Men share struggles women will never understand
最近的UNC校园案让人震惊和心痛。 几年前听过一个访谈, 说这种凶手往往是male and loners. 为啥都是男的呢?
我家男娃是高中生了。 养娃过程里妈妈发现十几岁的男孩子们跟女孩子们挺不一样的。 比如如果找不到路,他接着拿着手机google map 闷头找路,屡次找不到也不愿意问路。 再比如高中长跑队里,女孩子们热身跑的时候,迎面就像一群嗡嗡嗡的小蜜蜂,还有咕咕轻笑声。 男孩子们只有统一整齐的跑步声, 没有说笑声。
前一阵读到这篇很有启发, 里面30条互相重复, 但总结一下,有实际意义的有这么几条:
1. 男性表达的真实内心感受,会被忽视或嘲笑。
If you don't open up about your feelings you're a toxic man. If you do, you're either being rude or being a pu**y. We're only supposed to have the CORRECT feelings, at the correct time, at everyone else's convenience.
2. 成年后就没有朋友
Maybe you're amiable with work colleagues, maybe you have a game night with some neighbors, but they're barely more than acquaintances. Your last friend was 10, maybe 20 years ago in the before times.
3. 社会的期待值--只是希望男性可以付出,而没人真正关心他的身心健康
Society doesn't really care about the emotional, mental, or social health of men. Chris Rock famously said that only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally; men are loved under the condition of what they can provide.
觉得解药还得是人跟人之间的友谊, 比如跟挚友们的友谊, 跟父母的友谊, 跟生命伴侣的友谊。