看巴菲特如何“白嫖”日本 | 经济学人财经(征集考研经验贴)
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Warren Buffett is shaking Japan’s magic money tree
Huge gaps between American and Japanese interest rates offer opportunities
Shares in three of Japan’s five largest trading conglomerates reached record highs over the past week, following an announcement by Warren Buffett that he is keen to own more of their stock. It is just the latest good news for the firms. Itochu, Marubeni, Mitsui, Mitsubishi and Sumitomo Corporation have surged in value since Berkshire Hathaway, Mr Buffett’s investment firm, announced its first purchases on his 90th birthday in 2020. Since then, their share prices have risen by between 64% and 202%.
Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E4%BC%8A%E8%97%A4%E5%BF%A0%E5%95%86%E4%BA%8B
2.Marubeni: 红株式会社(日语振假名:まるべに,Marubeni Corporation)是日本的综合商社之一,隶属于瑞穗金融集团,经营项目横跨食品、造纸、化学、能源、金属、钢铁、电机、船舶、运输、物流、金融、保险、不动产等等诸多领域。
Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E4%B8%B8%E7%B4%85
3.Mitsui: 三井集团,是日本一个企业联合体,由二战前属三井财阀的各企业在战后组合而成的公司联盟。
Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E4%B8%89%E4%BA%95%E9%9B%86%E5%9C%98
4.Mitsubishi: 三菱集团,是日本一个企业联合体,为原三菱财阀解体后其旗下企业共同组成,总共包括约300家企业。
Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E8%8F%B1%E9%9B%86%E5%9B%A2
5.Sumitomo Corporation:住友商事,简称住商,是日本住友集团旗下的综合贸易公司。
Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E4%BD%8F%E5%8F%8B%E5%95%86%E4%BA%8B
Source: https://news.stcn.com/sd/202008/t20200831_2310617.html
Source: https://www.stcn.com/article/detail/840005.html
In some ways Japan and Mr Buffett are a match made in heaven. Mr Buffett is famed for his unerring focus on business fundamentals. Even after a recent sell-off in American stocks the broad Tokyo market is still far cheaper. Its price-to-earnings ratio (based on expected earnings over the next year) is around 13, compared with 18 in America. The trading firms Berkshire Hathaway has invested in—known in Japan as sogo shosha—are often seen as stodgy and reliable. All have price-to-earnings ratios of below ten and pay healthy dividends.
在某些方面,日本和巴菲特是“天作之合”。巴菲特以准确无误地关注商业基本面而闻名。即使是最近在美股惨遭抛售后,整个东京市场的价格仍然要便宜得多。日本的市盈率(基于明年的预期收益)约为13,而美国为18。伯克希尔·哈撒韦投资的贸易公司——在日本被称为综合商社(sogo shosha)——通常被认为保守而可靠。市盈率均低于十,并支付可观的股息。
1.sogo shosha:综合商社,A sogo shosha is a form of industrial organization and a kind of vertically integrated trading company that originated in Japan and for the most part has remained unique to Japan.
2.Stodgy:extremely old-fashioned
Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stodgy
Berkshire Hathaway’s Japan trade is revealing in other ways, too. It illustrates why the country may become a more appetising destination for other American investors. On April 14th the investment firm issued around $1.2bn in yen-denominated bonds, adding to the $7.8bn it issued from 2019 to 2022. Not only is Japan now Berkshire Hathaway’s second-largest investment location—the yen is also its second-largest funding currency. Even before the recent issuance, nearly a fifth of Berkshire Hathaway’s debt was denominated in yen.
The company is not borrowing because it is short of cash. Rather, the trade reveals the advantages of currency hedging. Borrowing as well as buying in yen protects Mr Buffett from falls in the currency’s value. And as a result of the gulf in interest rates between America and Japan, he can finance his investments using long-term loans charging less than 2% annually, while keeping his spare cash at home invested in government bonds earning almost 5%. Mr Buffett has questioned the merit of currency hedging in the past. Its appeal today seems to be irresistible. Borrowing in yen is so cheap relative to doing so in dollars that the trade is a no-brainer for investors with even a passing interest in Japanese stocks.
Of course, not every such investor can easily issue yen-denominated bonds. But those who cannot may exploit the monetary-policy gap with more straightforward currency hedges. Prices in forward and futures markets are determined by the difference in interest rates between the two economies in question. The surge in American but not Japanese interest rates over the past 18 months means that Japanese investors are paying an enormous premium to buy American assets and protect themselves from currency movements. American investors get a rather lovely premium when they do the same in the other direction.
The yen currently trades at 134 to the dollar, but currency-futures maturing in March next year give investors the opportunity to sell at 127 to the greenback. That locks in a 5% return over little less than a year. The only cost is that the buyer must hold yen for the whole period. For investors who want to own Japanese stocks, the return to hedging is essentially a bonus. The opportunity looks unlikely to disappear. Even if the Bank of Japan abandons its yield-curve-control policy, few analysts expect a big rise in Japanese rates.
The potential benefits are large. Over the past year, the msci usa index has provided net returns, including capital gains and dividends, of -5%. The msci Japan index, unhedged but in dollar terms, provided a return of 1%. The msci Japan Hedged index, based on the returns of Japanese stocks employing one-month-rolling-currency forwards, is up by 12% over the same period.
"one-month-rolling-currency forwards" 是一种金融工具,是一种货币对冲策略中的一种方法。它是一种外汇交易合约,用于在未来一个月的时间内,以预先协商的价格买入或卖出一种货币,以对冲可能的汇率波动风险。在这种策略中,合约会每月滚动,即到期后会再次签订一个新的合约,以保持对冲效果。这样的策略可以帮助投资者降低由于汇率波动引起的风险,特别是在涉及跨国投资的情况下。在这里,MSCI日本对冲指数使用了这种策略,通过购买和卖出一月期滚动货币远期合约来对冲日本股票投资在外币兑换中可能面临的风险。
It is probably only because of the enviable returns to American stocks over the past decade or so that more investors have not taken advantage of the Japanese bonus. But big names are beginning to jet to the other side of the Pacific. Elliott Management, an activist investor, has been rewarded for its intervention in Dai Nippon Printing. The company’s shares have surged by 46% this year. Meanwhile, Citadel, an American hedge fund, is reportedly reopening an office in Tokyo, having stayed away for the past 15 years. After a period in which the Japanese market has quietly offered solid returns, the example of Mr Buffett and other giants of American finance might draw a little more attention.
可能因为过去十年左右美国股市的可观回报,所以并没有太多投资者以上述方式去日本市场里捞金。但现在一些大牌投资机构开始冲向太平洋的另一边了。像激进投资者埃利奥特管理公司(Elliott Management)就在积极参与日本文化印刷株式会社(Dai Nippon Printing)运营后获得了可观的回报,该公司的股价今年已经涨了46%。同时,据说美国对冲基金城堡投资(Citadel)在离开东京十五年后,又重新开设了东京办公室。在日本市场闷声发大财之后,巴菲特等美国金融巨头的举动可能引起更多关注。
1.Elliott Management是一家美国的对冲基金公司,成立于1977年,总部位于纽约。该公司以其对企业进行激进干预和重组而闻名,经常通过购买公司股票来获取管理权并推动公司改革。李勇鸿曾是AC米兰足球俱乐部的前任所有者,他于2017年通过其公司Rossoneri Sport Investment Lux购买了AC米兰的控制权。然而,根据报道,他在购买AC米兰后不久就面临了财务困境,并未按照计划履行其对俱乐部的承诺。因此,Elliott Management在2018年通过收购AC米兰的债权并将其转换为股权,最终掌握了AC米兰的控制权,并进行了一系列的改革和重组。
2.Citadel,城堡资本,全球最大对冲基金之一。当然它还有另外一个身份。A股股民或许对司度这家公司有些印象。2015年股灾期间,有传闻称境外做空势力是导致A股大跌的元凶之一。当时一家名为司度贸易的外资公司因账户频繁申报或频繁撤销申报、涉嫌影响证券交易价格,被沪深交易所限制交易。司度正是Citadel Securities的全资子公司。去年,在长达五年的调查之后司度同意支付1亿美元,就涉嫌违反账户管理使用的有关规定与中国监管达成和解协议。
Summerr,Stay hungry, stay foolish
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