We Need you!南航芝加哥营业部招聘

We Need you!南航芝加哥营业部招聘








 – Chicago

Job Type: Full-time

Airlines Cargo Operation Representative

China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. is directly affiliated with China Southern Air Holding Company Ltd., specializing in air transportation services. With headquarters based in Guangzhou, China Southern Airlines’ company logo can be seen around the globe with brilliant red kapok delicately adoring a blue vertical tail fin. China Southern Airlines operates the largest fleet, most developed route network, and largest passenger capacity of any airline in The People's Republic of China. China Southern Airlines has formed an extensive network, covering all of China, radiating throughout Asia and linking Europe, America, Oceania & Africa, building an international network-oriented airline. 

Job Description

Supervise and coordinate the activities of ground handling agents in the loading, unloading, securing, and staging of aircraft cargo or baggage, etc. Ensure the implementation of safety, accuracy in cargo flight operation activities.

Job Description/Responsibilities

*Warehouse control/Cargo acceptance/Cargo release/Ramp control/inventory;

*Familiar with Aircargo container assembly: and all kinds of air cargo containerboard outline, providing assembly instructions base on cargo size;

*Knowledge of Logistics warehouse management, warehouse on-site management, and manpower deployment;

*Coordinate Groundhandling, loading balance,and supervise the loading and unloading operation;

*Basic concepts of hazardous goods, label identification Current IATA Dangerous Goods Training Certification is desirable.

*Effectively prioritize responsibilities and perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

*Maintain good internal communication with the cargo manager and operation related department.

*Perform any other cargo operation duties necessary to avoid any service failure.

Requirement and Qualification

*Bachelor degree or college equivalent

*Must be qualified/acceptable by government agencies for issuance of airport ID.

*Excellent interpersonal skills including written and oral communication skills in English, bilingual in Spanish preferred.

*Familiarity with personal computer software and MS office.

*Good communication and coordination skills, detail-oriented, high sense of responsibility with teamwork.

*Have a strong learning ability, Self-motivated

*Must be adapted tonight/weekend/holiday shift;

*Permitted working in the U.S.

*The company provides training. Relevant business experience (including warehouse working experience)is preferred.


* 8 hour shift

* Holidays

Work Location

One location

Airlines Cargo Sales Assistant

Job Description

China SouthernAirlines is currently seeking a global-minded customer service representative with management and development skills who will contribute to the success of the cargo team.

Job Description/Responsibilities

* Handle cargo reservations and bookings update.

* Customer service/Claim investigation/warehouse communication/irregular case investigation.

* Quick response to clients and follow up cargo status.

* Daily sales data analysis and monthly sales report.

* Manage GHA performance and provide guidelines and instructions.

* Perform all other duties assigned or delegated by managers.

Requirement & Qualification

* Bachelor degree or college equivalent

* Permitted working in the U.S. Must be qualified/acceptable by government agencies for issuance of airport ID.


More than one year experience of Customer service.

* Excellent interpersonal skills including written and oral communication skills in English and Chinese.

* Familiarity with personal computer software and MS office.

* Good communication and coordination skills, detail-oriented, high sense of responsibility with teamwork.

* Have a strong learning ability, Self-motivated

* Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously

* Company provides training.

Working Hours

10:00AM-18: 00PM

Job Type



* Mandarin (Required)

Work Location

One location

Airlines Cargo Accounting Assistant

Job Description

To support the Finance Manager and local business units to ensure robust control and compliance of financial operations in addition to conducting accounting and finance activities in line with established company policy and local regulatory requirements.

Job Description/Responsibilities

* Identify any default payments and pursue collection through Billing and Settlement Plan, bank guarantees, collection agents, legal avenues, etc.
* Assist Sales and Finance Managers to obtain necessary security from agents.
* Ensure banking records are kept up-to-date and appropriate bank account reconciliations are performed.
* Assist in preparation of budgetary and ad hoc analysis as required.
* Manage and maintain accurate local inventory and asset registers.
*Responsible for sorting out accounting vouchers, accounting statements, and other financial documents.
* Any other reasonable task as required.

Requirement & Qualification

* Bachelor degree or college equivalent

* Experience in the airline industry is an advantage.
* Permitted working in the U.S. Must be qualified.
* Excellent interpersonal skills including written and oral communication skills in English and Chinese.
* Familiarity with personal computer software and MS office.
* Good communication and coordination skills, detail-oriented, high sense of responsibility with teamwork.
* Have a strong learning ability, Self-motivated.
* Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
* Company provides training.A degree in Accounting or a related discipline is an advantage

Working Hours

10:00AM-18: 00PM

Job Type



* Mandarin (Required)

Work Location

One location

Please send your resume to [email protected]

Subject to

 "Airlines Cargo Operation Representative"/

Please send your resume to [email protected]

Subject to

 “Airlines Cargo Sales Assistant”/

Please send your resume to [email protected]

Subject to

"Airlines Cargo Accounting Assistant"

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