【广州美国中心活动】美国多元文化:百老汇, 10 月13 日,星期四,下午2:30-4:00

【广州美国中心活动】美国多元文化:百老汇, 10 月13 日,星期四,下午2:30-4:00


Guangzhou American Center Presents  

Topic: Diversity in American Culture: Broadway

Time/Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022, 2:30pm - 4:00pm
时间/日期:2022 年 10 月13 日,星期四,下午2:30-4:00 

Location: Guangzhou American Center, U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou

From food and music to geography and history, the United States has a wide array of cultural and regional distinctions that make each area of the country unique. This presentation will focus on a unique aspect of American culture --New York City’s legendary theater district Broadway, where ideas come alive on the stage. Come join us to learn more about how theater has been used as a tool for social impact and change. 


This event will be conducted in English. In order to maintain social distancing guidelines, the Guangzhou American Center will seat 40 visitors for this event. The event is first come, first served, and we will close when the event is full. Reservation does not guarantee entry. Thank you for your understanding.


Please scan the QR code to register.

Additional Special Notices:

Attendees will need to show their ID/passport and a current green health code to be admitted into the Consulate. No cameras or laptops will be allowed. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to attend this event are available upon request. Please submit a request for accommodations in advance or as soon as possible via email to [email protected].

进入领事馆时,请携带身份证或护照原件、出示手机上的健康码绿码。请勿携带相机或手提电脑。可根据请求为希望参加此次活动的残障人士提供合理的便利安排。请提前或尽快发电子邮件给[email protected]提交请求。 

If you have any symptoms of physical discomfort, please do not attend. We will take all possible measures to maintain a safe environment for public events. Our facilities have state-of-the-art air filtration systems, specifically designed to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses in the building. Strict sanitary measures will be taken at the venue and hand sanitizer will be provided. The number of attendees at each event will be limited per current public health guidelines, and all attendees should wear face masks for the duration of the event.


Please note that the U.S. Consulate may record photographs and video during the event. While photos and video may be released in future online and printed publications, all efforts are made to not include recognizable images of event attendees without their explicit consent. Content (image, audio, or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.



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