达里奥和桥水,摊上事了… | 经济学人财经

达里奥和桥水,摊上事了… | 经济学人财经





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Ray Dalio is a monster, suggests a new book. Is it fair?


The founder of the world’s largest hedge fund comes under scrutiny


The tome opens with Ray Dalio laying into an employee he apparently knew to be pregnant. He calls her an “idiot” over and over, until she runs from the room sobbing. The founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, was supposedly “delighted”. His “probing” of this woman was evidence of his commitment to “truth-seeking” at any cost. The meltdown, which had been recorded, was uploaded to a library of firm meetings. He had it edited into a clip to be shown to future employees.

这本大部头开篇就说到,瑞·达里奥(Ray Dalio)曾明知一名员工怀孕,还对其大加斥责,一遍又一遍地骂她白痴,直到对方哭着从房间里跑出去。而这位全球最大对冲基金——桥水公司的创始人据说很高兴。他对这位女士如此刨根问底,表明他一贯坚持不惜一切代价"求真务实。那位员工情绪崩溃的情形都被录了下来,还被上传至公司会议资料库。达里奥将其剪辑成一个片段,以便展示给未来的员工。


1.tomeAtome is a very large, heavy book. 大部头的书

2.lay intoto attack forcefully 猛烈攻击

3. meltdownThemeltdown of a company, organization, or system is its sudden and complete failure. (公司、机构、系统等的) 突然崩溃

This is just the first of many damaging titbits in “The Fund”, a new book about Mr Dalio by Rob Copeland, a reporter at the New York Times. The book’s narrative builds to two points. One is that Mr Dalio’s “principles”, a philosophy he described as being centred on “radical transparency”, are really little more than time-wasting tools which he uses to bully employees. The system requires meetings to be recorded, for employees to rank one another and for them to upload complaints onto a platform. This is supposed to foster an “ideas meritocracy” but instead leads, at best, to petty gripes about how the peas in the cafeteria are too “wrinkled” and, at worst, to a culture of fear. Mr Dalio is supposed to have manipulated this system so that his opinion always mattered most.

在《纽约时报》记者罗伯·科普兰(Rob Copeland)关于达里奥的新书《基金》(The Fund)中,这只是众多具有杀伤力的内幕消息中的第一条。这本书主要阐述了两个论点:第一,达里奥所谓的原则,也就是他本人口中以绝对透明为核心的理念,只不过是他用来欺压员工、打发时间的手段。这一理念体系要求所有会议全部录音,让员工之间互相评级排位,并开放平台供员工上传投诉。这本是为了打造创意择优的职场环境,但充其量只能收到食堂的豌豆皮太‘”这种鸡毛蒜皮的抱怨,甚至可能形成一种人人自危的恐惧文化。据称,达里奥一手操纵这个体系,所以他的意见总是最重要的。


1.titbitYou can refer to a small piece of information about someone's private affairs as atitbit, especially when it is interesting and shocking. 趣闻

2.meritocracyAmeritocracy is a society or social system in which people get status or rewards because of what they achieve, rather than because of their wealth or social status. 贤能社会

3.pettyYou can usepetty to describe things such as problems, rules, or arguments that you think are unimportant or relate to unimportant things. 不重要的表不满

4.gripeIf you say that someoneis griping, you mean they are annoying you because they keep on complaining about something. 不停地抱怨

5.culture of fear:英国社会学家、作家和公共知识分子,Frank Furedi研究恐惧现象,尤其是现代社会中对风险和安全的过度关注和担忧,以及这种担忧如何影响公共政策和社会文化。他在1997年出版了著名的书籍《Culture of Fear》(《恐惧文化》),引起了广泛的关注和讨论。

The second is that there is “no secret” to Bridgewater’s success. Mr Dalio’s hundreds of research staff write reports he does not even read. Mr Copeland claims Mr Dalio made all the investing decisions himself, or with some input from lieutenants. Far from having a codified set of rules, as he tells clients, he uses hunches and simple “if then” statements such as: if interest rates fall in a country then you should sell its currency. These worked, the story goes, for a while, but the rise of high-frequency traders and quantitative funds, which often follow market “momentum”, eroded his edge. Returns for Bridgewater’s flagship “Pure Alpha” fund have been pretty paltry for the past 10 or 15 years.

第二,桥水的成功没有秘诀可言。达里奥手下有数百名研究员撰写研究报告,但他看都不看。科普兰声称,达里奥的所有投资决定都是他自己做出的,或者听取其助手的一些建议后做出的。他总向客户夸口,桥水有一套严密的投资规则,实际情况却远非如此,决策所依据的不过是他的直觉和简单的如果那么条件推理。比如,如果一个国家的利率下降,那么应该出售其货币。书中说,这些做法一度颇为奏效,但随着追逐市场动量的高频交易和量化基金不断崛起,他的策略逐渐失去优势。在过去1015年里,桥水的旗舰基金纯阿尔法Pure Alpha)收益寥寥。


1. hunchIf you have ahunch about something, you are sure that it is correct or true, even though you do not have any proof. 直觉; 预感

2. paltryApaltry amount of money or of something else is one that you consider to be very small. 微小的; 微不足道的

The conclusions of the two intertwine: the cult of Bridgewater is pointless. Bridgewater’s employees have time to waste on nonsense because the investing process is simple, really. Mr Dalio might have been a gifted investor—since 1991 he has earned $58bn for those who have bought into his funds—but his efforts to codify investment rules and culture were a waste of time. His legacy will fade.



Intertwine:缠结在一起 vt. to unite by twining one with another


Mr Copeland’s deep reporting unearthed damning tales, but they seem to have been told so as to place Mr Dalio in the worst possible light. Take, for example, a passage where Mr Dalio invites Niall Ferguson, a celebrated historian, to Bridgewater. Mr Dalio supplied Mr Ferguson with a copy of his book, which offers a sweeping theory of economic history and a model of “the economic machine”—only for Mr Ferguson to tell the assembled staff that there was no way of modelling history since models could not account for the “caprices of decision-makers”. Mr Dalio began shouting at Mr Ferguson, who soon left. Mr Copeland writes that Mr Dalio then sent round a poll asking who won the debate (Mr Dalio triumphed).


It is one of many anecdotes that are supposed to reveal that Mr Dalio is unprincipled. Far from listening to unfiltered criticism he uses his power to silence others. But apparently Mr Dalio later solicited advice asking whether he had behaved inappropriately. His employees implored him not to invite people to Bridgewater just to shout at them—advice to which he is said to have listened. Mr Dalio’s radical transparency might be strange and misguided, but perhaps he is not a hypocrite.



1.Anecdote: n. a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident 轶事


2.Solicit: to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas vi.恳求;请求


3.Imploreto make an earnest request to (someone)


The book’s arguments about Mr Dalio’s investment process are harder still to swallow. Macro funds that follow trends are a dime a dozen, and few come close to touching Bridgewater’s record. As for the erosion of his edge, the earliest momentum funds were established in the 1980s, before Bridgewater set up its first funds. They grew in the 1990s and 2000s, when his edge was as sharp as ever. How Mr Dalio achieved what he did is something of a mystery. Perhaps some of the magic could have been codified or captured. It was worth trying, anyway.



momentum fund:动能基金或趋势基金,是根据证券市场趋势,特别是股票走势操作的基金。

a dime a dozen: so plentiful or commonplace as to be of little esteem or slight value

Mr Dalio dismisses Mr Copeland’s book out of hand. He has written that it is “another one of those sensational and inaccurate tabloid books written to sell books to people who like gossip”. The hagiography of Mr Dalio already exists: he penned his own tale in 2017. Mr Copeland seems to have written its foil, which can find only the ill in Bridgewater’s founder. The book is worth a read—but only with that in mind.

达里奥对科普兰的书不屑一顾。他写道, "这又是一本哗众取宠、言过其实的小报作品,专为卖给嗜好八卦的读者而生"。达里奥的圣人传早已著写完成:2017年出版的自传《原则》。科普兰这本书似乎成了其自传的陪衬,只能从中看到桥水创始人身上的毛病。但这本书仍然值得一读,只不过读者要对这一点心中有数。


tabloid featuring stories of violence, crime, or scandal presented in a sensational manner


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