哈佛大学将于明年推出Taylor Swift and Her World课程
楼主 (北美华人网)
fsdddz 发表于 2023-11-28 14:17
这课学啥? 她的作品的艺术成就?还是她对人类文明/社会进步/国家经济的影响力?
pop 发表于 2023-11-28 15:17
她的文学功底,创作力,艺术成就绝对是top级别的。 经济层面,她今年的Eras Tour巡演: The Eras Tour is said to have brought in $1 billion for Swift--a record for any tour--and may have boosted the U.S. economy overall by $4.6 billion
valentinemonkey 发表于 2023-11-28 15:28
她的作品和她的人都很有意思啊,可以谈很多方面:比如女性成长,从小女孩到后来越来越强势;比如女权,这也有很多方面可以讲,包括她分手多次;比如bully, 她的shake off就是写这个的;比如美国音乐工业歌手对自己的歌曲没有权利,所以她要重新录制很多歌曲;比如如何培养和歌迷的关系,霉霉与粉丝的强联系是个奇迹。
还有从文学角度,比如You belong with me, 歌词极其言简意赅的表达了两女一男的故事,比如金发popular sexy 女 vs.棕发文静有内涵的女生,这个组合在超级多的文学和影视作品里。完全可以展开讨论。
apple44 发表于 2023-11-28 15:26
这课学啥? 她的作品的艺术成就?还是她对人类文明/社会进步/国家经济的影响力?
pop 发表于 2023-11-28 15:17
她歌词写的很好吗? 去围观下。
话说这个课也讲她personal world吗,哈哈
pinponlinzie 发表于 2023-11-28 15:31
我觉得她通常用短短一句话就可以概括一个意境,比那些口水歌歌手好太多。 这个是比较老的总结了: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andriamoore/taylor-swifts-most-poetic-lyrics
valentinemonkey 发表于 2023-11-28 15:36
这课学啥? 她的作品的艺术成就?还是她对人类文明/社会进步/国家经济的影响力?
pop 发表于 2023-11-28 15:17
真的无语 按照这个逻辑郭敬明也可以在北大开课了😅
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 15:44
以前听 NPR 有一回讲大学里用 Seinfeld 里面的例子讲经济学问题, 很生动, 也很深刻。
shanggj 发表于 2023-11-28 15:46
举例子和开课是两回事 我大学还有同学paper写卡迪比对美国文化的影响呢 没在美国上过大学吧?
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 15:50
就是开了门课 呀。
shanggj 发表于 2023-11-28 15:52
回复 16楼wielkacytryna的帖子
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:06
的确是非常罕见的以一个音乐人一己之力, 撼动版权,制作人,演唱会,电影发行的各种层面。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:05
这课开着有啥意义?还不如给追星产业开门课,这个产业确实这几十年早就了无数“英雄”。她的成功难道真的是因为天降奇才千年一遇吗?还不是因为背后的资本和营销。她自己写的歌词都很口水,谈深度根本谈不上,比起什么bob dylan来说差的很远
Felixa 发表于 2023-11-28 16:07
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 16:08
valentinemonkey 发表于 2023-11-28 16:14
这课开着有啥意义?还不如给追星产业开门课,这个产业确实这几十年早就了无数“英雄”。她的成功难道真的是因为天降奇才千年一遇吗?还不是因为背后的资本和营销。她自己写的歌词都很口水,谈深度根本谈不上,比起什么bob dylan来说差的很远
Felixa 发表于 2023-11-28 16:07
为啥不开门课讲micheal jackson?
xcosmos 发表于 2023-11-28 16:12
fsdddz 发表于 2023-11-28 14:17
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 16:16
这课学啥? 她的作品的艺术成就?还是她对人类文明/社会进步/国家经济的影响力?
pop 发表于 2023-11-28 15:17
早就有了!还早就有课讲 麦当娜,Beyonce, Jay Z, Prince, Kenye West(!), Lady Gaga.
apple44 发表于 2023-11-28 16:17
所以说什么哈耶普也就那样 taylor swift就一个流行音乐歌手,也能有大学课程了?真是笑死我了。明年是不是lady gaga,卡迪比都该开课了?
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 15:39
这个课就是研究流行音乐产业,怎么组合她的写歌能力+资本+营销,有什么background,采取什么strategy,有什么impact等等。 个人可以对某个歌手有喜好很理解,但作为研究一种现象,还是要从大众的角度来看待这个问题。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:16
如果是说从商业方面发展,首先这门课应在开在havard business school
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 16:11
我还真看了一下这门课的介绍,我的确想错了: “ Taylor swift is a good way to think about what it’s like to have a lot if eyes on you to wonder what you do with your privilege, to look around and ask ‘ I am pretty ambitious and I got to this place when I was pretty young. What do I do next? What do I do with all this attention?” ouch. 哈佛立意果真非凡。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:36
湖光山色美 发表于 2023-11-28 16:30
我还真看了一下这门课的介绍,我的确想错了: “ Taylor swift is a good way to think about what it’s like to have a lot if eyes on you to wonder what you do with your privilege, to look around and ask ‘ I am pretty ambitious and I got to this place when I was pretty young. What do I do next? What do I do with all this attention?” ouch. 哈佛立意果真非凡。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:36
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 16:41
好大的口气啊, 那你是啥学校毕业的? 比哈佛还好点? 还有phd们表示太受伤害了。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:48
English 183ts. Taylor Swift and Her World
Instructor: Stephanie Burt Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-1:15pm | Location: TBD Course Site
The first song on Taylor Swift's first record, released when she was 16, paid homage (by name) to a more established country artist. Today she's the most recognizable country-- or formerly country? or pop?-- artist in North America, if not the world: her songwriting takes in half a dozen genres, and her economic impact changes cities.
We will move through Swift's own catalogue, including hits, deep cuts, outtakes, re-recordings, considering songwriting as its own art, distinct from poems recited or silently read.
We will learn how to study fan culture, celebrity culture, adolescence, adulthood and appropriation; how to think about white texts, Southern texts, transatlantic texts, and queer subtexts.
We will learn how to think about illicit affairs, and hoaxes, champagne problems and incomplete closure.
We will look at her precursors, from Dolly Parton to the Border Ballads, and at work about her (such as the documentary "Miss Americana").
And we will read literary works important to her and works about song and performance, with novels, memoirs and poems by (among others) Willa Cather, James Weldon Johnson, Tracey Thorn, and William Wordsworth.
fridec2 发表于 2023-11-28 16:56
English 183ts. Taylor Swift and Her World
Instructor: Stephanie Burt Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-1:15pm | Location: TBD Course Site
The first song on Taylor Swift's first record, released when she was 16, paid homage (by name) to a more established country artist. Today she's the most recognizable country-- or formerly country? or pop?-- artist in North America, if not the world: her songwriting takes in half a dozen genres, and her economic impact changes cities.
We will move through Swift's own catalogue, including hits, deep cuts, outtakes, re-recordings, considering songwriting as its own art, distinct from poems recited or silently read.
We will learn how to study fan culture, celebrity culture, adolescence, adulthood and appropriation; how to think about white texts, Southern texts, transatlantic texts, and queer subtexts.
We will learn how to think about illicit affairs, and hoaxes, champagne problems and incomplete closure.
We will look at her precursors, from Dolly Parton to the Border Ballads, and at work about her (such as the documentary "Miss Americana").
And we will read literary works important to her and works about song and performance, with novels, memoirs and poems by (among others) Willa Cather, James Weldon Johnson, Tracey Thorn, and William Wordsworth.
fridec2 发表于 2023-11-28 16:56
English 183ts. Taylor Swift and Her World
Instructor: Stephanie Burt Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-1:15pm | Location: TBD Course Site
The first song on Taylor Swift's first record, released when she was 16, paid homage (by name) to a more established country artist. Today she's the most recognizable country-- or formerly country? or pop?-- artist in North America, if not the world: her songwriting takes in half a dozen genres, and her economic impact changes cities.
We will move through Swift's own catalogue, including hits, deep cuts, outtakes, re-recordings, considering songwriting as its own art, distinct from poems recited or silently read.
We will learn how to study fan culture, celebrity culture, adolescence, adulthood and appropriation; how to think about white texts, Southern texts, transatlantic texts, and queer subtexts.
We will learn how to think about illicit affairs, and hoaxes, champagne problems and incomplete closure.
We will look at her precursors, from Dolly Parton to the Border Ballads, and at work about her (such as the documentary "Miss Americana").
And we will read literary works important to her and works about song and performance, with novels, memoirs and poems by (among others) Willa Cather, James Weldon Johnson, Tracey Thorn, and William Wordsworth.
fridec2 发表于 2023-11-28 16:56
如果是说从商业方面发展,首先这门课应在开在havard business school
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 16:11
真的无语 按照这个逻辑华晨宇也可以在北大开课了😅 因为是白人华人大妈就觉得没问题,讽刺得很
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 15:44
这个课就是研究流行音乐产业,怎么组合她的写歌能力+资本+营销,有什么background,采取什么strategy,有什么impact等等。 个人可以对某个歌手有喜好很理解,但作为研究一种现象,还是要从大众的角度来看待这个问题。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:16
我还真看了一下这门课的介绍,我的确想错了: “ Taylor swift is a good way to think about what it’s like to have a lot if eyes on you to wonder what you do with your privilege, to look around and ask ‘ I am pretty ambitious and I got to this place when I was pretty young. What do I do next? What do I do with all this attention?” ouch. 哈佛立意果真非凡。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:36
她歌词写的很好吗? 去围观下。
话说这个课也讲她personal world吗,哈哈
pinponlinzie 发表于 2023-11-28 15:31
这课学啥? 她的作品的艺术成就?还是她对人类文明/社会进步/国家经济的影响力?
pop 发表于 2023-11-28 15:17
Felixa 发表于 2023-11-28 17:06
valentinemonkey 发表于 2023-11-28 16:14
霸王花 发表于 2023-11-28 20:25
至于么,一门课而已,我还选过歌剧课呢,干啥不去校外上呢,不就图个乐子冲个学分,大学free electives就这目的啊啊。要是没人选她就开不了,min 10?能过min就说明这课能挣回本了,给英语系创个收也挺好,非要跟西佛一样等关门更傻。
m口罩sk 发表于 2023-11-28 21:17
这课开着有啥意义?还不如给追星产业开门课,这个产业确实这几十年早就了无数“英雄”。她的成功难道真的是因为天降奇才千年一遇吗?还不是因为背后的资本和营销。她自己写的歌词都很口水,谈深度根本谈不上,比起什么bob dylan来说差的很远
Felixa 发表于 2023-11-28 16:07
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 16:16
我也想说,一个高中都没毕业的人比大把高学历出身的artists都成功,甚至是当下世俗意义上最成功的歌手和娱乐人物,确实值得研究一下。 另外想到了中国演艺圈现在推新人时特别痴迷营销学霸高学历,文化程度高低给你拔起来,殊不知这玩意在真学霸面前压根就没法装,还不如好好学习下学历不高的情况下怎么样leverage自己的能力。
Gayeah 发表于 2023-11-28 21:27
的确是非常罕见的以一个音乐人一己之力, 撼动版权,制作人,演唱会,电影发行的各种层面。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:05
hkmty 发表于 2023-11-28 21:14
fsdddz 发表于 2023-11-28 14:17
我们以前有japan pop的课,后来还变成200人的大课, teaching fellow都有7个。这个不会只讲生平,肯定是跟pop culture一起讲,所以我觉得没问题。;)
futures 发表于 2023-11-28 23:55
m口罩sk 发表于 2023-11-29 00:24
的确是非常罕见的以一个音乐人一己之力, 撼动版权,制作人,演唱会,电影发行的各种层面。
shoppingisfun 发表于 2023-11-28 16:05
查了一下,这老师居然还是个变形人 很符合这门课
wielkacytryna 发表于 2023-11-28 17:07
10011 发表于 2023-11-28 21:13
听说很多地方为了驱赶homeless,用的就是贝多芬等古典音乐 话说贝多芬 巴赫 这些我最多听不超过10分钟,而且据我观察听古典音乐并没有让人变高雅
林巧巧 发表于 2023-11-28 21:35
miaka 发表于 2023-11-28 18:00
gvcc 发表于 2023-11-28 23:48