第一,index annuity's 推销靠的是hypothetical value。那是靠以前十年的股市预测以后十年,谁知道他们的hypothetical 到底是不是过于乐观。
第二,注意看death benefit,如果保户死了,遗孀/后代到底能拿回来多少。
Death benefit:
Prior to annuitization, Allianz Benefit Control® Annuity gives you two death benefit options. Your beneficiary(ies) can receive the greater of the accumulation value, guaranteed minimum value, or cumulative withdrawal amount as a lump sum (this option doesn't include any premium or interest bonuses). Or, they can receive the Protected Income Value – including the premium and interest bonuses – in payments over a minimum of five years, limited to 250% of the accumulation value (PIV death benefit limit can vary by state).
那么这个death benefit的数据在你经纪给你的数据里面是有的,但是那些数据是hypothetical,即使你把所有数据存到spreadsheet里面,把death benefit 和 每年累计的withdrawal都算好,那个最后的数据也不一定是你将来拿的数字。
这个自己投的模型:从65岁起3.5%取年金,如果SP500跌,年金不增;如果SP500涨了, 年金增加率为SP500增长的150%。 结果80岁时没钱了, 没扛过SP500三连跌。
一般的年金产品都不值得买,但楼主这款值得。即使买了这款,里面还有一个坑:拿钱的方式,不要Annuitization;要Life Income Payment。这样才能拿到稳定的,不断增长的Income Payment 而不是拿annuity Payment。