法律翻译 | 《哈佛法律评论》第135卷第8期目录+摘要

法律翻译 | 《哈佛法律评论》第135卷第8期目录+摘要


译者|郝羽宽 印第安纳大学JD&MS

审稿|Cindy Wong University of Leeds LLB 

         汪晨涵 复旦大学

编辑|杨蒙恩 烟台大学本科

责编|王冰子 烟台大学本科


The Dangerous Few: Taking Seriously Prison Abolition and Its Skeptics

Essay by Thomas Ward Frampton


作者:Thomas Ward Frampton


Prison abolition, in the span of just a few short years, has established a foothold in elite criminal legal discourse. But the basic question of how abolitionists would address “the dangerous few” often receives superficial treatment; the problem constitutes a “spectral force haunting abolitionist thought . . . as soon as abolitionist discourses navigate towards the programmatic and enter the public arena.” 


This Essay offers two main contributions: it (1) maps the diverse ways in which prison abolitionists most frequently respond to the challenge of “the dangerous few,” highlighting strengths and infirmities of each stance, and (2) proposes alternative, hopefully more productive, responses that interrogate and probe the implicit premises (empirical, ideological, or moral) embedded in and animating questions concerning “the dangerous few.”



Puzzles of Progressive Constitutionalism

Book Review by Jonathan S. Gould


书评作者:Jonathan S. Gould

Against Constitutionalism. By Martin Loughlin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2022. Pp. xi, 250. $39.95. 

《反对宪政》,Martin Loughlin著。马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,2022。第十一,250页,39.95 美元。


The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution: Reconstructing the Economic Foundations of American Democracy. By Joseph Fishkin and William E. Forbath. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2022. Pp. 601. $39.95.

 《反寡头宪法:重建美国民主的经济基础》,Joseph Fishkin和William E. Forbath著,马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,2022。601页,39.95 美元。

This Review examines the relationship between progressivism and constitutionalism. In doing so, it considers three different ways of thinking about a constitution’s role in a political system. First is constitutionalism as a distinct ideology of governance in which an apex court plays a major role in deciding issues of public policy and articulating national values. Second is the way constitutional culture prompts political actors to argue for their preferred policies in constitutional terms, even when calling for legislative rather than judicial action. Third is constitutional design, the rules of the political game that dictate how lawmaking takes place. Each of these three lenses reveals distinctive costs that confront progressives engaged in constitutional politics. Courts that play an outsized role in policymaking can impede progressive agendas. A narrow band of acceptable constitutional arguments can make it hard for progressives to make the best case for their preferred policies. And efforts at institutional reform are made challenging by conflicting progressive commitments and fear of how a less restrained government could be deployed by conservatives. While progressives have no practical choice but to engage in constitutional politics, that reality should not obscure the difficulties that constitutional politics, as currently practiced in the United States, pose for progressive agendas. 






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