Dao operates in accordance with natural conditions of all things. This idea first appeared in the book Laozi, according to which “natural” means the natural state of things. Dao creates and nurtures everything, yet it does not command anything.
Man patterns himself on the operation of the earth; the earth patterns itself on the operation of heaven; heaven patterns itself on the operation of Dao; Dao patterns itself on what is natural.
Heaven and Man Are United as One
The term represents a world outlook and a way of thinking which hold that heaven and earth and man are interconnected. This world outlook emphasizes the integration and inherent relationship between heaven, earth, and man. It highlights the fundamental significance of nature to man or human affairs, and describes the endeavor made by man to pursue life, order, and values through interaction with nature.
以类合之,天人一也。(董仲舒《春秋繁露·阴阳义》)In terms of integration of categories, heaven and man are one.
The World Belongs to All
天下是公众的,天下为天下人所共有。古人相信,“天下为公”是实现“大同”社会、人民生活幸福的政治前提和保障。至近代,“天下为公”又演变成为推翻专制、实现民主的标志性关键词。The world is a public realm and therefore belongs to all the people. Ancient Chinese held this to be the foundation and guarantee for people to enjoy a happy life and realize universal harmony. In modern times, it evolved into a key concept calling for overthrowing autocracy and realizing democracy.
大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。(《礼记·礼运》)When the Great Way prevails, the world belongs to all the people. People of virtue and competence are chosen to govern the country; honesty is valued and people live in harmony.
Universal Harmony
儒家理想中的天下一家、人人平等、友爱互助的太平盛世。其主要特征是:权力和财富归社会公有;社会平等,安居乐业;人人能得到社会的关爱;货尽其用,人尽其力。This term refers to the time of peace and prosperity envisioned by Confucian scholars when all the people under heaven are one family, equal, friendly, and helpful to each other. Its main features are: All power and wealth belong to the whole of society; all people are equal and live and work in peace and contentment; everyone is cared for by society; everything is used to its fullest and everyone works to his maximum potential.
大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养 …… 是谓大同。(《礼记·礼运》)When the Great Way prevails, the world belongs to all the people. People of virtue and competence are chosen to govern the country;honesty is valued and people live in harmony. People not only love their parents, bring up their children, but also take care of the aged. The middle-aged are able to put their talents and abilities to best use, children are well nurtured, and old widows and widowers, unmarried old people, orphans, childless old people, and the disabled are all provided for… This is universal harmony.
Strive Continuously to Strengthen Oneself
自己努力向上,强大自己,永不懈怠停息。古人认为,天体出于自身的本性而运行,刚健有力,周而复始,一往无前永不停息。君子取法于“天”,也应发挥自己的能动性、主动性,勤勉不懈,奋发进取。The term means that one should strive continuously to strengthen himself. Ancient Chinese believed that heavenly bodies move in accordance with their own nature in a vigorous and forever forward-going cycle. A man of virtue, who follows the law of heaven, should be fully motivated and work diligently to strengthen himself.
Just as heaven keeps moving forward vigorously, a man of virtue should strive continuously to strengthen himself.
Have Ample Virtue and Carry All Things
以宽厚的德性承载天下万物。古人认为,大地的形势和特质是宽厚和顺的,它承载万物,使万物各遂其生。君子取法于“地”,要像大地一样,以博大宽厚的道德容纳万物和他人。This term means that one should be broad-minded and care for all things and people. Ancient Chinese believed that with its topography and other natural features being generous and peaceful, the earth sustained all things in the world, allowing them to grow and develop in keeping with their own nature. Men of virtue model themselves on the earth, and just like the earth, care for all things and fellow human beings with open heart and virtue. Just like the earth, which is generous and peaceful, a man of virtue should have ample virtue and accommodate all things.
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