放弃你不切实际的改造梦吧! 跳出你的怪圈!你这个人平时说话都是这么的粗鲁和没礼貌吗? 怎么就不能说话客气一点呢,Can you try to give up? Would you ? 这咄咄逼死人的口气,别说孩子了,这里哪个父母能受得了? 你平时就是这么和别人说话吗,还是纯粹就是英文不够好, language barrier? 我现在非常理解你的孩子了,她太不容易了. 从你第一次来一口气轰炸了10个内容相似的贴子,当别的子潭爸妈都在围着安慰你的时候,我算是少数的几个人就说你的问题比女儿要大,现在看来确实没错
Give up on idea that you can change me or anyone else beside yourself. Jump out from that loop. Give up that hope, You will feel much better. My friend’s dad is orphan. With just little food stranger provide to him, He study and moved fwd with his life. He turn out to be positive and great dad and husband and wonderful person.