译者 | 倪芷若 中国政法大学
一审 | 佩佩 布里斯托大学
二审 | 陈飞越 爱丁堡大学LL.M.
编辑 | NYZ 武汉大学本科
于杰 上海对外经贸大学本科
责编 | 王有蓉 中国政法大学
Ohio v. American Express Co.
United States Supreme Court
138 S. Ct. 2274
美国运通公司(American Express Company)与美国运通旅行相关服务公司(American Express Travel Related Services Company)(以下简称运通公司)是向商家和消费者提供信用卡服务的公司。运通公司向商家收取比其他信用卡公司更高的费用,与此同时,却也向使用其信用卡进行消费的持卡人提供更多奖励。为了阻止商家减少使用其信用卡服务,运通公司与商家签订了包含反导向条款(Anti-steering Clause)的协议,禁止商家在销售点引导顾客使用其他信用卡公司的服务。随后,美国几个州的政府(原告)向法院提起诉讼,声称运通公司的反导向条款违反了反垄断法。一审法院认为,信用卡交易应当在反垄断目的上被区分为两个独立的市场:一是向商家提供支付服务的市场,二是向顾客提供借贷额度的市场。在对商家的竞争损害进行分析时,一审法院认定运通公司的反导向条款具有反竞争效果,因为该条款导致商家产生更高的手续费用,商家提价从而损害消费者福利。但第二巡回上诉法院推翻了这一判决,将本案的相关市场界定为单一的信用卡服务市场。联邦最高法院接受了此案的复审。
In this case, both sides correctly acknowledge that Amex’s antisteering provisions are vertical restraints— i.e., restraints “imposed by agreement between firms at different levels of distribution.” The parties also correctly acknowledge that, like nearly every other vertical restraint, the antisteering provisions should be assessed under the rule of reason.
Here, the plaintiffs rely exclusively on direct evidence to prove that Amex’s antisteering provisions have caused anticompetitive effects in the credit-card market. To assess this evidence, we must first define the relevant market. Once defined, it becomes clear that the plaintiffs’ evidence is insufficient to carry their burden.
But two-sided transaction platforms, like the credit-card market, are different. These platforms facilitate a single, simultaneous transaction between participants. For credit cards, the network can sell its services only if a merchant and cardholder both simultaneously choose to use the network. Thus, whenever a credit-card network sells one transaction’s worth of card-acceptance services to a merchant it also must sell one transaction’s worth of card payment services to a cardholder. It cannot sell transaction services to either cardholders or merchants individually.
Because they cannot make a sale unless both sides of the platform simultaneously agree to use their services, two-sided transaction platforms exhibit more pronounced indirect network effects and interconnected pricing and demand. Transaction platforms are thus better understood as “suppl[ying] only one product”—transactions.
As an initial matter, the plaintiffs’ argument about merchant fees wrongly focuses on only one side of the twosided credit-card market. As explained, the credit-card market must be defined to include both merchants and cardholders. Focusing on merchant fees alone misses the mark because the product that credit-card companies sell is transactions, not services to merchants, and the competitive effects of a restraint on transactions cannot be judged by looking at merchants alone.
The plaintiffs did not offer any evidence that the price of credit-card transactions was higher than the price one would expect to find in a competitive market. As the District Court found, the plaintiffs failed to offer any reliable measure of Amex’s transaction price or profit margins. And the evidence about whether Amex charges more than its competitors was ultimately inconclusive.
In sum, the plaintiffs have not satisfied the first step of the rule of reason. They have not carried their burden of proving that Amex’s antisteering provisions have anticompetitive effects. Amex’s business model has spurred robust interbrand competition and has increased the quality and quantity of credit-card transactions. And it is “[t]he promotion of interbrand competition,” after all, that “is . . . ‘the primary purpose of the antitrust laws.’”
One critical point that the majority’s argument ignores is that proof of actual adverse effects on competition is, a fortiori, proof of market power. Without such power, the restraints could not have brought about the anticompetitive effects that the plaintiff proved. (“[T]he purpose of the inquiries into market definition and market power is to determine whether an arrangement has the potential for genuine adverse effects on competition” (emphasis added)). The District Court’s findings of actual anticompetitive harm from the nondiscrimination provisions thus showed that, whatever the relevant market might be, American Express had enough power in that market to cause that harm. There is no reason to require a separate showing of market definition and market power under such circumstances. And so the majority’s extensive discussion of market definition is legally unnecessary.
The majority charts a different path. Notwithstanding its purported acceptance of the three-step, burden-shifting framework I have described, the majority addresses American Express’ procompetitive justifications now, at step 1 of the analysis. And in doing so, the majority inexplicably ignores the District Court’s factual findings on the subject.