Smiling [一笑间] ear

Smiling [一笑间] ear

楼主 (文学城)

tjkcb notes: Surfing on 美语世界  has been my taking a break coffee time to gain  盈盈一笑间 -  - smiling [一笑间] ear-to-ear [盈盈], sometimes, and reading yours witty and insightful posts and inspirational comments. Here are some of the reasons why:

Microsoft's brain EEG Study Conclusion: Take More Breaks!

Short breaks between meetings are necessary for:

1/ Eliminating stress buildup.
2/ Improving performance.
3/ Reducing the impact of attention residue.

4// helping maintain focus and eliminate low-value chit chat.

2 楼
Surfering on? or Surfing on? :):):)
3 楼
So let's take a break:))
4 楼
good catch! From Suffering to surfing :-)
5 楼
corrected as you advised. thank you!
6 楼
You got the point!
7 楼
嘿嘿,原来的痛苦之事变成现在的欢乐之事了 :):):)
8 楼
From Kitsch to breath fresh air surfing a new territory
9 楼
Kitsch in Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being:

Kitsch in Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being:   来源: TJKCB 于 2023-11-21 13:07:34  回答: 码农讨厌八哥 bug. 我知道的. Kitsch 媚俗文化, 一方获取利润, 一方得以消遣. 我也看过金庸和琼瑶. 但凡出现在社媒上的人或 / 和事, 多多少少沾染 Kitsch, 只要不太放纵, 只要不强求别人与自己有一样的价值观, 就行. 我觉得. 由 铃兰听风 于 2023-11-21 12:42:01

Thank you for bringing out such a new word. To learn is to surf on -- "• Kundera kitsch as an ideological tool under such regimes ! -"

Tomáš Kulka, in Kitsch and Art, starts from two basic facts: that kitsch "has an undeniable mass appeal" and "considered bad" by the art-educated elite", and then proposes three essential conditions:

Kitsch depicts a beautiful or highly emotionally charged subject. The depicted subject is instantly and effortlessly identifiable. Kitsch does not substantially enrich our associations related to the depicted subject.[11][1

Kitsch in Milan Kundera's [The Unbearable Lightness of Being]: 

The concept of kitsch is a central motif in Milan Kundera's 1984 novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Towards the end of the novel, the book's narrator posits that the act of defecation (and specifically, the shame that surrounds it) poses a metaphysical challenge to the theory of divine creation: "Either/or: either shit is acceptable (in which case don't lock yourself in the bathroom!) or we are created in an unacceptable manner".[13] Thus, in order for us to continue to believe in the essential propriety and rightness of the universe (what the narrator calls "the categorical agreement with being"), we live in a world "in which shit is denied and everyone acts as though it did not exist". For Kundera's narrator, this is the definition of kitsch: an "aesthetic ideal" which "excludes everything from its purview which is essentially unacceptable in human existence".

The novel goes on to relate this definition of kitsch to politics, and specifically—given the novel's setting in Prague around the time of the 1968 invasion by the Soviet Union—to communism and totalitarianism. He gives the example of the Communist May Day ceremony, and of the sight of children running on the grass and the feeling this is supposed to provoke. This emphasis on feeling is fundamental to how kitsch operates:

Kitsch causes two tears to flow in quick succession. The first tear says: How nice to see children running on the grass! The second tear says: How nice to be moved, together with all mankind, by children running on the grass! It is the second tear that makes kitsch kitsch.[14]

According to the narrator, kitsch is "the aesthetic ideal of all politicians and all political parties and movements"; however, where a society is dominated by a single political movement, the result is "totalitarian kitsch":

When I say "totalitarian," what I mean is that everything that infringes on kitsch must be banished for life: every display of individualism (because a deviation from the collective is a spit in the eye of the smiling brotherhood); every doubt (because anyone who starts doubting details will end by doubting life itself); all irony (because in the realm of kitsch everything must be taken quite seriously).[14]

Kundera's concept of "totalitarian kitsch" has since been invoked in the study of the art and culture of regimes such as Stalin's Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Iraq under Saddam Hussein.[15] Kundera's narrator ends up condemning kitsch for its "true function" as an ideological tool under such regimes, calling it "a folding screen set up to curtain off death".[16],common%20example%20of%20modern%20kitsch.? 

10 楼
I'm flattered. Surfing on 美语世界 has been my taking a break
11 楼
tea time too ~~
12 楼
Thank you for sharing Microsoft's brain EEG Study Conclusion
13 楼
Could not agree more with you. Take More Breaks! :))

14 楼
Buddha would have a blue EEG no matter what :-)
15 楼
Let's check out Buddha to see true blue EEG. Ain't you on?
16 楼
You kindly lead the way to blissful breaks viewing 美语世界 :-)
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