创新至心 | 《经济学人·商论》x 中欧eLab活动预告
Today, most companies are on a quest to become more innovative, and we believe that true innovation runs deeper than these surface-level interventions. It’s about helping cultures to become innovative to their core, so that innovation becomes the default way of doing things rather than a one-time cosmetic change. Thus, we aimed to better understand the core components of established innovative companies around the world in the hopes that firms can adopt some of these best practices as they continue their rapid progression from an innovation adopter to and innovation generators.
Event Detail 活动详情
Friday, May 26th 13:00-14:30 5月26日 13:00-14:30 Venue 地点: CEIBS Campus 中欧国际工商学院 (具体教室请等报名成功后接收定向通知) Language 语言: English 英文 Hosts 举办方: TheEconomist GBR & CEIBS eLab & CEIBS 2024 Family Business Club 《经济学人·商论》 & 中欧eLab & 中欧2024家族企业俱乐部
Event Agenda 活动议程
Event Speakers 嘉宾信息
范悦安 中欧商学院领导力教授 《创新到核心》《中国CEO》《中国CEOII》联席作者 Juan A Fernandez CEIBS Professor of Leadership Co-author of Innovative to the Core, China CEO II and China CEO
吴晨 《经济学人·商论》执行总编辑 Chen Wu Managing Director of the Economist Global Business Review 马志德 中欧国际工商学院管理实践副教授 中欧E-Lab创业实验室学术主任 Ghorbani, Majid Associate Professor of Management Practice Academic Director of CEIBS E-Lab, CEIBS (报名需经审核,注册成功将收到定向通知,请在提交后注意查收信息)