


译者 | 孙沛 南开大学法学硕士

一审 | 俞悠悠 国际关系学院本科

二审 | 孙济民 中国人民大学法学院

编辑 | NYZ 武汉大学本科

         于杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 | 王有蓉 西安外国语大学本科



01 Reasonable Moral Doubt

02 Regulating for Energy Justice


Implementing the Hague Judgments Convention



Reasonable Moral Doubt



Sentencing outcomes turn on moral and evaluative determinations. For example, a finding of "irreparable corruption" is generally a precondition for juvenile life without parole. A finding that the "aggravating factors outweigh the mitigating factors" determines whether a defendant receives the death penalty. Should such moral determinations that expose defendants to extraordinary penalties be subject to a standard of proof? A broad range of federal and state courts have purported to decide this issue “in the abstract and without reference to our sentencing case law,” as the Supreme Court recently put it in Kansas v. Carr. According to these courts, “it would mean nothing” to ask whether the defendant "deserves mercy beyond a reasonable doubt" or "more-likely-than-not deserves it" because moral questions are not “factual.” Instead, moral determinations are highly subjective "value calls" to which concepts of doubt and certainty do not intelligibly apply.

道德和价值判断会影响量刑结果。例如,“永久不可矫正”通常是判处青少年终身监禁且不得假释的前提条件;对“加重处罚因素多于减轻处罚因素”的认定结果,决定了被告是否被判处死刑。这种使被告受到特别刑罚的道德判断,是否应该遵循一定的证据标准?正如最高法院最近在Kansas v. Carr案中提出的,许多法院 "抽象地、不参照我们的判决案例法"来决定这个问题。根据这些法院的说法,考虑被告“在排除合理怀疑的情况下值得宽赦”还是“更有可能不值得宽赦”是毫无意义的,因为道德问题并非“事实”。相反,道德判断是具有高度主观性的“价值呼吁”,怀疑和确定性的概念并不适用于此。

Implicit in these rulings is a controversial view of the nature of moral judgment. This Article traces the contours of the view and argues that it is out of step with the way the broader public thinks about morality and fails to address the issues defendants have raised. Courts should avoid wading into such controversial waters for two reasons. First, the judiciary has historically maintained neutrality on issues of significant public concern. Second, even if moral determinations are not factual, applying a standard of proof to at least some moral decisions at sentencing would change the outcome of the sentencers deliberations and improve the legitimacy of the legal system. For the reasonableness of doubt depends on context, and moral questions—“Are you certain the defendant deserves death?”—make salient the stakes relative to which a person should decide what to believe about ordinary empirical matters. On the resulting view, reasonable doubt in the final moral analysis is not just intelligible, but essential for correcting a bias in the structure of the bifurcated criminal trial that systematically disadvantages defendants: the tendency for de-contextualized "factual findings" in the guilt phase to control outcomes at sentencing.




Regulating for Energy Justice




In this Article, we explore and critique the foundational norms that shape federal and state energy regulation and suggest pathways for reform that can incorporate principles of “energy justice.” These energy justice principles—developed in academic scholarship and social movements—include the equitable distribution of costs and benefits of the energy system, equitable participation and representation in energy decisionmaking, and restorative justice for structurally marginalized groups. 


While new legislation, particularly at the state level, is critical to the effort to advance energy justice, our focus here is on regulators ability to implement reforms now using their existing authority to advance the public interest and establish just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rates, charges, and practices. Throughout the Article, we challenge the longstanding narrative that utility regulators are engaged solely in a technical ratemaking exercise in setting utility rates. We argue that rate setting is and always has been social policy implemented within a legislative framework designed to promote the public interest. As we explain, when regulators and advocates expressly recognize this fact, it creates new opportunities for the regulatory system to achieve energy justice goals. 


Through our reexamination of energy system governance, we evaluate new approaches to advance the public interest and set just and reasonable rates for energy consumers. These new approaches consider system benefits as well as costs, enhance universal and affordable access to utility service, alleviate income constraints on residential energy consumption as an economic development tool, increase equitable access to distributed energy resources such as energy efficiency upgrades and rooftop solar, and enhance procedural justice in ratemaking proceedings. We argue that over the long run, these pathways to a more just energy system align the interests of all system stakeholders by creating community wealth and collective prosperity.




Implementing the Hague Judgments Convention



A specter is haunting The Hague—the specter of American federalism. On July 2, 2019, the Hague Conference on Private International Law finalized the Hague Judgments Convention. The Convention seeks to establish a global floor for judgment recognition and promote seamless recognition and enforcement of judgments between signatories. Although virtually all observers in the United States recognize the value and importance of ratifying the Convention, stakeholders cannot agree on how to implement it: by federal statute or by uniform state law. Proponents of a so-called "cooperative federalism" approach to implementation, principally led by the Uniform Law Commission (ULC), have previously derailed U.S. ratification of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (COCA) by insisting that principles of federalism required implementation through uniform state law. This argument is wrong as a matter of doctrine and policy. It is time to put it to rest once and for all.

一个美国联邦主义的幽灵在海牙游荡。2019年7月2日,海牙国际私法会议(HHCH)通过了《海牙判决公约》(Hague Judgments Convention,以下简称“《公约》”)。《公约》致力于构建判决承认的全球性平台,促进判决在缔约国之间顺畅承认与执行。尽管所有美国的观察者都认识到批准《公约》的价值与重要性,但利益相关者在如何执行《公约》的问题上无法达成一致:通过联邦法律还是统一的州法律。主要由统一法律委员会(Uniform Law Commission,“ULC”)领导的所谓“合作联邦主义”的支持者曾通过坚持主张联邦制原则需要通过统一的州法实施,阻挠了美国对《海牙选择法院协议公约》 (COCA,Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements) 的批准。这一观点在理论和政策上都是错误的,彻底纠正这种观点正当其时。

This Note is the first piece of scholarship to squarely address the "cooperative federalism" argument as applied to the Hague Judgments Convention. It makes two principal arguments. First, it identifies the principles that ought to guide the implementation of a treaty on foreign judgments recognition and concludes that federal implementing legislation optimizes these interests. Implementation primarily by uniform state law is inferior and poses serious disadvantages. Second, the ULCs primary legal objection to the implementation proposal for the COCA outlined by the State Department—that the doctrine of Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins prohibits federal courts sitting in diversity jurisdiction from applying federal rules of decision prescribed by federal statute—was meritless in 2012, and it is meritless now. If any objections remain to implementing the Judgments Convention by federal statute, they are about turf and ideology. To the extent that the relevant stakeholders want to accommodate those political objections, this Note concludes by briefly outlining areas for compromise.

本文是首篇直接研究适用于《海牙判决公约》的“合作联邦主义”论点的学术研究。本文有两个主要论点。第一,确定了指导国外判决承认条约执行的原则,并得出结论,通过联邦法律执行《公约》能够优化利益。通过统一州法律执行则存在劣势,并会带来严重的弊端。第二,对于美国国务院提出的《海牙选择法院协议公约》(COCA)执行建议,统一法律委员会(ULC)的主要反对意见是,根据Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins案确立的规则,行使异籍管辖权的联邦法院不得适用联邦法律规定的联邦裁决规则,这在彼时和当下都是毫无理由的。对于通过联邦法律执行《公约》,反对意见都是基于势力范围与意识形态问题。在利益相关者希望接纳这些政治反对意见的情况下,本文最后简述了可以妥协的领域。



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