乔治·奥威尔狂热 | 经济学人文化

乔治·奥威尔狂热 | 经济学人文化




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Culture | Orwell mania
文化 | 奥威尔狂热


Culture | Orwell mania

文化 | 奥威尔狂热

Interest in George Orwell and his dystopian fiction is high


But while warning of one kind of “doublethink”, was he blind to another?


Few writers have achieved the cult status of George Orwell. He is so much a part of the collective imagination that John Rodden, an Orwell scholar, goes so far as to call him “the most important writer who ever lived”. He was not the best writer of his time, explains Mr Rodden, author of several books on the writer’s “afterlife”, but his universal recognition, continuous publication and repeated spikes in popularity are “an unprecedented phenomenon rivalled only by Shakespeare himself”.

乔治·奥威尔在文学领域的地位鲜有作家企及。他在大众的集体想象中占据重要位置,研究奥威尔的学者约翰·罗登(John Rodden)更是将奥威尔的地位拔高至有史以来最重要的作家。罗登写了好几本关于奥威尔来生的书,他认为奥威尔并不是他那个时代最优秀的作家,但奥威尔的全球认知度,著作的持续出版情况,以及屡次受到的大力追捧都前所未有,只有莎翁能与之比肩

Orwell’s most celebrated novel,“1984”, tells the story of Winston Smith, an everyman who embarks on a love affair in defiance of the surveillance state led by Big Brother, the supreme leader, whom some believe Orwell modelled after Josef Stalin. With “telescreens” that snoop on citizens, “thought police” enforcers and a system called “doublethink” in which both everything and the opposite are equally true, Orwell’s fiction has been prescient, invoked to describe the ills of nearly every age. “1984” has repeatedly topped English-language bestseller lists, including in 1954 (the year the BBC did a television adaptation), 1984 and 2003 (the centenary of Orwell’s birth). Political events bring Orwell new readers, including Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017 and fomenting of the riot at America’s Capitol in 2021. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, “1984” became the top-downloaded electronic fiction book in Russia last year.

奥威尔最著名的小说《1984》讲述了普通人温斯顿·史密斯(Winston Smith)的故事。他藐视老大哥Big Brother)领导下的举国监视体制,公然谈恋爱。老大哥是(小说里的)国家最高领导人,有人认为该人物的原型是约瑟夫·斯大林(Josef Stalin)。在《1984》中,有电镜telescreens)窥探公民的生活,有思想警察thought police)给人们净化思想,还有双重思想doublethink)的思维模式,即事物的正反两面均正确。他的小说颇具预见性,几乎适用于揭示每个时代的弊病。《1984》多次荣登英文畅销书榜榜首,具体年份包括1954年(当年英国广播公司出品了《1984》电视改编版)、1984年和2003年(奥威尔诞辰100周年)。政治事件的发生为奥威尔带来了新读者,例如特朗普2017年就任总统、2021年美国国会骚乱等。俄乌冲突爆发后,《1984》成为去年俄罗斯下载量最多的电子小说。


1. everyman: n. the typical or ordinary person普通人

2. surveillance state: In the novel “1984”, George Orwell sets up a world whose inhabitants are constantly under surveillance by the government. This constant surveillance, manipulation, and control are symbolized through the idea of “Big Brother”

3. snoop: to look or pry especially in a sneaking or meddlesome manner窥探

4. thought police: The group monitors the psychological ticks of men and women in The Party, arresting those they believe are committing thought crime (思想犯罪) or are thinking something ideologically opposed to what the Party wants them to.

5. The term “doublethink”, as first seen in George Orwell’s “1984”, is used to describe one’s capacity to hold two contradictory beliefs at one time. It is a pithy way of describing a complex phenomenon in Oceania.

6. prescient: If you say that someone or something was prescient, you mean that they were able to know or predict what was going to happen in the future.

7. dystopian: adj. relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice反乌托邦的

Angst over totalitarianism, the manipulation of truth and spread of invasive technologies has hardly abated. Today’s world is increasingly Orwellian, argues Jean Seaton, director of the Orwell Foundation: consider social-media pile-ons, analogous to the “Two Minutes Hate” the novel’s characters spew at enemies of the state. The dangers Orwell flagged are as easily used by the left to bludgeon autocrats as by the right to denounce the left’s punishment of “wrongthink”.

民众对极权主义、操控真相、滥用侵入式技术的憎恶并未消减。奥威尔基金会负责人珍·辛顿(Jean Seaton)认为,当今世界与奥威尔笔下的社会越来越像:例如社交媒体上的盲从,就好比《1984》里的角色对国家敌人的两分钟仇恨Two Minutes Hate)。左派用奥威尔所指出的危险来打击独裁者,右派也用这些危险来谴责左派对错误思想wrongthink)的惩罚。


1. Orwellian adj. characteristic of the writings of George Orwell, especially with reference to his dystopian account of a future totalitarian state in Nineteen Eighty-Four

2. totalitarianism极权主义centralized control by an autocratic authority

the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority

3. Two Minutes Hate: In George Orwell’s iconic novel 1984, the Party subjects its citizens to a daily ritual known as the Two Minutes Hate, synonymous with the novel’s oppressive and totalitarian regime. It is a period of intense hatred and contempt directed towards the Party’s enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein, and his teachings.

4. angst n. a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity焦虑,担忧,疑惧

It is thus no surprise that in 2023, with fears of autocracy and culture wars at fever pitch, the man who wrote so deftly about dark subjects is back in the spotlight. Films in production include a new documentary on Orwell’s life and an animated “Animal Farm”; a Russian-language “1984” was recently released. At least three Orwell books have been published in the past year, grappling with subjects including Orwell’s relationship with Russia.


Two more books are forthcoming, which look more closely at the women in Orwell’s life and work. For all his prescience and scrutiny of tyranny, Orwell was also blind to another sort of repression: towards women. Along with a new biography by D.J. Taylor, a historian, the books draw on letters discovered in the past 20 years between the writer and various paramours, as well as some written by Orwell’s first wife, Eileen, to her best friend. The picture that emerges is disheartening—but hardly unusual for a man of Orwell’s time. 


Eileen O’Shaughnessy was married to Orwell from 1936 until her death in 1945. One of the first women to attend Oxford University, she was brilliant and witty but abandoned a master’s degree in psychology to wed Orwell. Their life was one of hardship. Eileen struggled to make a remote, unheated cottage a home, nursing the tubercular Orwell back to health while typing up and advising him on his work. She was often the main breadwinner.

艾琳·奥莎尼斯(Eileen O’Shaughnessy)在1936年与奥威尔结婚,于1945年离世。作为牛津大学首批女学生,艾琳才华横溢、机敏过人。但她因为要和奥威尔结婚而放弃了获得心理学硕士学位的机会。他们的婚后生活非常艰辛。艾琳竭尽所能地让他们偏远又没暖气的小屋像一个家——她得照料患有肺结核的奥威尔,帮他打字,并在工作上给他提建议。很多时候艾琳才是家里的顶梁柱。

Anna Funder’s “Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life” offers harrowing details, including the day Eileen cleaned a blocked toilet, standing knee-deep in excrement, when Orwell appeared in a window to ask, “Teatime, don’t you think?” His wife dedicated her life to helping Orwell “fulfil his destiny”, one friend wrote, to the point of fatally ignoring her own health. Meanwhile Orwell was conducting numerous affairs. Before and after they married, her husband was a “sexual opportunist” who pounced on women who came his way, Mr Taylor writes.

安娜·方德(Anna Funder)的作品《为人妻:奥威尔夫人那些不被看见的生活》(Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life)详尽地描述了艾琳的悲惨生活。比如某天,艾琳站在齐膝深的粪便中清理堵塞的马桶,奥威尔在窗边问道:下午茶时间到了,不是吗?她的一位朋友写到,奥威尔的妻子倾其一生去帮助奥威尔完成他的使命,甚至极端到忽视了自己的身体健康。而与此同时,奥威尔却屡屡与他人有染。泰勒写道,无论在婚前还是婚后,她的丈夫都是一个性机会主义者,只要是对他胃口的女人,他都不放过。

This philandering had long been known to scholars, less so to the public. In the wake of #MeToo and feminist reassessments of badly behaved male artists, he is “due for a bit of reappraisal from that perspective”, says Stefan Collini, an emeritus professor at the University of Cambridge who recently edited an edition of Orwell’s essays. “Wifedom” depicts a man who relied extensively on women while erasing them from his own writings. How could it be, Ms Funder asks, that she read “Homage to Catalonia” twice and never realised that Eileen was also in Barcelona, working for a socialist group against Franco’s fascists?

学者们早就知道奥威尔的风流韵事,但公众却知之甚少。近期,剑桥大学名誉教授斯特凡柯林尼(Stefan Collini)编辑了一本奥威尔随笔集,他表示,在MeToo运动与女权主义者重评品行低下的男性艺术家后,是时候从这一方面重新评估奥威尔了。《为人妻》这本书描绘出一个几乎事事都依赖女性的男人,但他却在自己的作品中对她只字不提,完全抹去了她的身影。方德问道,为什么在她把《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》(Homage to Catalonia)读了两遍后,却从未意识到艾琳当时也在巴塞罗那,并且投身于一个反对佛朗哥法西斯主义的社会主义组织中?



2. 西班牙内战爆发不久之后,佛朗哥成为国民军大元帅,并于1939年赢得内战胜利统一全国,成立独裁政权,以法西斯主义统治西班牙直到他在1975年逝世,这段时间被称为佛朗哥时期

source: Wikipedia

Invisible woman


As the author of “Stasiland”, a prizewinning book on the East German security state, Ms Funder is well-versed in totalitarianism. Her aim is not to “cancel” a thinker she deeply admires. Her inquiry is instead a reaction to realising that she too has vanished into the invisible role of wife, doing the lion’s share of parenting and household management to the detriment of her career. Elegantly and imaginatively resurrecting Eileen, Ms Funder comes to see patriarchy as another form of “doublethink”, which Orwell defined as “a vast system of mental cheating”. Men “imagine themselves innocent in a system that benefits them, at others’ cost”, Ms Funder writes.


Yet some women take part in their own erasure, a point Ms Funder does not probe deeply enough. Orwell and early biographers wrote Eileen out of history; she colluded by minimising her own suffering. Severely anaemic on the eve of what was an expensive—and fatal—operation, she wrote to Orwell that “What worries me is that I really don’t think I’m worth the money.” All of this makes it doubly refreshing to see Julia, the heroine of“1984”, emerge with full agency in Sandra Newman’s eponymous novel. Such feminist retellings are a booming genre today, with the women of Troy, Shakespeare’s wife and mythological goddesses narrating their lives as the protagonists in new books.


For decades feminists have called out the sexism of Orwell’s depiction of Winston Smith’s lover, Julia, who is presented as a nymphomaniac and honeypot trap, leading to their crushing by the state. “With Julia, everything came back to her own sexuality,” Orwell wrote. Whether the writer was himself a misogynist or simply satirising a group of sexist men, the author’s estate had long felt there was something missing in the story. They sought a writer who might give a new dimension to the tale, writing a spin-off of “1984” for the 21st century. “The only way to approach it was from a feminist perspective, because the whole regime was so horrifyingly misogynist,” says Bill Hamilton, Orwell’s literary executor.

几十年来,女权主义者一直在抨击奥威尔对温斯顿·史密斯的恋人朱莉娅的描写存在性别歧视,认为奥威尔把她描述成一个女色情狂和桃色陷阱——并最终导致他俩被极权之国迫害。奥威尔写道:对朱莉娅来说,一切都以她自己的性欲为出发点。无论奥威尔本人是厌女症,还是他仅仅在讽刺一群性别歧视的男性,奥威尔的遗稿管理人长期以来都觉得《1984》的故事没有真正与时俱进。他们在寻找一位作家,希望其能为这本小说赋予新的内涵,为21世纪创作一部《1984》的新续集。奥威尔的遗稿管理人比尔·汉密尔顿(Bill Hamilton)说:实现这一目标的唯一方法就是从女权主义的视角来创作,因为小说中的极权政权对女性的压迫令人恐惧。

Ms Newman’s “Julia” offers a female character with a rich inner life. Her Julia is a survivor, more subversive than Winston, adroit at evading control, finding a kind of liberty in “sexcrime”. “She imagined freedom as exuberance, a clumsy romping,” Ms Newman writes. If Julia entraps Winston, it is because she too has been coerced and victimised. A twisty ending in keeping with the original makes this an enjoyable read even to those unfamiliar with “1984”.


Neither Orwell’s “troubling” behaviour towards women nor the #MeToo movement inspired the estate’s decision to give the new novel its full backing, says Mr Hamilton. Yet this “Julia” cannot help but balance out his blind spots and bring his opus up to date. After all, he is the perennial man of the hour—not only yesterday but today, and almost certainly tomorrow. 










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