法律翻译 | 新加坡《个人数据保护法》概述(3)

法律翻译 | 新加坡《个人数据保护法》概述(3)


译者|Crystal Zhuang 法律从业者

一审|毛雨嫣 中国政法大学

二审|郑晨焕 WUSTL LL.M

编辑|吴文骏 清华大学本科

责编|王冰子 烟台大学本科

如在前两篇(法律翻译 | 新加坡《个人数据保护法》概述(1)以及法律翻译 | 新加坡《个人数据保护法》概述(2))概述中所提到的那样,个人数据保护委员会(Personal Data Protection Commission,以下简称“PDPC”)是新加坡根据 《个人数据保护法》(Personal Data Protection Act 2012,以下简称“PDPA”)成立的监管数据保护的机构,负责管理和执行PDPA。

PDPA重点包含了两组规定,一组为数据保护规定(Data Protection Provisions,下称“数据保护规定”),一组为防电话骚扰登记平台的相关规定。



本文将根据PDPC在2013年发布、2021修改的《关于防电话骚扰登记平台规定的咨询指南》(Advisory Guidelines on the Do Not Call Provisions),对防电话骚扰登记平台的相关规定进行更详细的解释。本文将选取该指南中的部分段落进行翻译,主要集中于以下几个部分:

· 针对防电话骚扰登记平台的相关规定(以下称“防骚扰规定”)的简要概述(选取自指南第1部分)

· 规定中“特定短信”的定义(选取自指南第2部分)

· 规定中“发送者”的定义(选取自指南第5部分)

· 规定中关于检查登记簿的要求的解释(选取自指南第3部分)

· 规定中关于获得接收方同意的要求的解释(选取自指南第3部分)

· 规定中关于短信中应包含身份和联系信息的要求的解释(选取自指南第4部分)



The DNC Provisions apply to persons including individuals as well as companies, associations and other bodies of persons, corporate or unincorporated. The DNC Provisions contain a number of obligations that apply in relation to persons sending specified messages to Singapore telephone numbers. In brief, such persons are required to comply with the following obligations: 


a) Duty to check the DNC Register – before a person sends a specified message to a Singapore telephone number, the person must check with the DNC Registry established by the Commission under the PDPA (the “DNC Registry”) to confirm that the number is not listed on the DNC Register established by the Commission as part of the DNC Registry, unless the person has obtained clear and unambiguous consent in evidential form from the user or subscriber of the number4、 (section 43 of the PDPA); and 


b) Duty to identify the sender of a message – when sending a specified message to a Singapore telephone number, the person must: 

i. include information identifying the sender and how the recipient can contact the sender (section 44 of the PDPA); and 

ii. for voice calls, the sender must not conceal or withhold from the recipient the sender’s calling line identity (section 45 of the PDPA). 




There are three (3) DNC Registers which individuals may choose to opt out of receiving specified messages: 

a) No Voice Call Register, to opt out of receiving specified messages via voice calls (i.e. voice or video calls sent by a telephone service, data service or any other electronic means); 

b) No Text Message Register, to opt out of receiving specified text messages (including any text, sound or visual message that is not a specified call or fax, e.g. SMS/MMS); and

c) No Fax Message Register, to opt out of receiving specified fax messages. 




In order to understand how the DNC Provisions apply, it is important to take note of what is a “specified message”, what constitutes sending a message to a Singapore telephone number, and who is a “sender” under the PDPA. These questions, as well as the scope of the above obligations, are addressed in these Guidelines. 


2. 关于“特定短信”的定义


Section 37 of the PDPA defines what constitutes a “specified message” for the purposes of the DNC Provisions. In brief, under section 37(6) and the Tenth Schedule, a message is a specified message if the purpose of the message, or one of its purposes, is –


a) to advertise, promote, or offer to supply or provide any of the following: 

i. goods or services; 

ii. land or an interest in land; or

iii.a business opportunity or an investment opportunity; 




iii. 商业机会或投资机会;

b) to advertise or promote a supplier/provider (or a prospective supplier/provider) of the items listed in sub-paragraphs (i) to (iii) above; or 

c) any other prescribed purpose related to obtaining or providing information. 


c) 任何其它与获取或提供信息有关的目的。

In most instances, a marketing message of a commercial nature would be a specified message within the meaning of the PDPA. Messages sent for a purpose which is not specified in section 37(6) and the Tenth Schedule would not be a specified message for the purposes of the PDPA. 


Section 37(1) and the Tenth Schedule is subject to the exclusions under section 37(5). Section 37(5) provides that the messages referred to in the Eighth Schedule will not subject to the application of those provisions.


In order to determine whether the purpose (or one of the purposes) of a message falls within the meaning of a specified message, section 37(1) specifies that the following would be taken into consideration: 

a) the content and presentation aspects of the message; and

b) the content that may be obtained through the message, that is, by using the numbers, URLs or contact information (if any) included in the message or by calling the telephone number from which the message was sent. 


a) 短信的内容和表述方式;以及

b) 可通过该短信获得的内容,即通过使用短信中包含的号码、URL或联系信息(如有),或通过拨打发送该信息的电话号码可以获得的内容。

Matters such as the quality of the goods, the terms and conditions under which the items would be supplied or whether the items are offered to the recipient at an attractive price or free of charge would not affect whether a message is a specified message. 


It should be noted that under section 37(2), it is immaterial whether the goods, services, land, interest or opportunity exist, or if it is lawful to acquire the goods, services, land or interest or take up the opportunity. Hence a person cannot cite as a defence the fact that, for example, the goods it had offered in a specified message were actually not available for purchase. 





The DNC Provisions contain obligations in relation to the sending of a specified message. Hence a person who sends a message, referred to in the PDPA as the “sender”, is responsible for complying with the DNC Provisions.


In brief, the term “sender” is defined in section 36(1) of the PDPA as follows:

a) the person who actually sends the message or makes a voice call containing the message;

b) the person who causes the message to be sent or the voice call to be made; and

c) the person who authorises the sending of the message or the making of the call.


a) 实际发送信息或拨打的语音电话包含该信息的人;

b) 组织发送信息或进行语音通话的人;以及

c) 授权发送该信息或拨打该电话的人。

Hence it is important to note that in addition to the person who actually sent the message or made the call containing the message, persons who caused or authorised the sending of the message or the making of the call are also senders for the purposes of the DNC Provisions and must comply with these provisions. This means that if Person A authorises the sending of the message by Person B, Person A would be considered a sender.


Section 37 (3) and (4) of the PDPA clarifies when a person is considered to have authorised another to send a message. These provisions state:

Subject to subsection (4), a person who authorises another person to offer, advertise or promote the first person’s goods, services, land, interest or opportunity shall be deemed to have authorised the sending of any message sent by the second person that offers, advertises or promotes that first person’s goods, services, land, interest or opportunity.



For the purposes of subsection (3), a person who takes reasonable steps to stop the sending of any message referred to in that subsection shall be deemed not to have authorised the sending of the message.


Under section 37 (3) and (4), if Person A authorises Person B to promote his goods, services, land, interest or opportunity, Person A would be deemed to have authorised the sending of any message for that purpose, unless Person A had taken reasonable steps to prevent Person B from doing so. The determination of whether reasonable steps had been taken depends on the specific facts in question. For example, reasonable steps may include requiring, as a condition of the authorisation given, that Person B shall not promote Person A’s goods by sending specified messages addressed to Singapore telephone numbers.


A person should note that he would be subject to the DNC Provisions if he falls within the definition of a “sender”, even if the message was sent on behalf of or for another person’s purposes.

个人同时应该注意,如果他属于 "发送者 "的定义范畴,他将会受到防骚扰规定的约束,即使该信息是该个人代表他人或为他人目的而发送。

4. 关于检查登记簿的要求


The obligation of persons to check with the DNC Registry is set out in section 43 of the PDPA. In particular, under section 43(1) and (2), a person must not send a specified message addressed to a Singapore telephone number unless they had valid confirmation that the Singapore telephone number is not listed in the DNC Register. In order to ascertain this, they must: 


a) Have made an application to the Commission within 21 days, before sending the specified message, under section 40(2) to confirm whether the Singapore telephone numbers is listed in the DNC Register; and received confirmation from the Commission that the Singapore telephone number is not listed in the relevant register; or

a) 在发送特定短信前的21天内,根据第40(2)条向PDPC提出申请,请求确认该新加坡电话号码是否被列入谢绝来电登记簿;并得到PDPC的回复,确认该新加坡电话号码未被列入相关登记簿;或

b) have obtained from a checker information that the Singapore telephone number is not listed in the relevant register (“relevant information”) and has no reason to believe that – 

i. the relevant information was obtained more than 21 days ago; or 

ii. the relevant information is false or inaccurate. 

b) 已经从检查员[1]那里获得了该新加坡电话号码未被列入相关登记簿的信息(“相关信息”),并且没有理由相信——



The “prescribed duration” within which a person must check with the DNC Registry before sending a specified message to a Singapore telephone number has been prescribed as 21 days. 


The validity period of the results returned from the DNC Registry reflects the requirement for persons to check with the DNC Registry within the “prescribed duration”:




As noted in the previous section, a person is not required to check with the DNC Registry before sending a specified message to a Singapore telephone number if the person has obtained a clear and unambiguous consent evidenced in written or other form from the subscriber or user of the number for the sending of the message to that number.


The PDPA does not define the terms ‘clear’ and ‘unambiguous’ as the determination of whether consent was clear and unambiguous will depend on the specific facts in question. 


Facts that would determine if consent was clear and unambiguous would include: 

a) whether the person had notified the user or subscriber clearly and specifically that specified messages would be sent to his or her Singapore telephone number; and 

b) whether the user or subscriber gave consent to receive specified messages through some form of positive action. Clear and unambiguous consent is unlikely to be construed to have been obtained from a mere failure to opt out through inaction on the part of the user or subscriber. 


a) 该发送者是否已明确和具体地通知用户或订阅者,特定的短信将被发送到他或她的新加坡电话号码;以及

b) 用户或订阅者是否通过某种形式的积极行动表示同意接收特定短信。清晰和明确的同意,不太可能被理解为仅通过用户或订阅者的不作为举动 --- 即没有选择退出而获得。




6.1 要求提供明确和准确的信息来识别发送者

The policy intent of this requirement is that a recipient of a specified message is able to, using the identification information included in the message, find out who sent or authorised the sending of the message.


Persons may choose to use their website address as identification information if the recipient can identify the sender using the information provided within the text of the website address itself, or within the contents of the landing page which the website address leads to. 


The Commission recognises that in certain circumstances, persons who send specified messages may wish to identify themselves using a name other than their own which is more closely related to the goods or services offered (“related names”) or if the related name would be more familiar to the recipient. Examples of such related names could be the names of a person’s brands, retail outlets, buildings or property developments. Persons should not attempt to obscure or conceal their identity by using related names as identification information.


Identification information must be provided in the form of a name or alias that is able to identify the sender. The sender would not be considered to have provided identification information if that information is provided solely in the form of generic pronouns, e.g. “me” or “us”, informal nicknames, or fictitious names. 


6.2 要求提供发送者清晰准确的联系信息

Section 44(b) requires that the contact information must enable the recipient to “readily contact” the sender. The PDPA does not define the terms “readily” or “contact”. These terms would apply as they are commonly understood in relation to the scenario where a recipient of a specified message would like to communicate with the sender directly, in writing or otherwise. The Commission would consider this requirement to be met so long as the contact information enables the recipient to directly contact the sender in a reasonably convenient manner.


The most straightforward way to provide contact information would be to provide an operational Singapore telephone number which can receive incoming calls or text messages, or a valid email address which can receive incoming emails.


Persons should note that short codes and “No-Reply” email addresses would not be considered contact information, as they do not allow the recipient to readily contact the sender.


As good practice, any contact information provided should be readily accessible from Singapore and operational during Singapore business hours. In considering whether the contact information provided enables the recipient to readily contact the sender, the Commission will take into account the actual outcome when the contact information is used.


Solely providing the address of a physical location does not enable the recipient to directly contact the sender without expending more time and effort to either make a trip to the location or write a letter and send it by post to the sender. Therefore, the Commission would not consider the provision of a physical address by itself to fulfil the requirement to provide contact information that enables the recipient to readily contact the sender. 


来源:《关于防电话骚扰登记平台规定的咨询指南》(Advisory Guidelines on the Do Not Call Provisions) 

[注]:译者注,根据PDPA第 43A(1) 条,“检查员”是指帮助发送者检查谢绝来电登记簿,并为其提供有关新加坡电话号码是否列在相关登记簿中的相关信息的人。 检查员不包括作为发送者雇员的个人,也不包括检查员的雇员或承包商。[1]



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