法律翻译 | 《纽约大学法律评论》第97卷第3期

法律翻译 | 《纽约大学法律评论》第97卷第3期


译者 | 司徒沛宏 纽约大学LL.M.

审稿 | 岳文豪 上海交通大学法学硕士

         陈飞越 爱丁堡LLM

编辑 | 李薇 浙江工商大学本科

         李建云 湖南师范大学本科

编 王有蓉 中国政法大学硕士


New York University Law Review Volume 97, Number 3

  01. Reflections About Judicial Independence


  02. The Power of the Prior Conviction


  03. Natural Transplants


  04. Gerrylaundering




Reflections About Judicial Independence


作者:Sonia Sotomayor




The Power of the Prior Conviction


作者:Jane Kelly



Before becoming a judge, I worked as a federal public defender for nearly twenty years. Over that time, I represented hundreds of clients. During my first meetings with them and the ones that followed, my clients were focused on defending themselves against what they had just been charged with. I was, of course, always interested in having these conversations. But I also wanted to talk as soon as possible about their prior convictions.


This interest in my clients’ criminal records was not always intuitive to them, especially those who had not been charged with a crime in years. If they were being accused of selling cocaine the day before, why did it matter that they had been convicted for robbery ten years earlier? I had to explain that their prior convictions were inextricable from the charges they were now facing.


In the federal system, every decision a criminal defendant makes is made in the long shadow cast by the sentence they might receive. These sentences tend to be significant—terms of imprisonment often much longer than a person would face for similar conduct in state court. Aside from immigration offenses, firearm and drug offenses are the most commonly prosecuted federal crimes. And the sentence imposed upon conviction is driven in significant part by a person’s prior record. Under federal recidivism statutes, prior convictions can trigger a mandatory minimum sentence and increase a statutory maximum sentence enormously. For example, the Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA), one of the federal recidivist statutes that I will be discussing in more detail shortly, converts a statutory range of zero to ten years for unlawful possession of a firearm to a statutory minimum of fifteen years, up to life, for someone who has three or more prior convictions for “violent felon[ies]” or “serious drug offense[s].”


Similarly, under federal drug laws, mandatory minimum sentences are triggered not only by the total quantity of drugs involved in the offense, but also by a person’s prior record. Under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA)—the primary federal statute that criminalizes drug distribution—if you sell fifty grams or more of pure methamphetamine and are convicted, that is not just a fair amount of meth; it is also a sentence of no less than ten years. But if you have served a sentence of a year or more on a conviction for either a “serious drug felony” or a “serious violent felony,” the minimum sentence on your new federal charge may increase to fifteen years. If you have two such prior convictions, your sentence would be no less than twenty-five years in prison. And the United States Sentencing Guidelines range—which must be calculated and considered for every federal sentencing—similarly places great weight on a person’s prior criminal record.

类似的,根据联邦毒品法,除了涉案毒品的总量,被告人的前科记录同样可以触发强制性最低刑罚。根据《管制物质法》(CSA)-将毒品分销入罪的主要联邦法规-的规定,如果有人出售50克或更多的纯甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)并被定罪,这不仅意味着相当数量的冰毒,同时也代表了该人将获得不少于十年的刑期。但如果该人曾因 “严重毒品重罪 ”或“严重暴力重罪 ”服刑一年或以上,那新罪的刑期可能会增加到15年。如果这样的前科有两次,那刑期将不低于25年。而每次联邦量刑时都必须衡量和考虑的《美国量刑指南》同样把一个人的先前犯罪记录视为举足轻重。

There can be little dispute that the prior conviction plays a powerful role in federal sentencing. Yet why it does, whether it should, and what we might miss by taking its value for granted are issues worth exploring. What does a prior conviction really tell us about a person? And how comfortable should we be in relying on it as heavily as we do in federal court when determining the appropriate sentence for an individual defendant, especially when the result is a sentence of incarceration of years or even decades?


In considering these questions, I first provide some historical perspective, before looking at how we use prior convictions in federal sentencing and reviewing some of the criticisms of the current framework. Then, I expand on some of those criticisms to propose that we reexamine the wisdom of that framework. When we rely so heavily on prior convictions, I suggest, we do more than simply factor in a person’s prior unlawful conduct. We also risk importing a number of broader racial and socioeconomic inequities that may have contributed to the making of that prior conviction in the first instance.


I will note here that prior convictions affect litigants in the federal system in numerous ways beyond sentencing. Before a person is even arrested, a police officer’s knowledge that they have a criminal record can support the officer’s decision to stop and search them without a warrant. At the charging stage, a prior felony conviction can transform possession of a firearm from a legal activity—indeed an activity afforded constitutional protection—to an illegal one, a crime nearly 8,000 people were convicted of in 2019, over half of whom were Black. In the rare case that goes to trial in federal court, a defendant’s prior convictions can be used against them to prove their intent to commit the charged crime or, if they take the stand, to impeach them. Looking beyond criminal law, in immigration cases the fact and details of a person’s criminal record take on tremendous importance in determining their eligibility for lawful status. These are all important topics. But my focus here will be on how and why the prior conviction plays a role in federal sentencing—and specifically on the shortcomings of the current approach.




Natural Transplants


作者:Vanessa Xasado Pérez, Yael R. Lifshitz


Policymakers are constantly faced with the complex task of managing novel challenges. At times, these challenges result from new technologies: Consider fights over allocating air rights for drones or decisions about how to share scarce vaccines in a pandemic. Other times the resources are old, but the challenges are new, such as how to fairly allocate water in times of unprecedented drought or previously undesirable rare earth minerals that are in demand for modern manufacturing and energy production. Often, instead of carefully tailoring a regime to the new resource, decisionmakers simply rely on mechanisms they are familiar with. When jurisdictions borrow from each other, scholars call this a “legal transplant”—as when one state copies another state’s innovations or when the federal government learns from the “laboratories of democracy.” This Article unveils a new dimension of legal transplants: transplants across subject areas. By transplants across subject areas, this article refers to instances when a jurisdiction looks for doctrines in other legal areas, often within its own legal system, when regulating a new resource or addressing a new challenge.


This Article makes three key contributions. First, it identifies a new type of transplant—between subject matters within a jurisdiction. Second, it analyzes the reasons for internal, cross-subject legal transplants and the criteria for selecting which subject areas to copy from. Third, the Article brings the legal transplants literature to bear, specifically, on natural resource law. It explores two cases, groundwater and wind energy, where policymakers and courts have borrowed from other resource schemes, often ignoring the scientific and social differences between these natural resources. Other areas of law, such as the incorporation of contract doctrines in landlord-tenant relations, are also described to show the explanatory power of the natural transplant framework. This conceptual framework is then applied to new mineral developments in space and the deep sea. Cross-subject transplants may be more prevalent than previously appreciated, and understanding them will pave the way to analyze the regulation of new developments in natural resources, infrastructure, and beyond.






作者:Robert Yablon


As they carry out their decennial redistricting duties, those in power sometimes audaciously manipulate district lines to secure an electoral advantage. In other words, they gerrymander. Often, however, the existing map already gives those in power a significant edge, and they may see little need for an overhaul. For them, the name of the game during redistricting is continuity rather than change.


This Article introduces the concept of “gerrylaundering” to describe mapmakers’ efforts to lock in their favorable position by preserving key elements of the existing map. Gerrylaundering and gerrymandering both serve anti-competitive ends, but they do so through different means. Unlike gerrymandering, gerrylaundering requires no conspicuous cracking and packing of disfavored voters. Instead, it involves what this Article dubs locking and stocking: Mapmakers lock in prior district configurations to the extent possible and stock each new district with one incumbent. Based on a review of redistricting practices in all fifty states, this Article concludes that gerrylaundering is widespread and that self-serving mapmakers commonly combine gerrylaundering and gerrymandering techniques in varying proportions to achieve their preferred results.


Recognizing gerrylaundering as a phenomenon enriches existing redistricting discourse by spotlighting the insidious nature of continuity strategies: They serve to advantage those in power, yet, since they appear more restrained than radical redesigns, they come with a veneer of legitimacy. This Article concludes that the veneer is thin. As a legal matter, efforts to preserve district cores and protect incumbents do not stand on the same footing as efforts to comply with traditional geographic districting principles. As a policy matter, gerrylaundering is more likely to subvert core democratic values than to foster them. At least two significant takeaways follow: First, courts should approach continuity criteria skeptically both when they review challenges to redistricting plans and when they draw maps themselves. Second, and more broadly, minimizing the legacy of prior maps has the potential to inject healthy dynamism into our system of district-based representation.




[1]政治学术语,常用语府际关系即中央政府以及地方政府之间的关系,州和地方政府被中央政府视为“民主实验室”。该名词源于New State Ice Co v. Liebmann, 1932一案,该案的大法官Brandeis认为,由某个州的公民来选择,让这个州作为实验室,去尝试新的社会和经济模式,同时也不会对其他地区构成威胁。这一思想在联邦制的框架内塑造了美国各州的自治权,这些州被用作社会“实验室”,以类似于科学方法的方式制定和检验法律和政策。

[2]Gerrymander直译为不公正的划分选区以使某政党获得优势。该词最早出现在1812年,当时的麻省州长Elbridge Gerry为了谋求本党派利益,专门签署法案,将州内选区重新划分,形似火蜥蜴,又名蝾螈。随后当地社论漫画家将州长的姓氏杰利(Gerry)和蝾螈(Salamander)的词尾合并,造出“杰利蝾螈”(gerrymander)一词,以此来讽刺不公平划分选区的做法。



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