests to participate in this event. Most of guests were financial professionals in New York/New Jersey. This event raised about $3,600 for OCEF, by ways of live auction and donations.
达拉斯小组10 名义工在一月份举办了一个野餐聚会,讨论并且制定了2010 年的活动计划,于五月和九月份参与了达拉斯亚洲艺术节展出、达拉斯划龙舟活动和中国艺术盛会,通过这三次活动为OCEF 进行宣传和募捐。达拉斯小组在各次活动中均租有展台,悬挂OCEF 横幅,张贴海报并散发传单,而且通过现场播放录像的形式让人们进一步了解OCEF。通过这些活动,达拉斯小组还认识了一些领养中国儿童的家庭,他们都可能成为OCEF 的募捐者和志愿者。
10 volunteers in the Dallas team organized a picnic in January, discussed and developed the plan for 2010. They participated in the Dallas Asian Arts Festival, the Dallas dragon boat racing activities in May, and the Chinese Art Event in September. Through these three activities, they publicized and raised funds for OCEF. In each activity, they made people know OCEF further by renting a booth to hang OCEF banners, put up posters, hand out leaflets, and play video live . Through these activities, they also got to know a number of families with adopted children, who were potential OCEF donators and volunteers.


【在 f*******p 的大作中提到】
: 5 分支机构管理委员会(LBMC)
: 虽然2010 年没有新的地方小组成立,但是许多地方小组组织了聚会和一些大型的宣传及募捐活动,并且尝试了新的方式,比如讲座,拍卖等。这些活动不但扩大了OCEF 在当地的知名和可信度,而且团结和调动了当地义工的积极性,增强了义工之间的互动,扩大了义工的队伍。以下列举了部分地方小组的活动:
: 5. Local Branch Management Committee (LBMC)
: Although there was no new local group, many local groups organized parties and some large-scale publicity and fund-raising activities. They also had tried new ways, such as lectures, auctions, etc. These activities not only expanded OCEF's reputation and credibility among the locals, but also united and mobilized the enthusiasm of local volunteers, enhanced the interaction between volunteers, and expanded the volunteer team. Some activities of local groups are listed as follows:
: 纽约
: 纽约小组于十二月十六日和中国乡村教育促进会(www.ruralchina.org)联合举办2010 年节日中国教育筹款活动。通过各种宣传渠道,包括电子邮件、脸书Facebook 和媒体,邀请了130 多名嘉宾参与了这次活动,他们大部分是纽约/新泽西地区的金融专业人员。这次活动通过现场拍卖和捐款方式为OCEF 筹到大约3600 美元。
: New York
: On Dec 12th, New York team jointly organized 2010 holiday China Education fund-raising activities with Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF, www.ruralchina.org). Through various communication channels, including emails, Facebook and media, the team invited more than 130 guests to participate in this event. Most of guests were financial professionals in New York/New Jersey. This event raised about $3,600 for OCEF, by ways of live auction and donations.
: 达拉斯
: 达拉斯小组10 名义工在一月份举办了一个野餐聚会,讨论并且制定了2010 年的活动计划,于五月和九月份参与了达拉斯亚洲艺术节展出、达拉斯划龙舟活动和中国艺术盛会,通过这三次活动为OCEF 进行宣传和募捐。达拉斯小组在各次活动中均租有展台,悬挂OCEF 横幅,张贴海报并散发传单,而且通过现场播放录像的形式让人们进一步了解OCEF。通过这些活动,达拉斯小组还认识了一些领养中国儿童的家庭,他们都可能成为OCEF 的募捐者和志愿者。

Although there was not new local group - no new local group
OCEF’s well-known and credibility in the local - OCEF's reputation and
credibility among the locals
In Dec 12th - On Dec 12th
team invited more than 130 ... - the team
Most of guests - Most of the guests
by the ways of - by ways of
in Dallas team - in the Dallas team
2010 plan - the plan for 2010
Dallas Asian Arts Festival, Dallas dragon boat racing activities, Chinese
Art Event - 前面都加the好一点
raised fund for OCEF - raised funds
made people further know OCEF - made people know OCEF further
live play video - play videos live
recognized a number of families - got to know a number of families


【在 f*******p 的大作中提到】
: 5 分支机构管理委员会(LBMC)
: 虽然2010 年没有新的地方小组成立,但是许多地方小组组织了聚会和一些大型的宣传及募捐活动,并且尝试了新的方式,比如讲座,拍卖等。这些活动不但扩大了OCEF 在当地的知名和可信度,而且团结和调动了当地义工的积极性,增强了义工之间的互动,扩大了义工的队伍。以下列举了部分地方小组的活动:
: 5. Local Branch Management Committee (LBMC)
: Although there was no new local group, many local groups organized parties and some large-scale publicity and fund-raising activities. They also had tried new ways, such as lectures, auctions, etc. These activities not only expanded OCEF's reputation and credibility among the locals, but also united and mobilized the enthusiasm of local volunteers, enhanced the interaction between volunteers, and expanded the volunteer team. Some activities of local groups are listed as follows:
: 纽约
: 纽约小组于十二月十六日和中国乡村教育促进会(www.ruralchina.org)联合举办2010 年节日中国教育筹款活动。通过各种宣传渠道,包括电子邮件、脸书Facebook 和媒体,邀请了130 多名嘉宾参与了这次活动,他们大部分是纽约/新泽西地区的金融专业人员。这次活动通过现场拍卖和捐款方式为OCEF 筹到大约3600 美元。
: New York
: On Dec 12th, New York team jointly organized 2010 holiday China Education fund-raising activities with Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF, www.ruralchina.org). Through various communication channels, including emails, Facebook and media, the team invited more than 130 guests to participate in this event. Most of guests were financial professionals in New York/New Jersey. This event raised about $3,600 for OCEF, by ways of live auction and donations.
: 达拉斯
: 达拉斯小组10 名义工在一月份举办了一个野餐聚会,讨论并且制定了2010 年的活动计划,于五月和九月份参与了达拉斯亚洲艺术节展出、达拉斯划龙舟活动和中国艺术盛会,通过这三次活动为OCEF 进行宣传和募捐。达拉斯小组在各次活动中均租有展台,悬挂OCEF 横幅,张贴海报并散发传单,而且通过现场播放录像的形式让人们进一步了解OCEF。通过这些活动,达拉斯小组还认识了一些领养中国儿童的家庭,他们都可能成为OCEF 的募捐者和志愿者。


【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 赞!suggestions:
: Although there was not new local group - no new local group
: OCEF’s well-known and credibility in the local - OCEF's reputation and
: credibility among the locals
: In Dec 12th - On Dec 12th
: team invited more than 130 ... - the team
: Most of guests - Most of the guests
: by the ways of - by ways of
: in Dallas team - in the Dallas team
: 2010 plan - the plan for 2010

修改了~ :)

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 赞!suggestions:
: Although there was not new local group - no new local group
: OCEF’s well-known and credibility in the local - OCEF's reputation and
: credibility among the locals
: In Dec 12th - On Dec 12th
: team invited more than 130 ... - the team
: Most of guests - Most of the guests
: by the ways of - by ways of
: in Dallas team - in the Dallas team
: 2010 plan - the plan for 2010

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