Elon Musk tweeted what appeared to be a meme of a translation of a fake Confucius quote.
It is unclear what Musk meant by the tweet. However, some Twitter users commented that it might have been a Google-translated version of a meme involving an innuendo-laden fake Confucius quote that states: "Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day."
Users on China's Twitter-like Weibo platform appeared none the wiser about the meaning of Musk's post but speculated that Musk meant to say that one was idle and powerless.
innuendo [ˌɪnjuˈendoʊ] 影射;暗指
none the wiser: 依然不明白
据“中国哲学与比较哲学”网站(Warp, Weft, and Way)中刊载的汉学家康纳利(Timothy Connolly)的文章,孔子背这口黑锅已经有半个多世纪了。
二十世纪三十年代末,纽约八卦专栏作家沃尔特·温切尔(Walter Winchell)开始将一些讽刺性的言论归于孔子,并很快经电台主持人杰克·本尼(Jack Benny)等人之口广而宣之。
It turns out the trend can be precisely dated. In the late 1930s, a newspaper columnist named Walter Winchell began attributing some satirical statements to Confucius, and soon the device was picked up by radio hosts like Jack Benny.
From there it spread rapidly, so that as this remarkable story from a February 1940 edition of Life magazine tells us, "In every city and village from coast to coast last week, Americans were stopping other Americans and chortling, 'You know what Confucius say?'"
Many major newspapers began to carry a "Confucius say" column with content solicited from readers, sheets with the maxims were sold in Times Square, and there was a popular song with the title recorded by Guy Lombardo.
这篇短文引发了不少外国网友的评论。有人认为,它作为笑话确实很好笑。也有人抨击,即使是喜剧的形式,“它们也是冒犯性乃至侮辱性的”,部分动机源自“对东亚文化的轻视,尽管可能有例外”。美国视频网站上甚至有一些模仿《陈查理》(Charlie Chan)系列电影中的华人口音(它不同于任何实际的中国口音)来读“子曰”的视频。(注:陈查理是美国小说作家厄尔·德尔·比格斯笔下虚构的一位华人警探,正义的陈查理是西方流行文化中著名的亚洲人角色。)
现在,在外网上随便一搜孔子语录(Confucius says),就会出现各种各样张冠李戴的心灵鸡汤。甚至有一些笑话网站专门开设专栏,将一些恶搞低俗的段子冠以“子曰”之名。
《汉语世界》(The World of Chinese)曾撰文澄清孔子最常被误用和曲解的语录。
Return good for ill
此成语出自《论语》(The Analects),是孔子的弟子记录孔子言行而编成的语录文集,意为以善报恶。很多人指责孔子这个道德要求过于高高在上,无法达到。其实,这是对孔子语录的曲解。
This is a chengyu that comes from The Analects, a collection teachings and stories involving Confucius written during the Warring States period (475 – 221 BCE), which means to repay evil with good. It is often quoted, and also frequently criticized as an unattainable moral requirement. However, Confucius was not in favor of this idea at all.
According to The Analects, a citizen asked Confucius his opinion about the concept of "repaying evil with good," and Confucius expressed his opposition. The sage's full reply went: "If you return good for evil, what do you return for good? One should return injustice with justice, and repay good with good."
Couldn't be more foolish
Today, this term is used to criticize someone for their stupidity—it's even defined as such in modern dictionaries. But Confucius originally used it as a compliment regarding Ning Wuzi, an official of the State of Wei in the Spring and Autumn period (770 – 476 BCE).
Confucius observed that Ning was adept at using his substantial governing talents when the political climate was good and the ruler righteous, but when the ruler was fatuous or tyrannical, Ning would purposely play dumb and work slowly to avoid assisting rulers in promoting foolish policies.
"It’s not difficult to fulfill one's talent, but it's difficult to pretend to be foolish as he does," Confucius said, praising Ning for his political wisdom.
Think thrice before acting
When you are about to make a major decision, your family or friends may cite Confucius and advise you to act prudently and "think three times before acting." This phrase is also from The Analects, but again, Confucius didn't actually endorse this practice, and even felt it gratuitous.
据《论语》记载,孔子听说春秋时期鲁国的官员季文子经常“三思而后行”(Think thrice before acting)之后,不赞成地评论道,“再,斯可矣”(Think twice)。孔子虽然认为适当的谨慎是必要的,但他驳斥了不必要的犹疑动摇,并告诫人们不要犹豫不决、畏手畏脚。
According to The Analects, when Confucius heard that Ji Wenzi, an official of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn period, often "thought three times before taking any action," the sage commented: "Thinking twice is enough." Though Confucius felt appropriate caution was necessary, he disproved of unnecessary wavering, and warned people not to become irresolute and hesitant.
来源:凤凰周刊 澎湃新闻 汉语世界 中国哲学与比较哲学网站 Business Insider
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