Briton blamed American's cowboy abusing British's English

Briton blamed American's cowboy abusing British's English

楼主 (文学城)

Reading the following post and related questions got me up to this follow-up post: 

• (欣贺盈盈一笑震乾坤)The Fox and the Grapes - 古树羽音 -    (7893 bytes) (5479 reads) 09/17/2023  16:19:06 (5)

• 大谢羽音老师!您实在给了我一个大惊喜!好久不见。热烈欢迎回美坛!:)) - 盈盈一笑间 -    (0 bytes) (2 reads) 09/17/2023  17:14:12



• You made me smile from ear to ear! - TJKCB -    (0 bytes) (1 reads) 09/17/2023  19:09:24

• 我也很开心!顺便学习一下,在这里,可以使用laughing 这个词替代smile吗? - 古树羽音 -    (0 bytes) (5 reads) 09/17/2023  19:15:58 (1)

• not really inter-exchange as subtle meaning. - TJKCB -    (77 bytes) (4 reads) 09/17/2023  21:27:33

• 原来是这样的区别啊!天呐,到目前为止,我出了多少丑!还是学习好,差一点一辈子出丑。看来小学生来学并不晚,什么时候都不晚。 - 古树羽音 -    (0 bytes) (2 reads) 09/17/2023  21:44:33 (1)

• choice between laughing and smiling in different situations - TJKCB -    (34140 bytes) (1 reads) 09/18/2023  12:47:05

• to guide the choice between laughing and smiling - TJKCB -    (52834 bytes) (0 reads) 09/18/2023  12:52:16


Britons blamed American's cowboy style for abusing British's beautiful and classy English expression. Can you explore and name a few situations of comparison between British English and American English? 


British English and American English have several differences in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, and even grammar. These differences have developed over time due to historical, cultural, and regional factors. Here are a few situations where you can compare British English and American English:


Colour vs. Color: In British English, it's "colour," while in American English, it's "color."
Centre vs. Center: The British use "centre," whereas Americans use "center."
Lorry vs. Truck: In the UK, it's a "lorry," but in the US, it's a "truck."


-re vs. -er: British English often uses "-re" spellings, like "centre" and "metre," while American English opts for "-er" spellings, such as "center" and "meter."


Herb: In British English, the "h" in "herb" is silent, while in American English, it's pronounced.

Collective Nouns:

Singular or Plural Agreement: In British English, collective nouns like "team" or "family" are often treated as plural ("The team are playing well"). In American English, they are treated as singular ("The team is playing well").

Use of Articles:

Zero Article: Americans may use the zero article in certain situations where Britons might use "the." For example, Americans might say "go to hospital" instead of "go to the hospital."

Slang and Idioms:

Different Expressions: Each version of English has its own unique slang and idiomatic expressions. For example, "biscuit" in the UK refers to what Americans call a "cookie," while in the US, "biscuit" is a type of bread roll.


Quotation Marks: In American English, double quotation marks are commonly used for direct speech, while in British English, single quotation marks are preferred.

Grammar and Verb Usage:

Past Simple vs. Present Perfect: American English tends to use the past simple tense more often, while British English often uses the present perfect for actions that have relevance to the present.


Imperial vs. Metric: The UK primarily uses the metric system for measurements, while the US still uses the imperial system for many things, such as distance (miles vs. kilometers) and temperature (Fahrenheit vs. Celsius).

Date Format:

Day/Month/Year vs. Month/Day/Year: British English typically uses the day/month/year format (e.g., 15/09/2023), whereas American English uses the month/day/year format (e.g., 09/15/2023).

"The choice between laughing and smiling in different situations depends on the context and the emotions you want to convey. Here's a general guideline for when to use each:

Laughing: Humor and Amusement: Laughing is the appropriate response when you find something genuinely funny or amusing. It expresses your enjoyment of the situation or the joke. Sharing Joy: Laughing together with others can create a sense of camaraderie and shared enjoyment. It's a way to connect with people over a humorous moment. Reacting to Comedy: When watching a comedy show, a funny movie, or a stand-up performance, it's natural to laugh in response to jokes and comedic situations.

Smiling: Friendliness and Approachability: A smile is a warm and friendly gesture. Use it in everyday social interactions to convey approachability and goodwill. Greeting and Acknowledgment: Smile when you meet someone or when you want to acknowledge their presence in a friendly manner. It's a universal sign of welcome. Expressing Happiness: Smiling is a way to express your happiness or contentment in various situations, from receiving good news to enjoying a beautiful day. Professional Situations: In many professional settings, a smile can be more appropriate than laughter. It conveys professionalism and positive demeanor without being overly informal.

In summary, laughing is typically associated with humor and amusement, while smiling is a more versatile expression used for friendliness, acknowledgment, happiness, and in various everyday situations. The choice between the two should align with the emotions and atmosphere of the moment.


Takehome: here are some words and phrases that can be used to guide the choice between laughing and smiling in different situations:


Chuckles: Chuckles are often spontaneous and light-hearted, expressing amusement or a mild sense of humor.

Guffaws: Guffaws are hearty, loud laughs typically associated with finding something extremely funny or entertaining.

Laughter: A general term encompassing various forms of audible amusement, laughter can range from a giggle to a full-blown belly laugh.

Giggles: Giggles are soft, often girlish laughs that convey a sense of innocence or playfulness.

Cackling: Cackling is a distinctive, often slightly sinister form of laughter, suggesting amusement with a mischievous or wicked edge.


Grin: A grin is a broad, often cheeky smile that can convey happiness, satisfaction, or even a touch of mischief.

Beam: To beam is to smile radiantly, suggesting great happiness or pride in a situation.

Smirk: A smirk is a sly, often self-satisfied smile that can indicate amusement or subtle satisfaction.

Smile: A genuine and straightforward expression of happiness or friendliness.

Mona Lisa Smile: A subtle, enigmatic smile, often used to describe a smile that holds a hint of mystery or hidden emotion.

Warmth: A warm smile conveys genuine friendliness, approachability, and kindness.

Professional Demeanor: In professional contexts, maintaining a composed and courteous demeanor may involve a polite smile rather than overt laughter.

Acknowledgment: A smile can serve as a non-verbal way to acknowledge someone's presence or a gesture of recognition.

In essence, the choice of words and expressions for laughter and smiling can help convey the specific nuances and emotions associated with each. These terms can be used to guide the appropriate response based on the context and the desired tone of the interaction.


2 楼


當時我和同樣是香港來的同學正在講我們看到的貨車/trucks-"多年的教育-自然我們說得是"lorry-lorries",-:)) .



3 楼
4 楼

嗤笑、苦笑、奸笑、傻笑、狂笑、开怀大笑、笑容可掬、哄堂大笑、媚笑、眉开眼笑、破涕为笑、捧腹大笑、嫣然一笑、哈哈大笑、皮笑肉不笑。 微笑,嬉笑,哂笑,莞尔,苦笑,傻笑,痴笑,冷笑,咧嘴一笑,infinite and beyond, can you add it on?

5 楼
6 楼
7 楼

8 楼
blame Google or you add it on会心一笑千金一笑 斗笑儿.

田横笑人 · 谈笑风生 · 啼笑皆非 ; 啼笑因缘 · 会心一笑 · 回眸一笑 ; 轰堂大笑 · 烘堂大笑 · 哄堂大笑 ; 拈花一笑 · 眉花眼笑 · 眉语目笑 ; 哭笑不得 · 微笑北京 · 遣愁索笑 .嘲笑、嘲笑、耻笑、发笑、含笑、哄堂大笑、哄笑、欢声笑语、欢笑、讥笑、开玩笑、可笑、苦笑、哭笑不得、冷笑、眉开眼笑、闹笑话、狞笑、捧腹大笑、 ... 一:含笑九泉,含笑入地,见笑大方,开眉笑眼,哭笑不得 · 二:皮笑肉不笑,破颜微笑,遣愁索笑,千金买笑,千金一笑 · 三:传为笑谈,谄笑胁肩..


9 楼
Wow witty!
10 楼
11 楼
How about you do it? You started it
12 楼
yup, yup !!! haha
13 楼
嘻嘻 :)
14 楼
Happiness is something you have to seek with your own heart,

Happiness is something you have to seek with your own heart,

15 楼
16 楼
pls take your time , No rush.:)
17 楼
Thank for Following up lessons valuable to any learning

Following up lessons is valuable to any program of learning

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