回复 4楼的帖子
Depends on age and state Some states homeschooler lean more religious than other. In CA i would say most are secular.
You can do a combination of home and pod, which is a lot like school.
My kid go to a pod 4 days a week. Are home on Fridays. Once my work schedule lightens up we will do 3 days only. We will travel for several months in fall to Asia, and will continue to study basic math, language arts, science but will use things we encounter during the travel for social science, arts etc, whatever interests the kids.
For PE, kids go to gymnastics, rollerskatong, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has pod park days,
Homeschooling is not "do school at home". It is more mastery based. It doesn''''t take 6 hours a day to learn stuff you need to learn for second grade.
You can search for terms like " "City state" homeschool" on Facebook for your local group, plenty of resources and friendly people here. There are usually stickies too that is relevant to your locality
I can tell you more about on CA specifically