Go and just tell. The person is in front of you probably you both can't meet in future again so if you don't confess one day she or he will be just a story and you will find yourself narrating her or his story to your grandchildren. 快去告诉Ta。Ta就在你眼前,毕业后就不知人家去向何方了。如果你现在没表白,将来有一天Ta只会成为你口中的某某某,只会出现在讲给自己的儿孙故事里。
Don't stop yourself. Also listen to your heart. Sometimes we listen to our brain and neglect our true feelings but that's not good for our heart and will make you regret sometimes. You should also listen to your brain depending on the situations. Just take a decision in which you are confident that you'll not regret. 不要约束自己,倾听你的内心。我们常常听从大脑的指挥,有时却忽视了内心的真实感受,让自己伤心甚至后悔。你还需要根据情况理智分析,确保不会后悔自己做的决定。
If you hide your feelings and continue the friendship your desire and hope increases day by day and it will get you a lot of pain at the end. 如果你隐藏自己的感情,继续以友谊相待,你的渴望和希望就会与日俱增,到头来会给你带来很多痛苦。 So, my suggestion is to express your feelings right away and leave everything in the fate. 所以,我的建议是立即表达你的感受,把一切都交给命运。
Is it ok to tell a girl you had a crush on her throughout high school, before you graduate? Or should I wait till after graduation so it's not weird and ruin our friendship?
What's the point of telling her at all? You aren't asking her out, and you aren't doing anything for her by sharing your feelings. Where's the move that would actually lead to something you want? 向她表白有什么意义?你没有约她出去,你也没有为她做任何事,告诉她你的感受。真正能达到目的的行动在哪里?
Don't share your feelings with a crush. If you like someone, ask them out. No deep expressions of love or other emotion, as that's just overloading a poor girl who hasn't had time to get to know you the same way. She won't be able to process that well, and it will just scare her off. Instead allow her to get to know you in the romantic sense. Ask her to grab coffee or something else casual with as little committment needed on her part beyond guaranteeing that she knows it is a date. The less committment needed, the more likely she’ll say “yes”, and the less she’ll be turning down if she says “no”. “No” to coffee is just turning down coffee, not all of these secret pent up feelings you have. 不要与你喜欢的人敞开心扉。如果你喜欢某人,就约Ta出去。不要深沉的爱或其他情感的表达,想让人家短时间内感同身受,只会让那个可怜女孩感到负担。她无法很好地处理这些,反而会被吓跑的。相反,以浪漫的方式让她了解你。请她喝杯咖啡或随便什么,除了确保她知道这是一次约会外,不需要她做出什么承诺。需要的承诺越少,她说“是”的可能性就越大,如果她说“不”,你放弃她的可能性就越小。对咖啡说“不”只是拒绝喝咖啡,而不是拒绝所有这些被你偷偷压抑的感情。
A confession to a stranger is just a bunch of meaningless words that embarrass you and gets used later by you to prove to yourself that it was always hopeless to go for the girl, when in reality you never really went for her in the first place. 向陌生人表白只是一堆让你难堪的毫无意义的话,后来你会用这些话向自己证明,追求那个女孩总是没有希望的,而实际上,你从一开始就没有真正追求过。
Telling someone you've had a crush on them for a long time can come off as very powerful, a big disappointment (for not saying so sooner), or a little icky (if your crush isn't attracted to you). Getting the timing right here can be tricky, so put yourself in his/her shoes. 告诉某人你已经迷恋他们很长时间了,这可能会让你非常强大、非常失望(因为没有早点说出来),或者有点闹心(如果你的迷恋对象对你没有感觉)。把握时机可能有难度,所以要设身处地为他/她着想。
No…you should confess to her before school finishes because if you won't confess to her now you will miss the countless beautiful moments of romance in the school life. The little things like staying in the classroom in the break time and secretly talking when the teacher is teaching. Furthermore you can build a relationship in a better way. If you confess after school is finished she may decline as you both might go separate ways in your life. 不……你应该在毕业前向她表白,因为如果你没有及时表白,你将错过学校生活中无数美好浪漫的事情,比如课间休息时一起待在教室里,上课时偷偷聊天。此外,你可以用更好的方式建立关系。如果你在毕业后才表白,她可能会拒绝,因为你们俩可能会各奔东西。
confess to 向...承认;坦白
embarrass [ɪmˈberəs] v.使为难
have a crush on 迷恋某人
icky [ˈɪki] adj.黏糊糊(令人不舒服)的
timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] n.时机的掌握
come off as 带给别人什么样的印象
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