keep your friends close, and your enemies closer\'The Godfather

keep your friends close, and your enemies closer\'The Godfather


The quote "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" is a well-known piece of advice attributed to Niccolò Machiavelli, the author of "The Prince," a book on political philosophy. However, it is also famously used by Michael Corleone in the movie "The Godfather II."

In the film, Michael Corleone, played by Al Pacino, uses this advice to explain his strategy for dealing with his enemies in the mafia. He believes that it is better to have his enemies close to him, where he can keep an eye on them and know what they are up to, rather than pushing them away and letting them become a greater threat.

The advice is a Machiavellian one because it suggests that in politics or any kind of power struggle, it is important to be strategic and not let your emotions or personal feelings get in the way. Machiavelli believed that it was better to be feared than loved, and this quote reflects that philosophy.

However, it is worth noting that this advice is not always the best approach in personal relationships or friendships, where trust and genuine connection are more important than keeping people at arm's length.

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