在社交媒体上,泰勒·理查德(Tayor Richard)与粉丝们分享自己在中国香港“坐月子”的经历。泰勒聘请的月嫂对她进行了一系列的产后指导,叮嘱她“坐月子”的注意事项。
月嫂在帮泰勒放松身体 图源:CNN
据CNN报道称,中国式产后护理,俗称“坐月子”(sitting the month),正在西方越来越受欢迎。
According to a CNN report on May 7, Chinese-style postpartum care, commonly known as "sitting the month," is becoming more and more popular in the West.
Taylor Richard was once a Canadian influencer. Later, she became a model in Hong Kong SAR. In 2022, after her son was born, Richard decided to hire a confinement nanny to provide guidance for herself as a new mother.
泰勒、孩子与月嫂 图源:CNN
"It meant everything! My husband and I both don’t have any family members in Hong Kong, and as new parents we were pretty clueless," she said via email. "Having someone take care of my body and gently guide me through my transition into motherhood made for a very positive beginning of my baby’s life."
"As an American woman who has given birth 4 times and been booted immediately out of the hospital expected to figure it all out on my own, I can undoubtedly say had this been an option, it may have changed my whole mothering experience!" one person said.
"I returned to work 2 weeks postpartum in America," another mother wrote. "I never felt that I was able to fully bond with my child."
I am in love with the informative and wholesome nature of this video. I hope such a Carol exists in lsrael as well. 我很喜欢这条内容丰富且有益健康的视频。真希望以色列也有这样的月嫂。
This honestly looks like such a civilised experience. ln the UK things are pretty barbaric. You're shuffled out a hospital and into the "rea world" with minimal follow up the minute you can stand on vour feet. What a beautiful custom, to truly care for a new mother, and something we should learn from! 老实说,这看起来很舒适愉快。在英国,产后经历很是野蛮,你能自己站起来的那一刻开始,就会被拖出医院,进入“现实世界”。坐月子是多么美好的一项习俗,真正地做到了关心新手妈妈。这是我们应该学习的!
USA take some notes! Our American mommies need this care especially with the push on getting back to work and just hoping you might get family to help you at all. 美国快来抄作业!我们美国妈妈也需要这种照顾,尤其是在重返工作岗位的压力之下。我只是希望能够得到家人的帮助。
❶ sitting the month
英文中, “坐月子”可以用“sitting the month”来表达。
❷ postpartum care
前缀“post-”有“在……之后”之意,“partum”表示“分娩”,两者结合则构成“postpartum”(产后)一词。postpartum depression是“产后抑郁症”。postpartum care就是“产后护理”。
In China, many new moms practice the tradition of postpartum care after the birth of a child.
月子中心,即产后护理中心,是新妈妈们一起“坐月子”的地方,可以在“坐月子”的英文后加上“center”,用“postpartum care center”来表达。
来源:CNN 环球时报 沪江英语
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