FDR: Eleanor and Franklin (1976 miniseries the Roosevelts)

FDR: Eleanor and Franklin (1976 miniseries the Roosevelts)


in flashback from the perspective of the the newly-widowed Eleanor (in 1945), who recalls


Eleanor and Franklin part one (1976 miniseries about the Roosevelts)

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495,645 views Jan 31, 2016
Eleanor and Franklin (1976) is a mini-series broadcast on ABC on January 11, 1976, starring Edward Herrmann as Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) and Jane Alexander as Eleanor Roosevelt. It was based on the 1971 Pulitzer Prize-winning and best-selling biography by Eleanor's personal secretary Joseph P. Lash. The film relates their lives in flashback from the perspective of the the newly-widowed Eleanor (in 1945), who recalls - the time they were children as cousins who met briefly - their courtship and marriage - bearing and raising a large family - her social efforts as he rises to Assistant Secretary of the Navy in World War I - his hidden affair with Lucy Mercer - her help and encourgement with his famous bout with the affliction of polio - her campaigning with Louis Howe, their mentor, crony and campaign manager during her husband’s runs for political offices in the New York state legislature - his unsuccessful effort for Vice President in 1920 - his election as Governor of New York and his rivalry with the failed candidate for the presidency in 1928, Al Smith - his election to the Presidency in 1932 during the "Great Depression". Part two, about FDR's years in the White House and World War II, is here:    • Eleanor and Franklin part 2: The Whit...   More movies about American presidents:    • American Presidents movies  
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This production was filmed 47 years ago and still holds up amazingly well.The actors were perfectly cast for their roles and their performances were not overplayed as in Sunrise at Campobello.
When I was a little girl growing up in NY, was bullied for my disability. My dad encouraged me to read books, especially history. I started learning first about the Roosevelt was like eating chocolates I was so hungry for.learning. Then watching movies on them. Loved it. I always admired this series watched it several times. GREAT JOB WITH ALL THE ACTORS, TO THE PRODUCTION STAFF. THANKS!. I'M 63.TODAY STILL LOVE IT.
This great lady is one of my heroes. She was a stellar individual and we can take much from her example.
A magnificent musical score too. What a gem this is!
i loved the way everyone wanted to dance with her! She had so much going for her/a woman who knew her own mind and was not afraid to speak it!
Jane Alexander and Edward Herrmann were so perfect is hard to accept anyone else playing the parts.
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