2003年耶鲁学生车祸幸存者的演讲 (转载)
2003年耶鲁学生车祸幸存者的演讲 (转载)# Translation - 译林
【 以下文字转载自 Connecticut 讨论区 】
发信人: wh (wh), 信区: Connecticut
标 题: 2003年耶鲁学生车祸幸存者的演讲
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 4 14:20:37 2012, 美东)
生从纽约开车回New Haven,在结冰的路段和一辆失控的卡车拖车相撞,三个学生当场
上周末,车祸幸存者之一的Brett Smith在学校教堂Battell Chapel做了个演讲,他刚
刚毕业。他车祸后大脑受损,跟不上耶鲁的学业,就先去一个community college读书
因为他爸在空军里做,频繁搬家,所以他从没受洗过。他车祸住院时Battell Chapel的
前面的介绍部分就不贴了,就贴他的三条人生体会。他说do not ever give up on
anything. When someone tells you that you can’t do something and you feel
that you can, listen to yourself and do it. You need to look that person in
the eye, and say to him or her either in your heart or out loud, “Watch me,
I can do anything I set my mind to.”这句真有年轻人的锐气和信心。之后列举《
他说的第二点是when one way does not work, find another。他车祸之后脑部受损,
无法在耶鲁继续读书,就先去community college恢复适应几年。用中国人的说法是以
最后一点是说人生而有限,很多事情无法洞察、理解,所以trust in the Lord with
all thine heart …… and He shall direct thy paths. 这个很宗教;换成非宗教的
First, do not ever give up on anything. When someone tells you that you can
’t do something and you feel that you can, listen to yourself and do it.
You need to look that person in the eye, and say to him or her either in
your heart or out loud, “Watch me, I can do anything I set my mind to.” In
the Bible it says in Psalms 46, verse 1, “God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.” When something seems impossible just know
that God is always right there. You may not see him, but he is leading your
path. I’m reminded of the poem that is entitled Footprints by an unknown
author. In the poem a man has a dream that he is walking on the beach with
the Lord, and up above scenes from his life flashed before their eyes. When
the last scene came flashing before they’re eyes he looked back to see the
footprints. He was puzzled because when the hardest scenes of his life
flashed up on the sky there was only one set of footprints. He asked the
Lord why in his toughest moments in life the Lord left him. The Lord looked
at him and said, “I love you and would never leave you. When you only see
one set of footprints it was then that I carried you. There were many times
when I wanted to give up, but I kept pushing forward with Bible verses like
Psalms 46:1 in the back of my mind and that poem to remind me that God is
always right there--sometimes carrying you when the way seems too hard.
The second lesson I would like you to know is when one way does not work
find another. I could not find a good Bible verse to quite capture this
feeling, so I will draw on my own experience to show you. Many times I would
come to a roadblock that seemed insurmountable, and sometimes I still have
those times. Take for example, my feeling that I could go right back to Yale
after the accident in 2003. I was unaware at that time of all the damage
that was done to my brain. I had to go back to a community college at first,
and give my brain a chance to heal. Then after a few years time I felt like
I was ready to come back. You have to learn to sometimes retrace your steps
, back up a little bit, and go down a different road. It is like going
through a maze in one of those maze books. We have all gone down a wrong way
at some point in those maze books, but if we turn around knowing that way
will not work and find a more suitable road, we will get out of that maze
just like you will find a way out of any situation that just seems too hard.
The last lesson that I want to tell you about I will take right out of the
Bible. It is from Proverbs 3 verses 5-6. It says, “Trust in the Lord with
all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they
ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” We do not know why a
lot of things happen in our lives, but if we let God do his work and we
fight with him, good things are bound to occur.