埃及政要谈“一带一路”倡议: 愿景变为现实 共创繁荣未来

埃及政要谈“一带一路”倡议: 愿景变为现实 共创繁荣未来


When China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, it was supported by most of the countries and peoples of the developing world. They did so because they believe in China’s vision of an equitable and fairer world order, its sincerity in facilitating overall human progress and its spirit of sharing in order to build a prosperous future for all.

团结互信 促进全球繁荣稳定


In a speech delivered at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, on Sept 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping explaining the vision of the Belt and Road Initiative, said: “Throughout the millennia, the peoples of various countries along the ancient Silk Road have written a chapter of friendship that has been passed on to this very day. More than 2,000 years of exchanges demonstrate that on the basis of unity, mutual trust, equality, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutually beneficial cooperation, countries of different races, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are fully able to share peace and development. This is the valuable inspiration we have drawn from the ancient Silk Road.”


The Belt and Road Initiative is a global development project that transcends national borders and continents, as well as natural and man-made barriers. Its aim is to strengthen economic cooperation among the countries involved, and promote cultural exchanges among them, and better connect countries so everyone could benefit from the initiative.


In his speech, President Xi, while making clear some of the prospects of the Belt and Road Initiative in enhancing and smoothening trade flow, stressed that the envisaged economic belt along the Silk Road is inhabited by nearly 3 billion people and it represents the biggest market in the world, with enormous, unparalleled potential for trade and investment cooperation between the countries involved.

合作共赢 推动新型国际关系


According to the plan, we can say that for the smooth progress of the initiative, the Arab region, with Egypt at the center, is one of the most critical regions in the world. Yet the active participation of the Arab countries in the Belt and Road projects will be directly related to the success of the initiative.


First, the Arab countries are an important part of the ancient Silk Road. The economic and cultural (civilizational) exchanges between China and the Arab countries go back to ancient times. In fact, an ancient Arabic proverb says, “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China.” Despite the physical distance between China and the Arab region, China’s high civilizational status was well known in the Arab region even in ancient times.


Second, the Arab region occupies a unique and important stretch of the Belt and Road Initiative’s target path including important sea routes and lanes, and bays such as the Strait of Hormuz, the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb and the Suez Canal. The Arab region is also rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, clean energy and minerals, which is an important factor prompting the Arab countries, especially Egypt, to take an active part in the initiative.


Third, in order to develop their economies, modernize their infrastructure facilities, increase their production capacity, and benefit from extensive commercial, political, and logistical coordination, many Arab countries, particularly Egypt, need now more than ever to attract investment and capital from and take advantage of the strong scientific and technological capabilities of China and the other economies participating in the Belt and Road projects.

福泽后代  “一带一路”倡议前景光明

值得一提的是,埃及是最早承认中华人民共和国的国家之一,也是第一个无视并勇敢跨过 “美国红线”的阿拉伯国家。埃及独立的外交政策立场促使许多其他阿拉伯国家争相效仿,这份互相尊重的坚定友谊至今依然延续着。

It is worth recalling that Egypt was one of the first countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China and the first Arab country to take the courageous step in defiance of the “American redline”. Egypt’s independent foreign policy stance prompted many other Arab countries to follow in its footsteps. And the bond of friendship and mutual respect that united Egypt’s leaders of the time with their Chinese counterparts remains strong to this day.


It is a felicitous coincidence that the bright prospects of the initiative is also highlighted in the ongoing 20th Congress of the CPC. 


Beijing is on road to making the Belt and Road Initiative a grand success, which will also help the country to fulfill its second centenary goal of developing China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.


We are confident that future generations will enjoy the fruits of this great development initiative, and help build a new world of prosperity and peace.

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