


近日,据外媒报道,小李又有了新的恋情,48岁的他和19岁的高中生交往,影响了他的形象。2月7日,李先生出席一个活动时,和他一起出席活动的不是之前23岁的她Victoria Lamas,而是19岁的以色列模特Eden Polani。


网络上充满了对李子的讽刺和对她的好话。“泰坦尼克号上映的时候,小李的新女朋友还没有出生吧?这个年龄差有什么共同语言?美国52岁的女主播Megyn Kelly也抨击了小李子找19岁新女友的新闻。





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Leonardo DiCaprio’s rumored gal pal, 19-year-old Eden Polani, deleted her Instagram following the buzz of her romance with the 48-year-old A-lister.

Polani’s Instagram page, under the username @edenpolanii, was active until Wednesday morning, but it now reads that the page “isn’t available.”

The French Israeli model had around 230,000 Instagram followers and was rapidly gaining users after she was photographed with the “Titanic” actor.

Prior to taking down her page, Polani shared an Instagram Story of a New York City hotel on Tuesday and captioned the since-deleted snap, “Long time no see,” per the Daily Mail.

Polani was photographed arriving alone to New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport just hours before her final post.

The influencer’s profile heavily featured content from her travels, with many of the posts being taken all over the world. She also enjoyed a good solo shot and selfie moment.

Polani went off the grid one day after she sparked romance rumors with the “Wolf of Wall Street” actor — who’s been trolled for strictly dating women under the age of 25 — when they were photographed sitting next to each other at Ebony Riley’s EP release party over the weekend.

But a source clarified to Page Six that they are not a romantic item.

“There is zero truth to this. He was seated next to [Polani] at a music party, along with many other people,” the insider spilled. “It’s just silly. Leo clearly can’t be dating every single person that [he’s] in a room with.”

Prior to Polani, the “Revenant” star was linked to 23-year-old model Victoria Lamas. He also sparked romance rumors with Gigi Hadid shortly after breaking up with longtime girlfriend Camila Morrone in August.


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Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio can't escape public shame after he was accused of dating a 19-year-old. Political commentator Megyn Kelly took aim at the Titanic actor, slamming him for his controversial history of dating much younger women.

Kelly, 52, roasted DiCaprio, 48, following an accusation that he was dating Israeli model Eden Polani after the two were seen sitting cozy together at a Los Angeles album release party. It has since been claimed the two aren't together.

"He’s just going to keep banging teenagers the rest of his life," Kelly said of the actor on her SiriusXM radio show, The Megyn Kelly Show.

Kelly issued the damning remark prior to a New York Post report from an insider that denied the relationship.

Nonetheless, Kelly's statements cut deep, considering she is closer in age to the actor than the majority of his past girlfriends.

"He is now dating a teenager, literally a teenager," Kelly stated as she ranted about the A-list playboy's well-known preference of dating women under the age of 25.

"He’s in the news every week for how he won’t date anybody past age 25," the former NBC News host continued. "If he does, it makes news... And now he’s actually gone down to a teenager."

After DiCaprio and Polani were photographed together, the internet erupted in criticism, accusing DiCaprio of using his status to prey on younger women, including many of his eyebrow-raising past romances.

"She could literally be his daughter," Kelly added before sneaking in digs about his aging appearance.

Kelly said the former heartthrob "looks almost as bad as Madonna" and claimed years of hard partying were to thank for his decline.

"He is bloated — you could tell this guy partied a little bit too much," Kelly continued. "Step away from the booze."

Kelly kept her scathing rant focused on DiCaprio — whose brain, unlike the teenage model's, had at least had the opportunity to finish prefrontal cortex development.

The political pundit said Polani was indeed "gorgeous," noting that "she’s a model" and they all are.”

Kelly labeled DiCaprio's apparent inability to date among his peers as "sad."

"I feel like this guy from the rate of things is never going to know the joy of meeting somebody who he can fall in deep love with and build a family with," Kelly said of the Great Gatsby star. "He’s just going to keep banging teenagers for the rest of his life."

The harsh comments were tame compared to internet critics, who slammed the actor online and joked that Polani was so young, she had her high school years disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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