9 秘书组
Secretary Group
2010 年,秘书组的工作范围仍然包括任命书和决议书的起草,通讯录的更新和维护,网
In 2010, scope of the Secretary Group still included drafting appointmen
t letter and resolution, updating and maintaining contact list, updating and
archiving articles on the web site.
秘书组在2010 年期间共起草拟定了14 份人事或决策公告,接听处理了大约20 个电话留
言或电邮询问,有效得完成各功能组之间的链接;并且完成09 年年度工作报告的整理和
编排,参与功能组的Skype 电话会议并记录会议内容等。
In 2010, the Secretary Group drafted 14 announcements related to personne
l issues and/or important decisions, received and processed about 20
voicemails or telephone inquiries, effectively bridged works between
functional groups. The Secretary Group also compiled 2009 Annual Report,
participated Skype conferen
ce calls of functional groups and provided meeting minutes.
同时,秘书组在2010 年吸收新义工张若雪为正式义工,增加了本组的人事力量,为今后
The Secretary Group welcomed a new volunteer, Zhang Ruoxue, to join the team
as a permanent member, which improved capacity of the group and ensured eff
ective implementation of future tasks.