Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty# Translation - 译林
1 楼
After giving a lively picture of a stationary urn in a gradual and
smooth-going way, the poet triggers the readers' thinking by the last
two lines. By the metaphysical phrase "Beauty is truth, truth beauty",
the poem invites the readers to search for a certain kind of beauty, the
ultimate truth, on earth or somewhere else.
Inevitably, my reading and understanding of this poem begins from the
final couplet. My interpretation is that "Beauty is truth, truth beauty"
is addressed to "ye", both the y
smooth-going way, the poet triggers the readers' thinking by the last
two lines. By the metaphysical phrase "Beauty is truth, truth beauty",
the poem invites the readers to search for a certain kind of beauty, the
ultimate truth, on earth or somewhere else.
Inevitably, my reading and understanding of this poem begins from the
final couplet. My interpretation is that "Beauty is truth, truth beauty"
is addressed to "ye", both the y