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听力|精读|翻译|词组The open questions of hybrid working关于混合办公的若干问题英文部分选自经济学人20221203商业版块Business | Bartleby商业 |巴托比专栏 The open questions of hybrid working关于混合办公的若干问题 A mix of office and home has become the norm for many. There is lots still to figure out居家和办公室混合办公模式已成为很多人的日常,但不少问题尚待解决At first the question was how quickly people would get back to the office. Then it was whether they would ever return. Almost three years after reports surfaced of an unusual respiratory illness in Wuhan, the legacy of the covid-19 pandemic on employees in America and Europe is becoming clear. The disease has ushered in a profound change in white-collar working patterns. The office is not dead but many professionals have settled into a hybrid arrangement of some office days and some remote days. 混合办公伊始,人们关注的是多久能回到办公室上班。后来人们关心的是员工是否还会回到办公室上班。自三年前武汉报告出现罕见呼吸道疾病以来,新冠疫情对欧美职场人士造成的影响愈发凸显。疫情极大地改变了白领的办公模式。办公室虽并未被淘汰,但大部分职场人士已经适应了“远程+现场”的混合办公模式。 Hybrid working has much to recommend it: flexibility for employees, periods of concentration at home, bursts of co-operation in the office. A new paper from Raj Choudhury, Tarun Khanna and Kyle Schirmann of Harvard Business School and Christos Makridis of Columbia Business School describes an experiment in which workers at BRAC, a huge non-profit organisation in Bangladesh, were randomly assigned to three groups, each spending different amounts of time working from home. The intermediate group, who spent between 23% and 40% of their time in the office, performed best on various performance measures. 混合办公有很多可取之处:员工拥有了更高的自由度,既可以安排在家专心工作,也能在办公室通力合作。哈佛商学院的拉吉·乔杜里、塔伦·卡纳、凯尔·席曼与哥伦比亚商学院的克里斯托斯·马克里迪斯新近发表的一篇论文描述了这样一项实验:孟加拉国的一家大型非营利组织——BRAC的员工被随机分为三个组,每组居家办公的时长不等。居家办公时长居中、即办公室工作时长占比为23%-40%的组别,在多项绩效考核指标中领先。 注:BRAC,原名为“孟加拉复兴援助委员会”(Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee),后更名为“孟加拉农村发展委员会”(Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee),后更新为Building Resources Across Communities。由该国慈善人士法佐•哈桑•阿比德(Fazle Hasan Abed)创立于1972年。创立之初主要是为了帮助战争带来的难民和受难同胞。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRAC_(organisation) But a shift of this magnitude is bound to raise thorny issues. In workplaces that have moved to hybrid work, there are still plenty of open questions. One is how to handle the impact of less time in the office for new joiners and younger workers. Research by Natalia Emanuel of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Emma Harrington of the University of Iowa and Amanda Pallais of Harvard University shows that software engineers receive more online feedback on their code when the team sits next to each other. The people who get disproportionately more feedback from colleagues when they are in proximity are young engineers and female ones. These developers were also most likely to quit when the pandemic forced everyone to go remote. 但如此大规模的办公模式调整势必会引发各类棘手问题。那些已转为混合办公模式的行业,仍有大量问题亟待解决。一是新入职员工与年轻员工如何应对实地办公时间减少带来的影响。纽约联邦储备银行的纳塔利娅·伊曼纽尔、爱荷华大学的艾玛·哈灵顿和哈佛大学的阿曼达·帕莱斯合作开展的研究表明,当团队聚在一起工作时,软件工程师会收到更多有关其代码的在线反馈。这对于年轻工程师和女性工程师尤其明显,他们和同事在线下一起工作时,会比远程工作时收到多得多的反馈。但如果因为疫情不得不远程办公时,这些年轻人和女性也是最有可能选择辞职的。 Not every study points in the same direction. In a recent survey of hybrid workers in London, the youngest cohort was more likely than older ones to think that it was easier to put themselves forward for important tasks when working remotely. But according to Nicholas Bloom of Stanford University, making new employees spend more time than others in the office can be a good way of steeping them in company culture. Whatever expectations firms set for the bulk of their hybrid workforce, an extra day of commuting may make sense for newbies. 但是并不是所有研究都指向同一个方向。最近一项对于伦敦员工混合办公的调研显示,越年轻的员工群体越可能在远程办公中主动请缨,接受重要的工作任务。但是斯坦福大学的尼古拉斯·布鲁姆认为,让新员工比其他人花更多的时间在办公室办公,有助于他们了解和融入公司文化。无论一家公司对混合办公的员工整体有什么期待,让新员工多回公司上班对他们都有好处。 A second question concerns how strictly to enforce attendance on days when teams are meant to be in the office. An emerging consensus holds that there should be agreed “anchor days” on which people come in; since the idea is to spend time together, as many people as possible should be there. But one person on the team might have moved somewhere godforsaken for the scenery back in 2020; someone else might have asked to stay home to let the plumber in. In practice, therefore, hybrid working still often means a mixture of people on screen and people in the flesh. 第二个问题是,在应该回办公室办公的日子里,出勤率要抓得多严。目前,大家逐渐形成了共识,应该设定统一回公司办公的“打卡日”,因为回公司的目的就是让大家在一起工作,那就让尽可能多的人一起出现。但是团队里可能有人因为2020年的疫情搬去了景美地偏的地方;也可能有人因为水管工上家里维修而要申请居家办公。所以在实操中,混合办公往往仍然意味着有些员工在线上,有些员工在线下。 “One virtual, all virtual” was an early refrain for these circumstances. At a meeting where some people were in the room and others were working from home, everyone dialled in on their own screens and deafened each other with feedback. But the research by Ms Emanuel and colleagues suggests that moving everything online is harmful. Before the pandemic, having a single colleague in a different building was associated with less feedback. Treating remote workers as second-class citizens may actually make sense on those days when people are expected to be in. 这样的情形早就招致“一人线上,全员上线”的抱怨。同一个会议里,有些人在公司里参加,有些人在家远程参加。结果最后大家都从各自的电脑接入会议,对着屏幕大声发表评论,震耳欲聋。然而,纳塔利娅·伊曼纽尔与合作者们的研究显示,把所有工作都转移到线上是有害的。疫情爆发前,哪怕只有一名同事不和其他人在同一栋楼里一起办公,都意味着反馈渠道不畅。那在应当现场办公的日子里,把远程办公的员工当作二等公民,或许也合情合理。 That logic also applies in reverse. One of the great worries about hybrid working is that it can encourage “proximity bias”, the phenomenon whereby bosses prefer employees with whom they have more face-to-face contact (“Fred may be useless but at least he’s being useless here”). Mr Bloom reckons that this problem can be alleviated if bosses who like the office make sure to work at home occasionally (Fred cannot gain as much of an edge by being seen if the boss isn’t always there to see him). 反之亦然。混合办公模式的一大隐忧是会催生“邻近偏见”。受“邻近偏见”的影响,老板会更青睐自己时常见到的员工(“费雷德工作能力是不强,但起码他人在办公室”)。尼古拉斯•布鲁姆认为,喜欢线下办公的老板若能偶尔居家办公就能减轻“邻近偏见”带来的影响(如果老板并没有经常见到弗雷德,那弗雷德占的优势就没有那么大)。 Other questions abound. How to define performance measures so managers do not spend time fretting about slackers at home? Do you require company-wide anchor days or team-level ones? The era of hybrid working is only just beginning, so it will take time for answers to emerge. But if there is a message from this first full year of hybridity, it is that flexibility does not mean a free-for-all. The elastic week needs some fairly rigid scaffolding. 除此以外,还有许多未解之题。如何制定绩效考核指标,这样管理者就不必为居家“摸鱼”的员工感到烦恼?是要在公司层面还是团队层面推行“打卡日”?混合办公的时代才刚刚拉开序幕,问题的解决还需要一段时间。但如果非要从混合办公元年得到一丝信息,那就是灵活不代表自由放任。弹性工作模式仍然需要一定程度的约束。 注:Anchor days: Anchor days are days that every team members comes into the workplace. Monthly, quarterly, a few times a year – whatever fits for the team or organisation. No rota or schedule, everyone comes together in the workplace for the primary purpose of being together.