一位外国博主分享了自己的小猫追求邻居家猫咪的故事,这段心酸又搞笑的追爱之旅让大家忍俊不禁。网友们纷纷表示,“猫怎么变舔狗了?”“莉莉到底爱不爱它,求后续”“结局到底是BE(bad ending)还是HE(happy ending)啊?”
shoot my shot
Life is always full of the unexpected, so just shoot your shot anyway. 人生充满了未知,所以大胆地去尝试吧!
being a nuisance
Mother comes to retrieve me because I'm being a nuisance. retrieve 寻回,找回,检索(数据)
Far from being a nuisance, she was a positive joy to have around. 她一点都不讨厌,和她在一起很开心。
take a nap
He's taking a nap in his hammock. 他正在吊床上打盹儿。 hammock 吊床
with haste
We have to move with haste if we want to make it on time. 如果想及时完成的话我们必须要加速了。
hate one's presence
I hate your presence here because of how unbearable you could be. 我不想看见你因为你真的令人无法忍受。 unbearable 无法忍受的
third time's the charm
Don't be discouraged. Third time's the charm! 别灰心,说不定再试试就成功了! discouraged 气馁的
the moon of my life
"You are the Moon of my Life. That is all I know, and all I need to know. And if this is a dream, I will kill the man who tries to wake me." 你是我生命中的月亮,这就足够了。如果这只是一个梦,我便灭了这欲唤醒我之人。
create chaos
He later created chaos at city hall and displayed other erratic behavior. 后来,他在市政厅引发了混乱,并做了其他奇怪的行为。 erratic 古怪的
The girl was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak for a moment. 这女孩非常激动,一时说不出话来。
alone time
Alone time matters because it allows us to learn more about ourselves. 独处时间非常重要,因为它可以让我们更加了解自己。
play hard to get
In an echo of human behavior, when she plays hard to get, he suddenly can not get enough of her. 这是人的天性,当她欲擒故纵时,他突然变得欲罢不能了。
vomit up
I vomited up my dinner in the middle of the night. 我在半夜的时候把晚饭吐出来了。
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