


译者 | 龚雨燕 外交学院硕士

一审 | 李梓源 英国布里斯托大学LL.M.

二审 | 胡婧卓UCLA LL.M.

编辑 | 陈思琦 广东外语外贸大学本科

         邵娅绮 浙江工商大学本科

责编 | 戚琳颖 大连海事大学本科


Part 2 Administration of scheme

第二部分 方案执行

Functions of DRS operator


(1) The core functions of the DRS operator are to


(a) provide an independent scheme for resolving disputes between international students and education providers that fall within the scheme’s jurisdiction; and

(b) operate the scheme in accordance with the scheme’s purpose and these rules; and

(c) resolve, or assist in resolving, disputes under the scheme by agreement between the parties or, if applicable, by adjudication.

(a) 为国际学生和教育提供方之间属于本方案管辖范围的争议提供一个独立的解决方案;以及

(b) 根据本方案的目的和细则运营本方案;以及

(c) 通过各方之间的协议,或在适用的情况下,通过裁决来解决或协助解决本方案下的争议

(2) Other functions of the DRS operator include



(a) to promote and publicise the scheme; and

(b) to monitor compliance with these rules; and

(c) to monitor and report on the effectiveness of the scheme; and

(d) to carry out any other function of the scheme under these rules.

(a) 推广和宣传本方案,以及

(b) 监督本方案细则的遵守情况,以及

(c) 监督和报告本方案的有效性;以及

(d) 根据本方案细则履行本方案的任何其他职能。

Powers of DRS operator


(1) The DRS operator has the powers specifically conferred by these rules and other powers necessary for performing its functions under these rules.


(2) The DRS operator may delegate the performance and exercise of its functions and powers under these rules to any person who is appointed to perform or exercise them, except a function or power that under these rules must be performed or exercised by an adjudicator.


DRS operator may extend time frames


The DRS operator may, if it thinks fit, extend the time within which something must be done under these rules in relation to consideration or resolution of a dispute.



Appointees of DRS operator


(1) The DRS operator must appoint sufficient numbers of adjudicators and mediators to ensure the effective functioning of the scheme.

(2) In appointing an adjudicator or a mediator, the DRS operator must—



(a) consider a candidate’s objectivity, qualifications, experience, and personal qualities (including the ability to communicate and work effectively with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds); and

(b) appoint or engage only persons who are capable of performing the functions of an adjudicator or a mediator, as the case may be; and

(c) ensure that a person appointed or engaged is able to act independently.

(a) 考虑候选人的客观性、资格、经验和个人素质(包括与不同语言和文化背景的人有效沟通和工作的能力);以及

(b) 只任命或聘用有能力履行审裁员或调解员职能的人员(视情况而定);以及

(c) 确保被任命或聘用的人能够独立行事

(3) The DRS operator is responsible for the actions of a person appointed by it to perform its functions under these rules.

(3) DRS运营者对其任命的、根据本细则履行其职能的人的行为负责。

DRS operator must ensure accessibility of scheme


(1) The DRS operator must take all reasonable steps to ensure that international students and providers are fully aware of the scheme and know how to access it.

(2) Where appropriate and at reasonable cost, the DRS operator may provide additional support (for example, interpretation or translation services or disability services) to ensure accessibility to the scheme.




DRS operator may publish case studies


(1) The DRS operator may, for the limited purposes set out in subclause (2), compile and publish case studies of disputes resolved by adjudication under the scheme, subject to appropriate safeguards and redactions for the purposes of privacy.


(2) The purposes referred to in subclause (1) are


(a) keeping providers, students, and other educational interest groups informed; and

(b) demonstrating the process of decision-making under the scheme and ensuring its transparency.



DRS operator must report systemic issues, etc


In the course of investigating a dispute or resolving a dispute by adjudication, the DRS operator must report to the code administrator, education quality assurance agencies, and government agencies as relevant—


(a) any systemic issue that it identifies:

(b) any serious misconduct by a provider that it identifies:

(c) any breach of these rules by a provider.



(c) 教育提供方违反细则的任何行为


Annual report


(1) The DRS operator must submit to the Minister, by September 30 in each year, an annual report for the year ending on 30 June of that year.

(1) DRS运营者必须在每年的9月30日之前向教育部长提交截至该年6月30日的年度报告。

(2) The annual report must include (but is not limited to) the following information relating to the year in question:

(2) 年度报告必须包括(但不限于)与该年有关的下列信息:

(a) the number of each of the following (broken down in each category by types of provider, that is, schools, private training establishments, Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology and its Crown entity subsidiaries, and universities):

(a) 下列各项的数量(按教育提供方的类型分列,即学校、私营培训机构、新西兰技能和技术学院及其皇家实体附属机构和大学):

(i) disputes accepted:

(ii) disputes not covered:

(iii) disputes resolved by negotiation:

(iv) disputes resolved by mediation:

(v) disputes resolved by adjudication:

(i) 受理的争议:

(ii) 方案未囊括的争议:

(iii) 通过协商解决的争议:

(iv) 通过调解解决的争议:

(v) 通过裁决解决的争议:

(b) the average length of time taken to resolve a dispute by negotiation:

(b) 通过协商解决争议所需的平均时间:

(c) the average length of time taken to resolve a dispute by mediation:

(c) 通过调解解决争议所需的平均时间:

(d) the average length of time taken to resolve a dispute by adjudication:

(d) 通过裁决解决争议所需的平均时间:

(e) examples of typical cases, subject to appropriate safeguards and redaction to preserve privacy:

(e) 典型案例,但要有适当的保障措施和编辑以保护隐私:

(f) financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice that demonstrate how the funding of the DRS operator has been applied:

(f) 按照普遍接受的会计惯例编制的财务报表,说明DRS运营者的资金使用情况:

(g) any systemic issues or serious misconduct by providers identified in the course of investigating a dispute or resolving a dispute by adjudication, and how the DRS operator dealt with the systemic issues or misconduct:

(g) 在调查争议或通过裁决解决争议的过程中发现的教育提供方的任何系统性问题或严重不当行为,以及DRS运营者如何处理这些系统性问题或不当行为:

(h) the result of any independent review completed during the reporting year.

(h) 报告年度内完成的任何独立审查的结果。

(3) The DRS operator must make copies of its annual report available for inspection by the public without charge, for example, on a website.

(3) DRS运营者必须将其年度报告的副本免费提供给公众查阅,例如公布在网站上。

Rule 28(2)(a): amended, on 25 September 2020, by clause 4(2) of the Education (Name Change for NZIST) Order 2020 (LI 2020/260).

Rule 28(2)(a): amended, on 1 April 2020, by section 78(2) of the Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Act 2020 (2020 No 1).

第28(2)(a)条法案:2020年9月25日由《2020年教育令(新西兰技能和技术学院更名)》( LI 2020/260)第 4(2) 条修订。

第28(2)(a)条法案:2020年4月1日由《2020年教育修正案(职业教育和培训改革)》(2020 No 1)第78(2)条修订。

Monitoring operation of scheme


(1) The DRS operator must have a process for receiving and resolving complaints about the operation of the scheme and must publicise that process.

(1) DRS经营者必须有一个受理和解决有关方案运作的投诉的程序,并必须公布该程序。

(2) The DRS must—

(2) DRS运营者必须—

(a) conduct regular client satisfaction surveys for measuring the quality of processes under the scheme, the durability of the outcomes under the scheme, and any other appropriate performance indicators; and

(b) publish the results.

(a) 定期进行客户满意度调查,以衡量本方案下的流程质量、成果的持久性以及任何其他适当的绩效指标;以及

(b) 公布结果。

(3) A provider or an international student who is dissatisfied with the operation of the scheme or the performance of the DRS operator may complain to the Ministry of Education, but this process must not be used to challenge the outcome in a particular dispute.

(3) 教育提供方或国际学生如果对方案的运作或DRS运营者的表现不满意,可以向教育部投诉,但这一程序不得用于质疑某一特定争议的结果。

(4) The DRS operator must co-operate with any person or agency appointed by the Minister to carry out an independent review of the scheme and its operation.

(4) DRS经营者必须与教育部长任命的任何个人或机构合作,对本方案及其运作进行独立审查。

Michael Webster,

Clerk of the Executive Council.



Issued under the authority of the Legislation Act 2019.

Date of notification in Gazette: 10 March 2016.







This is a consolidation of the International Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme Rules 2016 that incorporates the amendments made to the legislation so that it shows the law as at its stated date.


Legal status


A consolidation is taken to correctly state, as at its stated date, the law enacted or made by the legislation consolidated and by the amendments. This presumption applies unless the contrary is shown.

Section 78 of the Legislation Act 2019 provides that this consolidation, published as an electronic version, is an official version. A printed version of legislation that is produced directly from this official electronic version is also an official version.



Editorial and format changes


The Parliamentary Counsel Office makes editorial and format changes to consolidations using the powers under subpart 2 of Part 3 of the Legislation Act 2019. See also PCO editorial conventions for consolidations.


Amendments incorporated in this consolidation


Education and Training Amendment Act 2022 (2022 No 38): section 74

Education (Name Change for NZIST) Order 2020 (LI 2020/260): clause 4(2)

Education and Training Act 2020 (2020 No 38): section 668

Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Act 2020 (2020 No 1): section 78(2)

International Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme Amendment Rules 2017 (LI 2017/75)


《2020年教育令(新西兰技能和技术学院更名)》(LI 2020/260):第4(2)条



《国际学生合同争议解决方案修订细则2017》(LI 2017/75)


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